Graphics Administration Guide for HP-UX 10.20. After using this document for a while, please fill out
the Reader Reply form. Or, just e-mail us your comments at
Graphics Administration Guide for HP-UX 10.20
Supported Visuals ............................................................................................................................................................51
Supported Screen Options................................................................................................................................................51
Colormaps and Colormap Management..........................................................................................................................51
Accessing HP Color Recovery Technology via Xlib ........................................................................................................52
Supported Visuals ............................................................................................................................................................54
Supported Screen Options................................................................................................................................................54
CRX-24[Z] DEVICE-DEPENDENT INFORMATION...................................................................................................................55
Supported Visuals ............................................................................................................................................................55
Supported Screen Options................................................................................................................................................55
CRX-24[Z] Transparent Overlay Visuals ........................................................................................................................55
CRX-48Z DEVICE-DEPENDENT INFORMATION .....................................................................................................................56
Supported Visuals ............................................................................................................................................................56
Supported Screen Options................................................................................................................................................56
CRX-48Z Transparent Overlay Visuals ...........................................................................................................................56
HCRX AND HP VISUALIZE DEVICE-DEPENDENT INFORMATION .......................................................................................57
Supported Visuals ............................................................................................................................................................58
Supported Screen Options................................................................................................................................................59
HP VISUALIZE-EG Modes..............................................................................................................................................59
HCRX Configuration Hints..............................................................................................................................................60
Accessing HP Color Recovery Technology via Xlib ........................................................................................................64
HP VISUALIZE-FX (FX2, FX4 AND FX6) DEVICE-DEPENDENT INFORMATION....................................................................67
Supported Visuals ............................................................................................................................................................67
Supported Screen Options................................................................................................................................................70
HP VISUALIZE-FX Configuration Hints.........................................................................................................................70
HP VISUALIZE-FXE, FX5 AND FX10 DEVICE-DEPENDENT INFORMATION........................................................................73
Disable 12 Bit Direct Color Visual..................................................................................................................................73
Supported Visuals ............................................................................................................................................................73
HP VISUALIZE-FXE/5/10 Configuration Hints ..............................................................................................................74
Freedom Series Graphics Device-Dependent Information ..............................................................................................75
VRX DEVICE-DEPENDENT INFORMATION.............................................................................................................................77
VRX Device Files .............................................................................................................................................................77
CHAPTER 4: X WINDOWS CONFIGURATION DETAILS............................................................................................79
MAKING AN X*.HOSTS FILE ..................................................................................................................................................79
X0.hosts and X0screens Relation .....................................................................................................................................79
Using an /etc/hosts File....................................................................................................................................................80
USING SPECIAL INPUT DEVICES.............................................................................................................................................80
How the X Server Chooses the Default Keyboard and Pointer........................................................................................80
X*devices File..................................................................................................................................................................81
Explicitly Specifying Input Device Use ............................................................................................................................82
Explicitly Specifying RS-232 Input Device Use ...............................................................................................................82
Specifying hp-HIL Input Device Use by Device File Name .............................................................................................85
Redefining the hp-HIL Search Path .................................................................................................................................86
Stopping the X Window System........................................................................................................................................86
INITIALIZING THE COLORMAP WITH XINITCOLORMAP............................................................................................................87
CUSTOMIZING THE MOUSE AND KEYBOARD..........................................................................................................................88
Going Mouseless with the X*pointerkeys File .................................................................................................................89
Customizing Keyboard Input............................................................................................................................................97
USING THE KEYBOARDS ......................................................................................................................................................100
Understanding the Keyboards........................................................................................................................................100
Default Keyboard Mapping............................................................................................................................................101
Equivalent Keys..............................................................................................................................................................101
Changing Key Mapping .................................................................................................................................................101
COMPATIBILITY CONSIDERATIONS ......................................................................................................................................103
Graphics Administration Guide for HP-UX 10.20
RE-INSTALLING POWERSHADE............................................................................................................................................104
3D GRAPHICS PERFORMANCE..............................................................................................................................................104
Texture Mapping............................................................................................................................................................105
hp PEX Graphics Performance......................................................................................................................................106
hp-PHIGS Graphics Performance .................................................................................................................................109
3D THREAD-SAFING ............................................................................................................................................................115
General Information ......................................................................................................................................................115
SIGALRM Details ..........................................................................................................................................................116
SIGCHLD and the GRM Daemon..................................................................................................................................117
SIGCHLD and the Starbase Input Daemon ...................................................................................................................118
SIGPIPE Details ............................................................................................................................................................118
GAMMA CORRECTION .........................................................................................................................................................118
Why Is Gamma Correction Needed?..............................................................................................................................119
Monitor Brightness and Contrast...................................................................................................................................120
How to Install the Gamma Icon Into your CDE Front Panel ........................................................................................120
Using the Gamma Correction Tool................................................................................................................................123
HP CDE AND HP VUE..........................................................................................................................................................124
SHARED MEMORY USAGE ...................................................................................................................................................124
REFERENCE DOCUMENTATION ............................................................................................................................................125
DESCRIPTION .......................................................................................................................................................................126
STARTING UP.......................................................................................................................................................................127
DISPLAY NAMES..................................................................................................................................................................128
ACCESS CONTROL ...............................................................................................................................................................129
GEOMETRY SPECIFICATIONS................................................................................................................................................130
WINDOW MANAGERS ..........................................................................................................................................................131
FONT NAMES .......................................................................................................................................................................131
FONT SERVER NAMES..........................................................................................................................................................133
COLOR NAMES ....................................................................................................................................................................133
KEYBOARDS ........................................................................................................................................................................135
OPTIONS ..............................................................................................................................................................................136
RESOURCES .........................................................................................................................................................................137
DIAGNOSTICS ......................................................................................................................................................................141
SEE ALSO ............................................................................................................................................................................142
COPYRIGHT .........................................................................................................................................................................142
APPENDIX B: X SERVER REFERENCE PAGE............................................................................................................143
NAME ..................................................................................................................................................................................143
DESCRIPTION .......................................................................................................................................................................143
OPTIONS ..............................................................................................................................................................................144
SECURITY FILE FORMAT......................................................................................................................................................147
RUNNING FROM INIT..........................................................................................................................................................151
GRANTING ACCESS..............................................................................................................................................................151
SIGNALS ..............................................................................................................................................................................152
DIAGNOSTICS ......................................................................................................................................................................153
FILES ...................................................................................................................................................................................154
NOTES .................................................................................................................................................................................154
COPYRIGHT .........................................................................................................................................................................154
ORIGIN ................................................................................................................................................................................154
SEE ALSO ............................................................................................................................................................................155
Graphics Administration Guide for HP-UX 10.20
APPENDIX C: LOW BANDWIDTH X PROXY ...............................................................................................................156
NAME ..................................................................................................................................................................................156
DESCRIPTION .......................................................................................................................................................................156
ATOM CONTROL..................................................................................................................................................................159
NOTES .................................................................................................................................................................................159
ORIGIN ................................................................................................................................................................................159
SEE ALSO ............................................................................................................................................................................159
APPENDIX D: RX NETSCAPE NAVIGATOR PLUG-IN...............................................................................................160
NAME ..................................................................................................................................................................................160
DESCRIPTION .......................................................................................................................................................................160
RESOURCES .........................................................................................................................................................................161
ENVIRONMENT ....................................................................................................................................................................162
NOTES .................................................................................................................................................................................162
ORIGIN ................................................................................................................................................................................162
SEE ALSO ............................................................................................................................................................................162
APPENDIX E: PROXY MANAGER SERVICE...............................................................................................................163
NAME ..................................................................................................................................................................................163
DESCRIPTION .......................................................................................................................................................................163
PROXY MANAGER CONFIG FILE ..........................................................................................................................................164
PROXY MANAGER DETAILS.................................................................................................................................................165
NOTES .................................................................................................................................................................................165
ORIGIN ................................................................................................................................................................................166
SEE ALSO ............................................................................................................................................................................166
APPENDIX F: LOCATE PROXY SERVICES..................................................................................................................167
NAME ..................................................................................................................................................................................167
DESCRIPTION .......................................................................................................................................................................167
ORIGIN ................................................................................................................................................................................168
SEE ALSO ............................................................................................................................................................................168
APPENDIX G: RX HELPER PROGRAM........................................................................................................................169
NAME ..................................................................................................................................................................................169
DESCRIPTION .......................................................................................................................................................................169
OPTIONS ..............................................................................................................................................................................170
RESOURCES .........................................................................................................................................................................170
ENVIRONMENT ....................................................................................................................................................................170
NOTES .................................................................................................................................................................................171
ORIGIN ................................................................................................................................................................................171
SEE ALSO ............................................................................................................................................................................171
Graphics Administration Guide for HP-UX 10.20
About this Guide
Graphics Administration Guide:
Information for Programmers, System Administrators, and End-Users
Copyright © June 1997, June 1998, June 2000 Hewlett-Packard Company HP 9000 Workstations
The information contained in this document is subject to change without notice.
Hewlett-Packard provides the following material "as is" and makes no warranty of any kind with regard
to this manual, including, but not limited to, the implied warranties of merchantability and fitness for a
particular purpose. Hewlett-Packard shall not be liable for errors contained herein or direct, indirect,
special, incidental or consequential damages (including lost profits) in connection with the furnishing,
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Some states do not allow the exclusion of implied warranties or the limitation or exclusion of liability
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This warranty gives you specific legal rights, and you may also have other rights which vary from state
to state.
Hewlett-Packard assumes no responsibility for the use or reliability of its software on equipment that is
not furnished by Hewlett-Packard.
A copy of the specific warranty terms applicable to your Hewlett-Packard product and replacement parts
can be obtained from your local Sales and Service Office.
This document contains information which is protected by copyright. All rights are reserved.
Reproduction, adaptation, or translation without prior written permission is prohibited, except as
allowed under the copyright laws.
Restricted Rights Legend
Use, duplication or disclosure by the U.S. Government is subject to restrictions as set forth in
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Graphics Administration Guide for HP-UX 10.20
Page 6
Printing History
New editions of this manual will incorporate all material updated since the previous edition. Update
packages may be issued between editions and contain replacement and additional pages to be merged
into the manual by the user. Each updated page will be indicated by a revision date at the bottom of the
page. A vertical bar in the margin indicates the changes on each page.
Note: Pages which are rearranged due to changes on a previous page are not considered revised.
The manual printing date and part number indicate its current edition. The printing date changes when a
new edition is printed. (Minor corrections and updates which are incorporated at reprint do not cause the
date to change.) The manual part number changes when extensive technical changes are incorporated.
June 2000. . . Edition 3. This document is valid for HP9000 workstations running HP-UX 10.20 along
with the December 1999 Workstation ACE and Quality Pack.
Graphics Administration Guide for HP-UX 10.20
Page 7
Why This Document?
This document was created to fill a need that became evident as Hewlett-Packard began to offer multiple
Application Programmer Interfaces (APIs). The situation was this: As HP created one API, say,
Starbase, particular aspects of graphical operation were noted and diligently explained in the Starbase
documentation. However, some of these aspects were not unique to Starbase, they pertained to graphics
operation in general: they applied to all of our APIs. Therefore, those users who had HP-PHIGS would
be encountering some of the same graphical questions that were already well-documented in the
Starbase documentation. But HP-PHIGS users wouldn't necessarily have the Starbase documentation.
Are they just out of luck? The same situation occurred with HP PEX and OpenGL.
Our dilemma was this: do we copy the general-graphics explanations that already existed in the Starbase
documentation, into the documentation for the other APIs as well? This would mean two, three, or even
more virtually identical copies of the same explanations in different places, requiring similar changes in
each whenever new capabilities or devices were introduced. And if all documents containing these
similar explanations were not reprinted simultaneously, "current" documents for the various APIs might
contradict each other.
This document provides a more elegant solution. While the API-specific documents still contain most of
their previous contents, the general graphical information common to all APIs was moved here.
Examples include:
• Pathnames: Locations of important files.
• Creating device files: Regardless of whether it is Starbase, HP-PHIGS, or HP PEX that creates
an image, you have to tell the operating system where the display is and how to talk to it.
• Compiling and Linking: The process of turning your source code into executable code has
many common ideas, regardless of API or file system structure.
• X Windows issues: All APIs interact with X windows, so non-unique X Windows information
comes here.
The above topics, and others as well, are good candidates for a common area. With this approach, only
one copy of the common information need exist, and revisions can happen in a more timely manner, and
at less risk of contradicting other documents.
Graphics Administration Guide for HP-UX 10.20
Page 8
Document Conventions
Below is a list of the typographical conventions used in this document:
mknod /usr/include
Verbatim computer literals are in computer font. Text in this style is letter-for-letter verbatim
and, depending on the context, should be typed in exactly as specified, or is named exactly as
In every case...
Emphasized words are in italic type.
. . .device is a freen. . .
New terms being introduced are in bold-faced type.
. . .the <device_id>. . .
Conceptual values are in italic type, enclosed in angle brackets. These items are not verbatim
values, but are descriptors of the type of item it is, and the user should replace the conceptual
item with whatever value is appropriate for the context.
Graphics Administration Guide for HP-UX 10.20
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Chapter 1: Pathnames
This chapter contains information on locating files that reside at some location in the file system.
Using “whence”
There are two main methods of finding files, assuming you know the name of the file you're looking for.
The first method is to use the Korn-shell command whence, which tells you where commands reside (if
you're not using the Korn shell, you can use the system command whereis):
$ whence mknod
The above approach, while satisfactory in many cases, has two limitations:
• First, the directory in which the command resides must be one of the entries in the PATH
variable; if it is not, it won't be found. So in a sense, whence and whereis can only find things if
you tell them where to look. They are still valuable, though: you may not remember which, of
the dozens of directories that may be in your PATH variable, is where a particular command
resides. Also, if you have two commands of the same name in two different directories, whence
and whereis will tell you which one will be found first, and thus executed.
• Secondly, both whence and whereis only find executable files; that is, commands (both compiled
programs and shell scripts). If you want to find a file that is not executable, an include file, for
instance, whence and whereis will not find it, even if the include file's directory is in your PATH.
To find non-executable files, you can use find, discussed below.
Using “find”
The find command will find any file in your file system, executable or not. For example, to locate the
include file we couldn't locate above, you could say:
$ find / -name '<file_name>'
where <file_name> is the name of the file you're looking for. In the above example, the "/" is the root
directory, and everything is under that, so assuming you specified the correct file name, and it is
somewhere in the file system, the above command is guaranteed to find what you're looking for, though
it might take a while. You can shorten the search time by giving a subdirectory here, if you know it; for
example, "find /opt ...". Also, you can specify just a partial filename; find will locate all files containing
a specified substring in their names. The find command has many other options for refining a search; see
the reference page for details.
Graphics Administration Guide for HP-UX 10.20
Page 10
Subsequent sections of this chapter contain the actual pathnames referred to in other HP graphics API
documents, such as Starbase, PEX, etc. A particular paragraph might refer to, say, the <demos>
Find the API you're looking for. In that section is an alphabetical list of "generic names", the file system
path references used in the other documents and with each you will see its actual location in the file
Generic Name
Location in the file system
Graphics Administration Guide for HP-UX 10.20
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Generic Name
Location in the file system
<phigs-examples> /opt/graphics/phigs/examples
Graphics Administration Guide for HP-UX 10.20
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Location in the file system
Generic Name
<cge-examples> /opt/graphics/PEX5/examples/cge
<ora-examples> /opt/graphics/PEX5/examples/OReilly
<pex-examples> /opt/graphics/PEX5/examples
Graphics Administration Guide for HP-UX 10.20
Page 13
Chapter 2: Compiling Your Application
This chapter provides information for compiling your application with either archived or shared libraries
for the following Application Programming Interfaces (APIs): Starbase, HP-PHIGS, and HP PEX.
Compiling examples are given for C, Fortran, and Pascal.
The actual pathnames of the conceptual (<italicized and angle-bracketed>) directory names in this
Compiling Starbase Applications
Compiling with Shared Libraries
The compiler programs (cc, f77, and pc) link with Starbase shared libraries by default. Starbase will
explicitly load the appropriate device driver library at run time when you compile and link with the
shared library <common> /lib/, or use the -lhpgfx option. This loading occurs at gopen(3G)
Assuming you are using ksh(1), to compile and link a C program for use with the shared library driver,
use the forms below.
cc example.c –I<sb-incl> -L<common> -L<sb-lib> -lXwindow \ -lhpgfx -lXhp11 -lX11 -lm -ldld -o
fort77 example.f –I<sb-incl> -L<common> -L<sb-lib> -lXwindow \ -lhpgfx -lXhp11 -lX11 -lm -ldld -o
For Pascal:
pc example.p –I<sb-incl> -Wl,-L<common> -Wl,-L<sb-lib> \ -lXwindow -lhpgfx -lXhp11 -lX11 -lm -
ldld -o example
Compiling with Archive Libraries
You can link the appropriate library, for your specific device driver, to a program by using any one of
the following:
• The path name <sb-lib>/<library_name>.a;
• An appropriate relative path name; or
• The –ldd<device_driver> option (for example, -lddhcrx) with the LDOPTS environment
variable set to -a archive and exported. Or (preferred because of fewer side-effects), "-Wl,-
Graphics Administration Guide for HP-UX 10.20
Page 14
By default, the linker program ld(1) looks for a shared library driver first and then the archive library
driver if a shared library was not found. By using "-Wl,-a,archive" (or exporting the LDOPTS variable),
the -l option will refer only to archive drivers.
Because the archive library libhpgfx1.a references functionality in libXext.a, it is necessary to explicitly
link libXext.a with your program. Otherwise, the linker will have undefined references.
Assuming you are using ksh(1), to compile and link a C program for use with this driver, use the forms
The "" below specifies the dynamic loader, which is available only in shared-library form.
cc example.c –I<sb-incl> -Wl,-a,archive –L<common> -L<sb-lib> \ -ldd<device_driver> -lXwindow -
lhpgfx1 -lhpgfx2 -lXhp11 \ -lXext -lX11 -Wl,-E -Wl,+n -lm -o example
For FORTRAN, use:
fort77 example.f –I<sb-incl> -Wl,-a,archive –L<common> \ -L<sb-lib>-ldd<device_driver> -
lXwindow -lhpgfx1 -lhpgfx2 \ -lXhp11 -lXext -lX11 -Wl,-E -Wl,+n -lm \ -o example
For Pascal, use:
pc example.p –I<sb-incl> -Wl,-a,archive -Wl,-L<common> \ -Wl,-L<sb-lib> -ldd<device_driver> -
lXwindow -lhpgfx1 \ -lhpgfx2 -lXhp11 -lXext -lX11 -Wl,-E -Wl,+n \ -lm -o example
Compiling HP-PHIGS Applications
Compiling with Shared Libraries
If you are using shared libraries, as we recommend, linking is device-independent. To compile a C
program using shared libraries, you would use the following command:
cc example.c –I<phigs-incl> -L<common>/lib –L<phigs-lib> \-I<phigs-widget>/Motif1.2_R6 -
lXwindow -lphigs -ldl \ -lhpgfx -ldld -lXhp11 -lXi -lXext -lX11 -lm -o example
FORTRAN users can simply replace cc with fort77 in the above command. Also, if you are a
FORTRAN user and prefer using the f77 command, you can replace cc with f77 and change linking
options that are specified as follows:
For more information on compiling and linking, read the section "PHIGS PLUS Differences Between
HP-PHIGS 2.2/2.3 and 3.0" in the chapter "Functional Overview" in the HP-PHIGS Graphics
Techniques manual.
Graphics Administration Guide for HP-UX 10.20
Page 15
Compiling with Archive Libraries
If you are using archived libraries, you need to include your device's driver library.
Note: Shared libraries are used by default unless you specify that you want to use archived libraries (by
specifying "-Wl,-a,archive").
To compile a C program using archived libraries, you would use the following command:
cc example.c –I<phigs-incl> -Wl,-a,archive –L<common>/lib \ -L<phigs-lib> -I<phigs-
widget>/Motif1.2_R6 –ldddl<device_drivers> \ -Wl,-E -Wl,+n -lXwindow -lphigs -ldl \
-lhpgfx1 -lhpgfx2 -lXhp11 -lXi -lXext -lX11 -lm \ -o example
The "" above specifies the dynamic loader, which is available only in shared-library form.
Multiple graphics device driver libraries may be indicated in the <device_drivers> location. For
example, if your application source file is called app_one.c and the executable is app_one and you are
using the CRX graphics device driver (libddgcrx), your compile command would look like this:
cc app_one.c –I<phigs-incl> -Wl,-a,archive –L<common>/lib \ -L<phigs-lib> -I<phigs-
widget>/Motif1.2_R6 -ldddl -lddgcrx \ -Wl,-E -Wl,+n -lXwindow -lphigs -ldl \ -lhpgfx1 -
lhpgfx2 -lXhp11 -lXi -lXext -lX11 -lm \ -o app_one
The "" above specifies the dynamic loader, which is available only in shared-library form.
Fortran users can simply replace cc with fort77 in the above command. Also, if you are a Fortran user
and prefer using the f77 command, you can replace cc with f77 and change linking options that are
specified as follows:
For more information on compiling and linking, read the section "PHIGS PLUS Differences Between
HP-PHIGS 2.2/2.3 and 3.0" in the chapter "Functional Overview" in the HP-PHIGS Graphics
Techniques manual.
Graphics Administration Guide for HP-UX 10.20
Page 16
Device Driver Libraries
The following tables list the device driver libraries that should be used with particular devices.
CRX Family
Output Device
Integrated Color Graphics
(Model 705, 710,
Link Line Options
715/33, 715/50, 715/75,
725/50, 725/75)
Internal Color Graphics
(Model 712/60, 712/80, 712/80i, 712/100,
715/64, 715/80, 715/100, 715/100XC,
HP CRX-24[Z]
Output Device
Link Line Options
HP VISUALIZE-48[XP] libddhcrx48.a
Graphics Administration Guide for HP-UX 10.20
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Output Device
Link Line Options
Legacy APIs
Graphics Administration Guide for HP-UX 10.20
Page 18
HP-GL Plotters
Output Device
HP 7440A
HP 7470A
HP 7475A
HP 7550A
HP 7570A
HP 7575A
HP 7576A
HP 7580A/B
HP 7585B
HP 7586B
HP 7595A
HP 7596A
HP 9111A
HP C1600A
HP C1601A
HP 7510A
HP 7550A
HP 7570A
HP 7575A
HP 7576A
HP 7580B1
HP 7585B1
HP 7586B
HP 7595A/B
HP 7596A/B
HP 7599A
HP C1600A
HP C1601A
HP C1602A1
HP C1620A
HP C1625A
HP C1627A
HP C1629A
HP C1631A
Link Line Options
libddhpgl.a libdvio.a
1 With HP-GL/2 plug-in cartridge
Graphics Administration Guide for HP-UX 10.20
Page 19
Miscellaneous Device Drivers
Output Device
Remote Rendering:
Xlib Pixmap (VMX)
Remote Rendering:
Xlib 2D protocol (SOX)
Display List
Link Line Options
Computer Graphics Metafile
(CGM) File Format
Starbase Memory Driver
(pixel-major packing orders)
Starbase Memory Driver
(plane-major packing order)
The Personal Visualizer
File Format
1The ".a" version of the VMX driver is bundled with
the hpgfx library.
Graphics Administration Guide for HP-UX 10.20
Page 20
Compiling HP PEX Applications
HP PEXlib is supported on the Series 700 workstations using shared libraries that must be linked with
the application program. Only PEX programs written in C (not FORTRAN or Pascal) are supported.
When you compile your PEXlib programs, you must link the application with the PEXlib library
Note: The PEX library is dependent on the math library.
A compile line will typically appear:
cc program.c -lPEX5 -lXext -lX11 -lm –ldld
For more information on compiling and linking PEXlib programs, see the appropriate chapters in the HP
PEX Implementation and Programming Supplement.
Compiling OpenGL Applications
HP's implementation of OpenGL is supported on workstations with HP VISUALIZE-FX graphics.
To compile a program that does not use the OpenGL utilities, use a makefile that looks like this:
INCDIR= -I/opt/graphics/OpenGL/include
LIBS=-lGL -lXext -lX11 -lm -ldld
meow : meow.c
c89 $(INCDIR) $(LIBDIR) -o meow meow.c $(LIBS)
To compile a program that does use the OpenGL utilities, use a makefile that looks like this:
INCDIR= -I/opt/graphics/OpenGL/include
LIBS=-lGLU -lGL -lXext -lX11 -lm -ldld
meow : meow.c
c89 $(INCDIR) $(LIBDIR) -o meow meow.c $(LIBS)
Graphics Administration Guide for HP-UX 10.20
Page 21
Chapter 3: X Windows: HP-UX 10.20
This chapter documents information specific to the HP X server. It describes features unique to HP's X
server, provides information on how to configure the X server and includes a list of supported X
configurations. For each supported graphics device, device-dependent configuration information is
Information specific to a new release of the X server, beyond the scope of the general information in this
document, can be found in the HP-UX Release Notes located in /usr/share/doc.
If you prefer to read this information on paper, see the Graphics Administration Guide. It includes the
same information as is contained here in this on-line document.
X Server Configuration
Configuration of the X server is supported through SAM via an icon titled "X Server Configuration".
This icon resides either at SAM's top level or under the top-level "Display" icon. This location is
determined by the version of the HP-UX operating system (later HP-UX releases will place "X Server
Configuration" under the "Display" folder).
There are several X*screens files used to configure the operation of the X server. The SAM graphical
user interface for X server configuration is provided to simplify complexity and facilitate ease of use.
While it is still possible to modify these files manually (see below), using the SAM interface greatly
simplifies the process for creating Multi-Display and Single Logical Screen configurations.
Our SAM component has the following actions:
Configure Print Server...
Modify Multi-Screen Layout...
Modify Server Options...
Single Logical Screen (SLS) ->
Describe Screen...
Identify Screen
Modify Default Visual...
Modify Screen Options...
Add Screen to Configuration
Remove Screen from Configuration
The first group of actions can be thought of as "global" actions. They will typically be active regardless
of what has been selected. If any of these menu items is not visible, it is because it is not supported
under the current configuration. For example, on systems containing only one graphics screen, the last
three menu items will not be visible.
The second group of actions can be thought of as "screen" actions. They will be activated depending on
which screens have been chosen. It is also possible that the last two actions (Add and Remove) will be
Graphics Administration Guide for HP-UX 10.20
Page 22
absent. When only one graphics screen is present, SAM will treat this screen as though it is always
configured. Preselecting both configured and unconfigured screens will result in only the first two
screen menu options being active.
X*screens File
For manual changes, please refer to the sample files in the /etc/X11/ directory. Three files of particular
interest are the X0screens, X0devices, and X0pointerkeys files.
Description of the X*screens Configuration File
This file belongs in /etc/X11/X*screens, where "*" is the display number of the server. For example, the
"X0screens" file is used when the $DISPLAY environment variable is set to <hostname>:0.<screen>
and the server is invoked using the ":0" option.
The X*screens file is used to specify:
• Device-independent server options, and
• For each screen:
o What device file to use (required),
o The default visual,
o Monitor size, and
o Device-dependent screen options.
NOTE: All of the items above, except for device-independent server options, are specified on a per-
screen basis.
The X server supports up to four screens at a time. Specifying more than four screens will cause a server
error message.
Syntax Guidelines
• Blank lines and comments (text following "#") are ignored.
• Entries can occupy more than a single line.
• All symbols in the file are recognized case-insensitive.
The X*screens File Format
Items must appear in the X*screens file in the order that they are specified below.
Brackets ("[" and "]") denote optional items. Italicized items in angle brackets ("<" and ">") denote
values to be specified. The double vertical line ("||") denotes that one of the ored values (items
surrounded by braces, "{" and "}") must be included.
The block from the "Screen <device_name>" line to the final "<screen_option>" line is referred to as a
either a "Screen Entry" or as a "Single Logical Screen entry". As shown above, the X*screens format is
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composed of an optional block specifying device-independent server options followed by one or more
either Screen or Single Logical Screen entries (maximum of four graphics devices).
The minimum X*screens file is a line with the keyword "Screen" followed by a screen device file. For
Screen /dev/crt
Server Options
For more information about server options, or about additional server options, look in an information
file (for example, /usr/lib/X11/Xserver/info/screens/hp).
GraphicsSharedMemorySize <memory_size>
Specify the size of the graphics shared memory region. The size must be specified in bytes and
must be in hexadecimal.
Default value: 0x580000
Environment Variables Replaced: GRM_SIZE, WMSHMSPC.
SMTSizes <size_spec>
The size of the SMT regions (see the Shared Memory Transport section).
Default value: 0,0,0
The Xserver delays loading of some X extensions until the first protocol request to the given
extension is received. Specifying this server option forces all extensions to be loaded at X server
startup. Immediate loading of X extensions is the historical behavior of the HP-UX 10.10 and
10.20 X servers. The 10.20 X Server patches shipped after July, 1997 and all 11.00 versions of
the X Server perform delayed loading of the X extensions.
Screen Entries
The minimum screen entry is a line with the keyword "Screen" followed by a screen device file.
Optional specifications for default visual, monitor size, and device-dependent screen options may follow
this minimal screen description line.
This optional part of the format specifies the default visual that the screen uses. Valid keywords
following the "DefaultVisual" keyword are "Class", "Depth", "Layer", and "Transparent".
If no default visual is specified, then the standard default visual class, depth, layer, and transparency for
the graphics device is used.
Not all default visual specifications will work on all devices.
If there is an error in a specification, look in an information file for more details (for example,
/usr/lib/X11/Xserver/info/screens/hp), in case it is newer than the document you're now reading.
Class <StaticGray>| <GrayScale> | <StaticColor> | <PseudoColor> | <TrueColor> | <DirectColor>
Specify the class of the default visual.
Depth <depth_value>
Specify the depth of the default visual (for example 8, 12, or 24).
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Layer <Image> | <Overlay>
Specify the layer of the default visual.
Specify that a visual with an application-accessible transparent entry in the default colormap be
Specifications in the "DefaultVisual" section, except for "Depth", are ignored on VRX devices. See the
"ScreenOptions" section below for VRX-related options.
MonitorSize <diagonal_length> Inches | MM
Specify the diagonal size of the monitor. After the "MonitorSize" keyword, you must specify the
diagonal length of the monitor and then the units. Use this entry only if you are using a non-
standard monitor.
MinimumMonitorPowerSaveLevel <value>
Specify the minimum power save level to be used by the monitor during screen blanking. You
must specify a level of 0-3. If the option is not used, the default is level 0. On devices that do not
support DPMS, this option will be ignored.
Screen options are device-dependent options that are documented in a file in the X server
information directory (for example, /usr/lib/X11/Xserver/info/screens/hp).
Sample X*screens Files
Below are several sample X*screens files that illustrate the new format.
• This is the minimum legal X*screens file, the "Screen" keyword followed by the screen device.
Since no other information is given, the X server will assume default values for other options and
Screen /dev/crt
Figure 1: Results of Minimal Legal X*screens File
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• This is the minimum specification for a two-screen configuration. The maximum number of
screens supported on the X server is four. Here, the displays associated with /dev/crt0 and
/dev/crt1 are referred to as "<host>:0.0" and "<host>:0.1", respectively.
Screen /dev/crt0
Screen /dev/crt1
Figure 2: Two Physical Displays, Two Separate Screens
• This sample X*screens file could be used on a system using Internal Color Graphics with a 17-
inch monitor. In this example, the GraphicsSharedMemorySize is decreased to 1 Mbyte in order
to reduce the swap space requirements of the system. Decreasing GraphicsSharedMemorySize is
appropriate when you do not intend to run any 3D graphics applications.
GraphicsSharedMemorySize 0x100000
Screen /dev/crt
MonitorSize 17 inches
The display diagram would be the same as that of the "Results of Minimal Legal X*screens File"
configuration, above.
• This sample X*screens file could be used on a system with a CRX24 graphics device. The
overlay visual is selected as the default. There are 255 overlay colormap entries available on the
CRX24. The 256th entry is hard-wired to transparent. Having less than 256 colormap entries
should not cause a problem for most applications, but for those applications that require 256
colormap entries, the CountTransparentInOverlayVisual screen option should be used as shown
below. Any attempts to modify the 256th entry will have no effect on the colormap.
Screen /dev/crt
The display diagram would be the same as that of the "Results of Minimal Legal X*screens File"
configuration, above.
• This sample X*screens file could be used on a system with a HCRX-24 graphics device. The
default visual on the HCRX-24 is the opaque overlay visual. All 256 colormap entries are opaque
and allocable. If an application requires transparency in the default visual, the "Transparent"
keyword can be used to select the transparent overlay visual as shown below.
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Screen /dev/crt
The display diagram would be the same as that of the "Results of Minimal Legal X*screens File"
configuration, above.
• This sample X*screens file could be used on a system with a HCRX-8 graphics device. By
default on the HCRX-8, the overlay visual does not have a transparent entry available to
applications for rendering transparency. If an application requires overlay transparency, an
optional X server mode is available, but it is restrictive. In this optional mode, only one hardware
colormap is available in the overlays (instead of two) and only one hardware colormap is
available in the image planes (instead of two). The optional X server mode can be set via the
EnableOverlayTransparency screen option as shown below.
Screen /dev/crt
The display diagram would be the same as that of the "Results of Minimal Legal X*screens File"
configuration, above.
• These sample X*screens file entries could be used on a system with two homogeneous graphics
devices. Assuming the first device is associated with the device file "/dev/crt0" and the second
device is associated with the device file "/dev/crt1", both examples specify a horizontal Single
Logical Screen configuration.
SingleLogicalScreen 1 2
/dev/crt0 /dev/crt1
SingleLogicalScreen 1 2
Figure 3: Two Physical Displays, Single Logical Screen (1X2)
• These sample X*screens entries could be used on a system with four homogeneous graphics
devices. Assuming the first device is associated with the device file "/dev/crt0", the second
device is associated with the device file "/dev/crt1", etc. The following examples specify valid
Single Logical Screen configurations.
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SingleLogicalScreen 1 4
/dev/crt0 /dev/crt1 /dev/crt2 /dev/crt3
Figure 4: Four Physical Displays, Single Logical Screen (1X4)
SingleLogicalScreen 4 1
Figure 5: Four Physical Displays, Single Logical Screen (4X1)
SingleLogicalScreen 2 2
/dev/crt0 /dev/crt1
/dev/crt2 /dev/crt3
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Figure 6: Four Physical Displays, Single Logical Screen (2X2)
• It is possible to include a Screen Entry and an SLS Screen Entry in the same X*screens File.
This creates a situation where there are two X Screens (e.g. <host>:0.0 and <host>:1.0), one of
which happens to be a Single Logical Screen. Below is an example of this:
Screen /dev/crt0
SingleLogicalScreen 1 2
/dev/crt1 /dev/crt2
Figure 7: Three Physical Displays, Screen plus Single Logical Screen (1X2)
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Miscellaneous Topics
Double Buffer Extension (DBE)
DBE is an extension to the X server that provides a double-buffering Application Programming
Interface (API).
Note: MBX (the Multi-Buffering eXtension to X) has not been adopted as an industry standard, as DBE
has. Thus, it is recommended that applications that use MBX be ported to DBE usage in preparation for
future MBX obsolescence (HP-UX 11.0). For more information about DBE and the API, consult the
DBE man pages:
Performing Buffer Swaps On Vertical Blank
For performance reasons, the default DBE behavior is to not synchronize buffer swaps with the
monitor's vertical retrace period. In some instances, therefore, image tearing (seeing part of the old
image and part of the new image on the display at the same time) could be visible while swapping large
DBE windows. For those instances where tearing would occur and is undesirable, an optional X server
mode is available to allow for synchronization of buffer swaps with vertical retrace. To activate this
optional X server mode, set the following screen option in the X*screens File before the X server is
Note: MBX_SWAP_BUFFERS_ON_VBLANK is obsolete with this release. The SwapBuffersOnVBlank
Screen Option works for both DBE and MBX.
Determining Swap Performance
The DBE API does not allow users to determine if double-buffering in a visual is through software or
hardware. However, the API does provide a way to determine relative swapping performance on a per-
visual basis. The XdbeScreenVisualInfo() function returns information about the swapping performance
levels for the double-buffering visuals on a display. A visual with a higher performance level is likely to
have better double-buffer graphics performance than a visual with a lower performance level. Nothing
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can be deduced from any of the following: the magnitude of the difference of two performance levels, a
performance level in isolation, or comparing performance levels from different servers.
For more information, refer to the DBE man page on XdbeScreenVisualInfo().
Supported Devices
The X server supports DBE on the following devices:
• Internal Color Graphics
• Integrated Color Graphics
• CRX-24[Z]
• CRX-48Z
• HCRX-8[Z]
• HCRX-24[Z]
Display Power Management Signaling (DPMS)
Monitors constitute a large percentage of the power used by a workstation even when not actively in use
(i.e., during screen blanking). In order to reduce the power consumption, the Video Electronic Standards
Association (VESA) has defined a Display Power Management Signaling (DPMS) standard which can
be used to greatly reduce the amount of power being used by a monitor during screen blanking.
The X server features the ability to make use of DPMS on the following graphics devices:
• HCRX-8[Z], HCRX-24[Z]
The following table is a description of the states that are defined by VESA. The Power Savings column
indicates (roughly) the level of power savings achieved in the given state. The Recovery Time is the
amount of time that the screen takes to return to a usable state when the screen saver is turned off (by
pressing a key or the moving the mouse).
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Power-Saving States Defined by VESA
Level State DPMS Compliance
DPMS Compliance
Power Savings Recovery Time
Screen Saver Not Applicable
Very Short (<1 sec)
System Dependent
The actual amount of power saved and the recovery time for each of the states is monitor-dependent and
may vary widely. The customer can compensate for this by choosing an appropriate level for the
monitor that is currently in use.
By default, the DPMS level used is the Screen Saver (i.e. no power savings). If you wish to use power
saving during screen blanking, set the following X*screens file entry before starting the server:
MinimumMonitorPowerSaveLevel <level>
where <level> is replaced with the single digit 0, 1, 2, or 3 as specified in the Level column in the above
The MBX extension (Multi-Buffering Extension) is supported on all graphics devices supported on the
HP 9000/700 machines, except the PersonalVRX and the TurboVRX.
HP's implementation of MBX exists mainly to support fast double-buffering for PEX applications.
Therefore, MBX only supports allocation of one or two MBX buffers; no more. Some graphics
devices/visuals have a single 8-plane buffer; this includes the color graphics device and the overlay
planes on the CRX-24[Z], CRX-48Z, HCRX, and HP VISUALIZE family. For these devices, MBX
double-buffering is still supported, but the second bank is allocated in virtual memory. Rendering and
buffer-swapping in these instances is slower than devices/visuals that support true hardware double-
There is no easy way to determine which visuals, from a device's list of visuals, support fast MBX
hardware double-buffering. The CRX and Dual-CRX device is a double-buffered device and therefore
always supports MBX hardware double-buffering. The Internal Color Graphics, Integrated Color
Graphics or Color Graphics card devices only support MBX software buffering. All other devices that
have both overlay and image planes support fast MBX hardware double-buffering in the image planes
and slower MBX software double-buffering in the overlays. Consult the following device-specific
sections for a list of visuals that support software and hardware MBX double-buffering.
For performance reasons, the default MBX behavior is to not synchronize with the monitors vertical
retrace period. In some instances, image tearing could be visible while swapping large MBX windows.
For those instances where tearing would occur and is undesirable, an optional X server mode is available
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to allow for synchronization with vertical retrace. To activate this optional X server mode, set the
SwapBuffersOnVBlank Screen Option in the X*screens file before the X server is started.
Note: MBX_SWAP_BUFFERS_ON_VBLANK is obsolete with this release. The SwapBuffersOnVBlank
Screen Option works for both DBE and MBX.
With this mode enabled, all MBX buffer swaps are synchronized with the monitor's vertical retrace
This mode is not needed in drawables used for PEX rendering. PEX turns synchronization on and thus
does not require this tuning.
The MBX Application Programming Interface is thoroughly discussed in the PEXlib Programming
Manual by Tom Gaskins, and published by O'Reilly & Associates, Inc. Consult that manual to
understand the creation, manipulation, and destruction of MBX buffers.
Since MBX is not an industry standard, and will be discontinued on HP-UX 11.0, developers should
replace MBX calls with the appropriate DBE calls.
Note: XmbufGetScreenInfo() can indicate that a window supports MBX even if only one MBX buffer is
supported. An application should always check the max_buffers field in the returned XmbufBufferInfo
structure before assuming that a window supports two MBX buffers.
Shared Memory Extension (MIT_SHM)
The MIT shared memory extension provides both shared-memory XImages and shared-memory
pixmaps based on the SYSV shared memory primitives.
Shared memory XImages are essentially a version of the XImage interface where the actual image data
is stored in a shared memory segment, and thus need not be moved through the Xlib interprocess
communication channel. For large images, use of this facility can result in increased performance.
Shared memory pixmaps are a similar concept implemented for the pixmap interface. Shared memory
pixmaps are two-dimensional arrays of pixels in a format specified by the X server, where the pixmap
data is stored in the shared memory segment. In all other respects, shared memory pixmaps behave the
same as ordinary pixmaps and can be modified by the usual Xlib routines. In addition, it is possible to
change the contents of these pixmaps directly without the use of Xlib routines merely by modifying the
pixmap data.
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Supported Devices
The X server supports the MIT shared memory extension on the following devices:
• Internal Color Graphics
• Integrated Color Graphics
• CRX-24[Z]
• CRX-48Z
• HCRX-8[Z]
• HCRX-24[Z]
Shared Memory Transport (SMT)
Shared Memory Transport (SMT) is a means to more rapidly transport large amounts of data from the
client to the server. It is distinct from the MIT Shared Memory Extension, which is specifically for
various types of images, although SMT can be used with that extension.
SMT is particulary advantageous for operations that move large amounts of data in a single request,
such as a polyline or a polypoint, and for images when the MIT Shared Memory Extension is not used.
It will work with the Big Requests Extension, but whether it will exhibit a performance increase depends
on the size of the actual extended size request. There are some X requests for which no improvement is
SMT is no longer the default transport mechanism between the X server and client applications, and
SMT is not an officially supported transport mechanism. However, it can be enabled (see "Enabling and
Disabling of SMT") to achieve performance advantages.
SMT will be active between Xserver and client connections if the following are true:
• SMT is enabled (see "Enabling and Disabling of SMT").
• The client and server are actually on the same host.
• A Display Name of any of the forms listed below are used. ":0.0" is used for simplicity. This
behavior is equally applicable for displays such as ":1.0".
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A display name of the form unix:0.0 will force the use of Unix Domain Sockets (UDS), which is
identical to the local transport used before HP-UX 10.20. A display name of the form nn.nn.nn.nn:0.0
(where nn.nn.nn.nn is an IP address) will force the use of Internet Sockets, which is the remote transport
normally used, and which can be used locally. (This will be slow.)
It is possible that an application which violates the X interface standard will run correctly using UDS,
but hang or coredump when using SMT. Users encountering this problem can use:
DISPLAY=unix:0 <command_and_args>
to run the application compatibly, but without the performance improvement of SMT.
Note: If neither SMT nor UDS are desired, setting XFORCE_INTERNET=True before starting the X
server forces all protocol to interact directly with the hardware internet card.
Performance Tuning of SMT
The default values of some buffer sizes have been tuned for optimal performance in most situations.
However, these are not necessarily optimal in all conditions. Under some circumstances system
performance might be optimized (possibly at the expense of X performance) by tuning these parameters.
Under most circumstances this should be unnecessary.
The Server accepts these parameters via the X*screens file, in the ServerOptions section. In this case,
the default for all SMT connections is set. Such a specification in the X*screens file might appear as:
SMTSizes 100000,90000,90000
The client accepts these parameters via the environment variable X_SMT_SIZES. For the client, the
value affects all client connections to the server made while this environment variable is set.
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In either case, the format and meaning of the fields is the same:
<region_size>[, <high_water> [, <buffer_size>]] with no embedded blanks, e.g.
Although the default is "SMTSizes 0,0,0," a specification of "SMTSizes 100000,90000,90000" is optimal
in most situations if SMT is desired.
The values are accepted as positive decimal, hex, or octal values according to the C conventions.
The special value of 0 (for buffer size; all other values are ignored) indicates that SMT is to be
controls the amount of shared memory allocated for the transport (in bytes). This has the largest effect
on system performance. The value is rounded up to the next page boundary. Larger values yield faster X
performance, but there is a point of diminishing returns. The default is 100000 (which is rounded to
0x19000) except for a diskless Xserver which has a default of 0.
is a soft boundary which affects the load on the Virtual Memory system. The value is rounded up to the
next page boundary. The smaller the value, the smaller the number of pages actually used while sending
"normal, small" X messages. Large messages can still be sent at high efficiency. In a memory-poor
system making this small may be an advantage, but if sufficient memory is available, make the value the
same as the High Water size (if the option is used). (Space is left for a control region if necessary.)
The <high_water> value must fit within the region (and should be smaller), the buffer must fit within
the high-water mark (and consequently the buffer must fit within the whole region).
If these parameters are used, be sure to confirm that they actually cause an improvement in actual usage
situations. Incorrect values can degrade performance.
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Enabling and Disabling of SMT
The special value of 0 for Region Size specifies that SMT is to be disabled. Disabling SMT removes it
from the Xserver causing it not to be available for any transports. Any non-zero Region Size enables
SMT on the Xserver. The default Region Size for a diskless Xserver is zero (disabling SMT from the
Xserver) to minimize the access of files across the network. The default Region Size for non-siskless
Xserver is 100000 (which is rounded to 0x19000).
Begin Note for Programmers:
X Applications which call fork(), and access the same display structure from both the parent and the
child cannot be expected to operate reliably without extreme care (if at all), whether or not SMT is used.
However, SMT is more sensitive to this than UDS. The problem is quite similar to stdio, where fflush()
must be used to assure that data makes it from the buffer onto the file exactly once.
Similarly to stdio's use of fflush(), XFlush() (not _XFlush()) must be called immediately before any
fork() call that will be accessing the display from both the parent and child, as well as any time control is
transferred between the parent and child, or vice-versa. (Calls to fork() which immediately do an exec()
are not a problem.)
The SMT library code attempts to detect improper use of display connections after a fork, and issues a
warning at runtime. However, not all such usages can be detected. Symptoms include reporting the
error, and hanging applications.
Also, because the parent and child might read from the same display connection (either replies or
events) the library can detect inconsistent sequence numbers, which it will report. It will attempt to
recover from such errors, but depending on what the application has done, recovery cannot always be
Only for R5 Applications
SMT requires a change to an internal interface with the X library. In theory, no application should be
calling this interface, but some applications, including at least one X test suite, are known to call it. The
interface is _XConnectDisplay. Applications using it directly may not be able to use SMT for the display
specified, and must add an extra (ninth) parameter, which is the address of an integer:
int dummy;
_XConnectDisplay(..., &dummy);
Symptoms include both damaged data and core dumps.
(There was an earlier HP Shared Memory Transport, which this one replaces. It used the same
parameter, so it may be the case that any such calls have already been fixed.)
This problem does not occur in the R6 library.
End Note for Programmers
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HP Color Recovery
Color Recovery is a technique that generates a better picture by eliminating the graininess caused by
traditional dithering techniques. It is available on these graphics devices:
• Integrated Color Graphics and plug-in Color Graphics cards
• HCRX-8[Z], HCRX-24[Z]
Color Recovery is available when using either depth-8 PseudoColor or depth-8 TrueColor visuals on
supported devices.
There are two components to the Color Recovery process. First, a different dither-cell size (16X2) is
used when rendering shaded polygons. Second, a digital filter is used when displaying the contents of
the frame buffer to the screen.
Under some conditions, Color Recovery can produce undesirable artifacts in the image (this also
happens with dithering, but the artifacts are different). However, images rendered with Color Recovery
are seldom worse than what dithering produces. In most cases, Color Recovery produces significantly
better pictures than dithering.
Color Recovery is available by default for all depth-8 color visuals on devices that support the feature.
If, for some reason, you wish to disable Color Recovery, set the DisableColorRecovery Screen Option in
the X*screens file before starting the server
Note: This disables Color Recovery for 3D APIs as well).
Color Recovery is enabled in conjunction with a particular X colormap that is associated with your
window. If the X colormap is not installed in hardware, you may not see the effect of the Color
Recovery filter (you may not even see the correct colors for that window). Given that more than one
hardware colormap (or "color lookup table") is available, this should happen infrequently.
The Color Recovery colormap is a read-only colormap. Any attempts to change it will be ignored and no
error will be reported.
Access to the Color Recovery capability is transparent when using a 3D graphics API such as Starbase,
HP-PHIGS or PEX. If you are producing graphics using Xlib calls, your application must perform some
of the necessary processing. The method to access Color Recovery via Xlib is described in a section
called "Accessing HP Color Recovery Technology via Xlib" in the device-dependent sections.
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Dynamic Loading
HP's X server now dynamically loads the appropriate device drivers and extensions based on the target
graphics display device and the extensions the device driver supports. This feature should be transparent
to X server users.
When possible, the loading of X extensions is deferred until the first protocol request is encountered for
a given extension. This feature should be transparent to X server users; however, it is expected to
provide some performance enhancement.
Dynamically loaded modules are recorded by the X server in the files "/var/X11/Xserver/logs/X*.log",
where the "*" of X*.log reflects the display identifier for that given run. Only that last invocation against
a given display identifier is retained. The log file contains the parsed contents of the given X*screens
file and the full path name for all dynamically loaded modules for the given X server invocation.
Deferred loaded modules are recorded as they are referenced.
Caution: Altering or removing files under /usr/lib/X11/Xserver may prevent the X server from running.
Include Inferiors Fix
When a client application creates an X Graphics Context (GC), it is possible to specify the
subWindowMode component. The two possible values are ClipByChildren (default) and
IncludeInferiors. If the GC specifies ClipByChildren, any rendering to a window with inferior windows
(i.e., the child is wholly enclosed by the parent) will appear only in the destination window. In other
words, the rendering will not take place inside the inferiors. If the GC specifies IncludeInferiors, and the
same rendering request is made, it is the responsibility of the X Server to ensure that the rendering is not
clipped from the inferior windows. In other words, the rendering will appear in the destination window
and the inferior windows.
With the advent of multi-layer devices, the IncludeInferiors mode became defective. Depending upon
which layer or hardware buffer the destination drawable and inferior windows were in, the rendering
may or may not have taken place. Also, the GetImage protocol clearly specifies that the default
GetImage behavior is to include the depth-dependant contents of inferior windows (in other words,
GetImage requires that IncludeInferiors work properly).
As of the 10.10 release, HP has offered a solution to the IncludeInferiors defect. Some customers create
their test image archives using XGetImage (which currently returns incorrect data for multi-layer and
double-buffered devices). Therefore, the Include Inferiors Fix will not be enabled by default. To enable
the Include Inferiors Fix, add the EnableIncludeInferiorsFix Screen Option to the X*screens file.
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For example:
Screen /dev/crt/
This gives a system administrator control over when the fix is active and when it is not. In this way, each
site can evaluate whether or not it is beneficial to enable this fix.
Shared Memory Usage With 3D Graphics
Graphics processes use shared memory to access data pertaining to the display device and X11 resources
created by the server. ("Resources" includes windows, colormaps, and cursors.) The X11 server initiates
an independent process called the Graphics Resource Manager (GRM) to manage these resources among
graphics processes. Graphics processes include PEXlib, PHIGS, and Starbase applications. One problem
encountered with GRM shared memory is that it may not be large enough to run some applications.
Graphics applications that require VM double-buffering use large amounts of shared memory. Shared
memory can be completely consumed by several double-buffered graphics windows. When an
application attempts to use more shared memory than is available, the application encounters errors and
might terminate.
You can circumvent the problem by using Server Options to change the shared memory size.
Changing Graphics Shared Memory Size
The size of the shared memory segment used by the GRM can be controlled through a Server Option.
The default value is 0x580000 (5.5 Mbytes) on Series 700 computers.
Note: The actual GRM shared memory size on a system can be determined by running "ipcs -ma",
finding the entry with CPID matching the process ID of the grmd process and then checking the segment
size (SEGSZ) field.
If more shared memory space is needed, graphics shared memory size can be increased. For example, to
set it to eight megabytes:
Note: The value must be in hexadecimal. The new value won't take effect until you restart the X Server.
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It is also possible to decrease the size of GRM shared memory. You may want to do this if you want to
reduce the swap-space requirements of your system and/or you do not intend to run any 3D graphics
processes. For example, you could reduce graphics shared memory size to 0x100000 (one megabyte).
Count Transparent In Overlay Visual
In some configurations, an 8-plane overlay visual may have less than 256 colors. This should not cause a
problem for most applications. If an application depends on 8-plane visuals having 256 colormap
entries, this option may be useful. Setting this option will cause the X server to count transparent entries
in the number of colormap entries.
Examples of Relevant Graphics Devices:
CRX-24[Z], CRX-48Z
HCRX-8[Z], HCRX-24[Z]
X*screens File Screen Option To Use:
Enable Overlay Transparency
This option is used to enable the usage of an overlay transparent color on devices that can support it, but,
by default, do not allow it (for example, HCRX-8).
Examples of Relevant Graphics Device:
X*screens File Screen Option To Use:
3-Bit Center Color
This option is available to force the X server to center colors in the colormap to values that will reduce
the amount of twinkle on flat-panel conversion. This option applies only to flat-panel displays.
The twinkling effect is caused by the analog-to-digital conversion. Due to noise in the analog signal, it is
possible for a color near a boundary between two digital values to cause the conversion to bounce back-
and-forth between the two colors (i.e., "twinkle"). In order to avoid this effect, the server "centers" the
colors as far from the color boundaries as possible.
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Examples of Relevant Graphics Device:
Integrated Color Graphics, Color Graphics cards, Internal Color Graphics
X*screens File Screen Option To Use:
Image Text Via BitMap
When using the Xlib XDrawImageString() call to draw text, a visual effect may be seen where text
appears to flicker as the background and foreground are drawn in distinct graphics operations. This
option is available to eliminate the flicker effect but at the expense of reduced text performance. The
option will make the X server first draw text to an off-screen pixmap prior to displaying it to the screen.
X*screens File Screen Option To Use:
Note: Using this option will reduce text performance.
The ImageTextViaBitMap screen option is supported on all graphics devices supported on the HP
9000/700 machines, except the following:
PersonalVRX, TurboVRX
Freedom Series™ Graphics (S3150, S3250 and S3400)
Obsolete Environment Variables
These HP-UX 9.x environment variables are no longer supported:
Special Device Files
Special device files are used to communicate between the computer and peripheral devices. The X
server requires the use of a special device file for each graphics card present in the system. On HP-UX
10.x systems, five special graphics device files are automatically created. The first or primary graphics
card, also known as the "console", uses the "/dev/crt" or "/dev/crt0" device file. The others are called
"crt1", "crt2", and "crt3" and also reside in "/dev". Those systems containing multiple graphics devices
on a single card (Dual Color Graphics and Dual CRX, for example) need to have special device files
manually created for them.
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Special device files are created by using SAM (the System Administration Manager tool):
• From SAM's main window, double-click "Peripheral Devices".
• From the "Peripheral Devices" window, double-click "Cards".
• A window will appear, containing a list of all cards that are in your machine. Once you select
any of them (by single-clicking), the "Actions" menu will contain the options "Show Device
Files" and "Create Device Files." Choose whichever option you desire.
Supported X Configurations
Multi-Display Support
The following definitions are included to reduce confusion between the terms "multi-display," "multi-
screen," "multi-seat," and "single logical screen."
A configuration with multiple graphics devices used concurrently. Any multi-screen, multi-seat, or
single logical screen configuration is referred to as a multi-display configuration.
A configuration in which a single X server with a mouse and keyboard drives multiple graphics devices
(where each display is a different X Screen) concurrently while only allowing the cursor, not windows,
to be moved between displays.
Figure 8: Multi-Screen
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A configuration with multiple instantiations of the X server, each with its own mouse, keyboard, and
display(s). Multi-seat is not currently supported in any HP-UX 10.* release.
Figure 9: Multi-Seat
Single Logical Screen
A configuration in which a single X server with a single mouse and keyboard drives multiple
homogeneous graphics devices concurrently while allowing the displays to emulate a large single
screen. This differs from a multi-screen environment by allowing windows to be moved and displayed
across displays. See the section in this document on Single Logical Screen.
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Figure 10: Single Logical Screen
Note: Different monitor resolutions are not supported with the multi-display configurations unless
stated otherwise in the table below.
Multi-Screen Support
The list of supported multi-display configurations is rather large, and it changes whenever a new
graphics device is introduced. Thus, if you are considering a Single Logical Screen or any other multi-
display configuration, we recommend consulting your HP Sales Representative and inquiring whether
the configuration you have in mind is indeed supported.
There are general guidelines, however. For example:
• Multi-display configurations may be limited by available power. Depending on the capacity of
your computer's power supply, and the power demands of the combination of graphics cards you
are considering, there may or may not be enough power to operate them all.
• Single Logical Screen configurations must use identical graphics devices (see the next section).
Single Logical Screen (SLS)
SLS is a mechanism for treating homogeneous multi-display configurations as a single "logical" screen.
This allows the moving/spanning of windows across multiple physical monitors. The word
"homogeneous" is included because SLS only works if the graphics devices included in the SLS
Configuration are of the same type.
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Note: The on-board and "card" versions of the same device can be considered identical; for example,
you could use an on-board HP VISUALIZE-EG graphics device and an HP VISUALIZE-EG graphics
card, and still consider them identical devices, thus permitting a 1X2 SLS or a 2X1 SLS.
SLS is enabled by using SAM (the System Administration Manager tool, /usr/sbin/sam). To enable an
SLS configuration, start SAM, and follow the instructions below:
Double-click on the "X Server Configuration" button. A window entitled "Graphics" appears,
containing an icon for every graphics device on your system.
Select the devices you want to combine into an SLS (click the mouse on the first device, and
[Ctrl]-click on the others). At this point, all the devices you want to combine into an SLS
configuration should be highlighted.
From the "Actions" menu, choose the menu item "Modify Multi-Screen Layout". A dialog
box appears, allowing you to specify exactly how you want your SLS configuration to be.
Note: If your machine has only one graphics device, the "Modify Multi-Screen Layout" menu option
does not even appear, since multiple devices cannot occur in a single-device context.
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Note: DHA (Direct Hardware Access) is not supported in a window that spans multiple screens. This
means, for example, that while graphics is supported to a window spanning two or more screens,
accelerated graphics is not. "Spanning," in this context, includes a window that is two or more screens in
size, as well as a window that is partially on one screen and partially on another (even though it would
fit on a single screen if it were moved).
SLS can also be enabled via the /etc/X11/X*screens file via the syntax:
SingleLogicalScreen n m
/dev/crt0 ... /dev/crtk
n = the number of "rows" in the physical configuration
m = the number of "columns" in the physical configuration, and the product of nXm is less than
or equal to four.
For example, to create a logical screen that is one monitor tall by two monitors wide, the following
syntax would be used:
SingleLogicalScreen 1 2
/dev/crt0 /dev/crt1
Whereas for a logical screen that is two monitors tall by one monitor wide, the syntax is:
SingleLogicalScreen 2 1
/dev/crt0 /dev/crt1
3D Acceleration and Single Logical Screen
Currently, SLS does not take advantage of 3D acceleration (e.g. CRX-24Z). 3D applications (from any
supported HP 3D API) will continue to run with SLS; However, 3D performance with SLS will be much
slower than it is without SLS.
HP VUE/CDE and Single Logical Screen
Be sure that HP VUE/CDE has not been modified to take advantage of the Single Logical Screen
capability. When presenting information on your display, HP VUE may split a window across physical
screens. Examples include:
• The login screen.
• The Front Panel.
• Window move and resize boxes.
• The screen lock dialog.
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This behavior is the result of HP VUE's naive assumption that it is running against one large screen; it
centers these windows accordingly.
If you are using the default HP VUE key bindings, you can easily reposition the Front Panel so that it is
completely contained within one physical screen:
With the input focus on the Front Panel, press
With the Front Panel menu posted and the "Move" menu item selected, press
older keyboards, ) to start the move.
Use the mouse or the arrow keys to reposition the Front Panel to the desired location.
(on older keyboards, use
) to complete the move. You may instead press
to cancel the
Afterwards, this setting will be remembered and restored at your next login. If you have previously set a
Home session, you will need to re-set the Home session in the Style Manager to register the new Front
Panel position.
Note: There is no mechanism in HP VUE for repositioning the login screen, window move/resize boxes,
or the screen lock dialog.
Distributed Single Logical Screen (SLS/d)
SLS/d uses a Master/Slave relationship between X displays to create and manage the logical screen.
SLS/d is functionally identical to SLS, except for the way the screens are configured. To configure an
SLS/d screen, you must first choose a group of X displays, all running the same version of HP-UX 10.20
(running the January 1999 periodic patch or subsequent HP-UX 10.20 patch).
In addition, all of the systems running the displays must be running /usr/bin/X11/SLSd_daemon (this is
normally launched automatically when the system is booted; if it is not, you may start it by hand, as
Then, the master and slaves must be configured correctly. The SLS/d master X server can execute on
any appropriate system, including one that is also executing a SLS/d slave X server. The SLS/d master
X server does not require a graphics display device. The SLS/d slave displays must all have the same
underlying graphics display device. To determine this, run "/bin/graphinfo <device_file>" (where
<device_file> represents the graphics device file (e.g., /dev/crt0) listed in that slave's
/etc/X11/X*screens file) and search for the "graphics product".
To Configure the SLS/d Slave X Servers
Configuring an SLS/d slave X server is identical to configuring a normal (non-SLS) screen as described
above. The catch is that if any Screen or ServerOption(s) are configured for one slave, they must be
configured for all of the slave X servers.
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For example, to configure SLS/d slave X servers on hpslsd1, hpslsd2, hpslsd3, and hpslsd4, do the
following as root:
• Copy each system's /etc/X11/X0screens file to /etc/X11/X50screens (the use of "50" as the
display name is an SLS/d convention only; you can choose any number from 0-99 that meets
your needs). Unless you're making changes to screen options or server options, you need not edit
this file any further. This step can be accomplished using SAM by saving the default
configuration to "X50screens".
• Create a file called /etc/X11/X50devices (unless you chose a different display number, in which
case you would use the same number you selected for the X*screens file) and enter the
first NULL keyboard
first NULL pointer
• Make sure that SLSd_daemon is running on each system, then take the systems down to init state
2 (e.g., as root: /etc/init 2).
To Configure the SLS/d Master X Server
Configuring the SLS/d Master is almost identical to configuring a SLS screen as described above. As
root, edit /etc/X11/X0screens on the system which will host the master (remember that the master can
execute on the same system that is executing a slave; which is why we choose to use :50 for the slave
display numbers).
Note: The use of "0" for the master is very important. If you change this number, CDE will not run
properly unless you also make the necessary changes to have CDE run to a non-default screen location.
Then, to configure the logical screen as follows:
Figure 11: Logical Screen Configuration
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Edit the /etc/X11/X0screens file and enter:
SingleLogicalScreen 1 4
hpslsd1:50 hpslsd3:50 hpslsd4:50 hpslsd2:50
Then, on the master system, make sure that SLSd_daemon is running and enter init state 4 (e.g., as root:
/etc/init 4).
You will notice all of the slave X servers starting in turn, then finally when the master initializes, you
will see your CDE environment start.
Up to 64 displays can be configured as a Distributed Single Logical Screen with the following
• All SLS/d slave systems must be running HP-UX 10.20 with the January 1999 periodic patch or
a subsequent HP-UX 10.20 patch;
• All SLS/d slave displays must be using the same graphics display device;
• All SLS/d slave displays must be in the same resolution (see /opt/graphics/common/bin/setmon)
• The systems hosting the graphics devices (e.g., hpslsd1) need not be the same model. For
example, hpslsd1 could be a J2240 and hpslsd2 could be a C360. They just need to be running
the same graphics devices.
SLS/d is also used in 3DSLS/d, or 3D Distributed Single Logical Screen. In this case, you may also need
to specify a fast LAN IP address.
Note: Only do this step if you have a gigabit ethernet connecting each slave to the master!
In addition, the fast LAN IP addresses must all be on the same subnet.
In the master's /etc/X11/X0screens file, modify the entries to also specify their Fast LAN IP addresses
(those IP addresses associated with the Gigabit Ethernet). Assume that the following is true:
hpslsd1 has the fast LAN on
hpslsd2 has the fast LAN on
hpslsd3 has the fast LAN on
Then, to configure the SLS/d with fast LAN using a similar configuration as used above, modify the
X0screens file as follows:
SingleLogicalScreen 1 4
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Integrated Color Graphics Device-Dependent Information
This sections includes information on Integrated Color Graphics and Color Graphics cards.
Supported Visuals
For color displays:
• Class PseudoColor Depth 8 -
supports DBE and MBX software double-buffering
• Class TrueColor Depth 8 -
supports DBE and MBX software double-buffering
For grayscale displays, only one visual is supported:
• Class GrayScale Depth 8 -
supports DBE and MBX software double-buffering
Supported Screen Options
The following Screen Options are supported:
• DisableColorRecovery
• 3BitCenterColor
• ImageTextViaBitMap
Colormaps and Colormap Management
Color Graphics devices have two hardware colormaps (color lookup tables), each with 256 entries. The
X server controls the allocation and contents of these hardware colormaps.
Default Colormap Management Scheme
Many applications use the default X11 colormap. A technicolor effect in the windows using the default
colormap occurs when a non-default colormap is downloaded in the hardware colormap that had
previously contained the default colormap.
Because so many applications use the default X11 colormap, including the window manager, and
because Color Graphics devices have two hardware colormaps, the default behavior on this device is to
dedicate one hardware colormap to always hold the default X11 colormap. The second hardware
colormap is available to applications that use colormaps other than the default.
The default behavior can cause technicolor if two or more applications are using different, non-default
colormaps. For example, Application A uses the default X11 colormap, Application B uses a different
colormap, and Application C uses a third colormap. If applications A, B, and C are all executed
simultaneously on a Model 712, application A would look correct. Either application B or C would have
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a technicolor effect, the application whose colormap was last downloaded in the hardware colormap
would look correct.
Accessing HP Color Recovery Technology via Xlib
Color Recovery is a technique to generate a better picture by attempting to eliminate the graininess
caused by dithering. Access to the Color Recovery capability is transparent when using a 3D graphics
API such as Starbase, HP-PHIGS or PEX. If you are producing graphics using Xlib calls, your
application must perform some of the necessary processing. At server startup (if Color Recovery is not
disabled in the X*screens file), the following properties are defined and placed on the root window:
These properties are of type RGB_COLOR_MAP and carry pointers to structures of type
XStandardColormap. They may be interrogated with calls to XGetRGBColormaps. The colormaps in the
colormaps which are created at server startup and are for use with the TrueColor and PseudoColor
visuals, respectively. They are both initialized to contain the 3:3:2 ramp of 8-bit TrueColor. Neither of
these colormaps can be modified as they are read-only. The property _HP_RGB_SMOOTH_MAP_LIST
is a list of colormaps that are associated with all of the root window's visual IDs that support Color
Recovery. When the XGetRGBColormaps routine searches this list for a colormap with a visual ID that
matches the visual ID that your window is using and it finds one, your application knows that your
visual supports Color Recovery, and uses that colormap for any Color Recovery window in your
window's visual.
Note: The algorithm used for the Color Graphics device is slightly different from that used for the
HCRX family of devices. If you do not wish for your application to have to do device-specific checks,
HP recommends that you use the HCRX encoding algorithm for Color Recovery regardless of the
device on which your application is executing. The results on the Color Graphics device will not be
optimal, but will generally still be much better than a standard dither. If you are willing to do device-
specific checks, the existence of either the _HP_RGB_SMOOTH_TRUE_MAP or
_HP_RGB_SMOOTH_PSEUDO_MAP property will indicate the device is Color Graphics.
Color Recovery uses all 256 entries of one of the available colormaps. The color visual used by Color
Recovery emulates the 24-bit TrueColor visual; thus, the colors red, green, and blue are typically
declared as integers in the range from 0 to 255. Each window that uses Color Recovery will have the
same colormap contents.
For Color Recovery to produce the best results, the emulated 24-bit TrueColor data is dithered as
explained below.
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A pixel to be dithered is sent to the routine provided in this example. The values of the variables
RedValue, GreenValue, and BlueValue are generated by an application. In this example, the color
values are assumed to be in the range 0..255.
The given routine receives the color values and the X and Y window address (Xp and Yp) of the pixel.
The X and Y address is used to access the dither tables. The values from the dither tables are added to
the color values. After the dither addition, the resultant color values are quantized to three bits of red and
green and two bits of blue. The quantized results are packed into an 8-bit unsigned char and then stored
in the frame buffer. In the process of sending the contents of the frame buffer to the CRT, a special
section in the hardware then converts the frame buffer's 8-bit data into 24-bit TrueColor data for display.
Here is a routine that can be used to dither the 24-bit TrueColor data.
unsigned char dither_pixel_for_CR(RedValue,GreenValue,BlueValue,Xp,Yp)
int RedValue, GreenValue, BlueValue, Xp, Yp;
static short
dither_red[2][16] = {
{-16, 4, -1, 11,-14, 6, -3, 9,-15, 5, -2, 10,-13, 7, -4, 8},
{ 15, -5, 0,-12, 13, -7, 2,-10, 14, -6, 1,-11, 12, -8, 3, -9}};
static short
dither_green[2][16] = {
{ 11,-15, 7, -3, 8,-14, 4, -2, 10,-16, 6, -4, 9,-13, 5, -1},
{-12, 14, -8, 2, -9, 13, -5, 1,-11, 15, -7, 3,-10, 12, -6, 0}};
static short
dither_blue[2][16] = {
{ -3, 9,-13, 7, -1, 11,-15, 5, -4, 8,-14, 6, -2, 10,-16, 4},
{ 2,-10, 12, -8, 0,-12, 14, -6, 3, -9, 13, -7, 1,-11, 15, -5} };
unsigned char
red, green, blue;
x_dither_table, y_dither_table;
/* Determine the dither table entries to use based on the pixel address */
x_dither_table = Xp % 16; /* X Pixel Address MOD 16 */
y_dither_table = Yp % 2; /* Y Pixel Address MOD 2 */
/* Start with the initial values as supplied by the calling routine */
red = RedValue;
green = GreenValue;
blue = BlueValue;
/* Generate the red dither value */
red += dither_red[y_dither_table][x_dither_table];
/* Check for overflow or underflow on red value */
if (red > 0xff) red = 0xff;
if (red < 0x00) red = 0x00;
/* Generate the green dither value */
green += dither_green[y_dither_table][x_dither_table];
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/* Check for overflow or underflow on green value */
if (green > 0xff) green = 0xff;
if (green < 0x00) green = 0x00;
/* Generate the blue dither value */
blue += (dither_blue[y_dither_table][x_dither_table]<<1);
/* Check for overflow or underflow on blue value */
if (blue > 0xff) blue = 0xff;
if (blue < 0x00) blue = 0x00;
/* Generate the pixel value by "or"ing the values together */
pixel = ((red & 0xE0) | ((green & 0xE0) >> 3) | ((blue & 0xC0) >> 6));
Internal Color Graphics, Internal Grayscale Graphics, CRX, GRX, and Dual-
CRX Device-Dependent Information
Supported Visuals
Only one visual is supported.
For color displays:
• Class PseudoColor Depth 8 -
supports DBE and MBX hardware double-buffering (CRX, Dual CRX)
supports DBE and MBX software double-buffering (Internal Color Graphics)
For grayscale displays:
• Class GrayScale Depth 8 -
supports DBE and MBX hardware double-buffering (GRX)
supports DBE and MBX software double-buffering (Internal GrayScale Graphics)
The "layer" and "transparent" default visual options are not supported.
Supported Screen Options
The following Screen Options are supported:
• SwapBuffersOnVBlank
• 3BitCenterColor (Internal Color Graphics only)
• EnableIncludeInferiorsFix
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CRX-24[Z] Device-Dependent Information
Supported Visuals
The following visuals are supported:
• Class PseudoColor Depth 8 Layer Image -
supports DBE and MBX hardware double-buffering
• Class PseudoColor Depth 8 Layer Overlay -
supports DBE and MBX software double-buffering
• Class DirectColor Depth 12 Layer Image -
supports DBE and MBX hardware double-buffering
• Class TrueColor Depth 12 Layer Image -
supports DBE and MBX hardware double-buffering
• Class DirectColor Depth 24 Layer Image -
doesn't support DBE and MBX double-buffering
• Class TrueColor Depth 24 Layer Image -
doesn't support DBE and MBX double-buffering
Supported Screen Options
The following Screen Options are supported:
• CountTransparentInOverlayVisual
• SwapBuffersOnVBlank
• ImageTextViaBitMap
• EnableIncludeInferiorsFix
CRX-24[Z] Transparent Overlay Visuals
The default number of colormap entries in the overlay visual for the CRX-24[Z] is 255. Entry 255 is
excluded because its value is hard-coded to transparent (that is, show the image planes).
This may have the following two consequences for X11 applications running in the overlay planes (the
default visual):
• Clients attempting to allocate 256 entries do not have their request granted.
• Clients requesting (via XAllocNamedColor) the rgb.txt value of "Transparent" are not returned
entry 255.
This default behavior can be changed by setting the CountTransparentInOverlayVisual screen option.
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When this option is enabled, the X server does the following:
• Specifies that the overlay visual has 256 entries.
• Creates the default colormap with entry 255 pre-allocated to Transparent. A client calling
XAllocNamedColor for entry Transparent in the default colormap will be returned entry 255.
• For all other colormaps, returns all 256 entries as allocable, but issues a warning message:
Warning: XCreateColormap is creating 256 entry cmaps in overlay visual.
Though allocable, entry 255 is hard-coded to transparency.
This warning is issued once per server execution.
CRX-48Z Device-Dependent Information
Supported Visuals
The following visuals are supported:
• Class PseudoColor Depth 8 Layer Image -
supports DBE and MBX hardware double-buffering
• Class PseudoColor Depth 8 Layer Overlay -
supports DBE and MBX software double-buffering
• Class DirectColor Depth 24 Layer Image –
• supports DBE and MBX hardware double-buffering
• Class TrueColor Depth 24 Layer Image -
supports DBE and MBX hardware double-buffering
Supported Screen Options
The following Screen Options are supported:
• CountTransparentInOverlayVisual
• SwapBuffersOnVBlank
• ImageTextViaBitMap
• EnableIncludeInferiorsFix
CRX-48Z Transparent Overlay Visuals
The default number of colormap entries in the overlay visual for the CRX-48Z is 255. Entry 255 is
excluded because its value is hard-coded to transparent (that is, show the image planes).
This may have the following two consequences for X11 applications running in the overlay planes (the
default visual):
• Clients attempting to allocate 256 entries do not have their request granted.
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• Clients requesting (via XAllocNamedColor) the rgb.txt value of Transparent are not returned
entry 255.
This default behavior can be changed by setting the CountTransparentInOverlayVisual screen option.
When this option is enabled, the X server does the following:
• Specifies that the overlay visual has 256 entries.
• Creates the default colormap with entry 255 pre-allocated to Transparent. A client calling
XAllocNamedColor for entry Transparent in the default colormap will be returned entry 255.
• For all other colormaps, returns all 256 entries as allocable, but issues a warning message:
Warning: XCreateColormap is creating 256 entry cmaps in overlay visual.
Though allocable, entry 255 is hard-coded to transparency.
This warning is issued once per server execution.
HCRX and HP VISUALIZE Device-Dependent Information
This section includes information on the HCRX-8[Z], HCRX-24[Z], HP VISUALIZE-EG, HP
VISUALIZE-8, HP VISUALIZE-24, and HP VISUALIZE-48[XP] graphics devices.
The HCRX-8[Z] is a one-board device (two, with the optional accelerator) that has eight overlay planes,
two banks of 8 image planes, and 4 hardware colormaps. This device provides a superset of functionality
in the CRX.
The HCRX-24[Z] is a one board device (two, with the optional accelerator) that has eight overlay
planes, two banks of 12 image planes, and 4 hardware colormaps. This device provides a superset of
functionality in the CRX-24[Z].
The HP VISUALIZE-EG is either an unaccelerated built-in graphics device or a single board
unaccelerated graphics device (not counting the optional memory daughter card in either case). This
device provides compatible functionality with the Integrated Color Graphics device when in 8 plane
mode and has functionality compatible with the HCRX-8 device when in double-buffer mode. See
below for a description of these modes. For shorthand notation, from this point on in the document, HP
VISUALIZE-EG will refer to either mode, HP VISUALIZE-EG(8) will refer to 8 plane mode only and
HP [Dual] VISUALIZE-EG will refer to double-buffer mode only.
The HP VISUALIZE-8 is a two board accelerated device that has eight overlay planes, two banks of 8
image planes, and 4 hardware colormaps. This device provides a superset of functionality in the CRX.
The HP VISUALIZE-24 is a two board accelerated device that has eight overlay planes, two banks of 12
image planes, and 4 hardware colormaps. This device provides a superset of functionality in the CRX-
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The HP VISUALIZE-48[XP] is a two-board accelerated device that fills two slots. If you add either the
optional texture-mapping memory card or the optional video-out card, it becomes a three-board set that
fills three slots. Add both optional cards, and it becomes a four-board set, but it still fills only three slots.
In any case, it has eight overlay planes, two banks of 24 image planes, and six hardware colormaps. This
device provides a superset of functionality in the CRX-48Z. The hardware support for accelerating 2D
Xlib primitives is similar to that in the other HCRX devices. The hardware for accelerating 3D
geometry, lighting, and shading, is new.
Supported Visuals
The following visuals are supported on the HP VISUALIZE-EG(8):
• Class PseudoColor Depth 8 Layer Image -
supports DBE and MBX software double-buffering
• Class TrueColor Depth 8 Layer Image -
supports DBE and MBX software double-buffering
The following visuals are supported on the HCRX-8[Z], HP [Dual] VISUALIZE-EG and HP
• Class PseudoColor Depth 8 Layer Image -
supports DBE and MBX hardware double-buffering
• Class PseudoColor Depth 8 Layer Overlay - (see Note)
supports DBE and MBX software double-buffering
• Class PseudoColor Depth 8 Layer Overlay Transparent - (see Note)
supports DBE and MBX software double-buffering
• Class TrueColor Depth 8 Layer Image -
supports DBE and MBX hardware double-buffering
Note: The two overlay visuals are mutually exclusive, based on the presence of the
EnableOverlayTransparency screen option (i.e., if the EnableOverlayTransparency screen option is set,
then the visual that supports transparency is available, otherwise the visual which does not support
transparency is available).
The following visuals are supported on the HCRX-24[Z] and HP VISUALIZE-24:
• Class PseudoColor Depth 8 Layer Image -
supports DBE and MBX hardware double-buffering
• Class PseudoColor Depth 8 Layer Overlay -
supports DBE and MBX software double-buffering
• Class PseudoColor Depth 8 Layer Overlay Transparent –
• supports DBE and MBX software double-buffering
• Class TrueColor Depth 8 Layer Image -
supports DBE and MBX hardware double-buffering
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• Class DirectColor Depth 12 Layer Image -
supports DBE and MBX hardware double-buffering
• Class TrueColor Depth 12 Layer Image -
supports DBE and MBX hardware double-buffering
• Class DirectColor Depth 24 Layer Image -
doesn't support DBE and MBX double-buffering
• Class TrueColor Depth 24 Layer Image -
doesn't support DBE and MBX double-buffering
The following visuals are supported on the HP VISUALIZE-48[XP]:
• Class PseudoColor Depth 8 Layer Image -
supports DBE and MBX hardware double-buffering
• Class PseudoColor Depth 8 Layer Overlay –
• supports DBE and MBX software double-buffering
• Class PseudoColor Depth 8 Layer Overlay Transparent -
supports DBE and MBX software double-buffering
• Class TrueColor Depth 8 Layer Image -
supports DBE and MBX hardware double-buffering
• Class DirectColor Depth 24 Layer Image -
supports DBE and MBX hardware double-buffering
• Class TrueColor Depth 24 Layer Image -
supports DBE and MBX hardware double-buffering
Supported Screen Options
The following Screen Options are supported:
• CountTransparentInOverlayVisual
• DisableColorRecovery
• EnableOverlayTransparency (HCRX-8[Z], HP [Dual] VISUALIZE-EG and HP VISUALIZE-8
• SwapBuffersOnVBlank
• ImageTextViaBitMap
• EnableIncludeInferiorsFix
The following modes are supported:
• 8 Plane mode
• Double-Buffer mode
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The modes are set from the Boot-Admin at bootup time by selecting from the menu of options a
configuration that supports double-buffer or not. From that point on (without rebooting) the server will
use the selected mode.
Eight-plane mode is compatible with the Integrated Color Graphics device. It has eight image planes and
uses only software double-buffering.
Double-Buffer mode is compatible with the HCRX-8 device. This mode requires an optional memory
daughter card. If the daughter card is installed, selecting this mode will result in eight overlay planes and
16 image planes (the same as HCRX-8 and HP VISUALIZE-8 devices). Double-Buffer mode allows the
use of hardware double-buffering.
HCRX Configuration Hints
HCRX-8[Z], HP [Dual] VISUALIZE-EG and HP VISUALIZE-8 Visuals and
Double-Buffer Support
The eight-plane HCRX-8[Z], HP [Dual] VISUALIZE-EG and HP VISUALIZE-8 are the first members
of the Series 700 graphics family whose overlay planes and image planes are both depth 8.
• There are two depth-8 PseudoColor visuals (one in the overlay planes, the other in the image
planes). There is also a depth-8 TrueColor visual in the image planes.
• The default visual (where the root window and default colormap reside) is in the overlay planes.
A DefaultVisual specification in a Screen Entry in the X*screens file may instead locate the
default visual in the Image Planes (see the X*screens File section, above).
• Fast 8/8 double-buffering (two hardware buffers) is supported in the depth-8 image planes, but
not in the overlays. The overlay planes support the slower virtual-memory-based double-
Implications and Suggestions for HCRX-8[Z], HP [Dual] VISUALIZE-EG and HP
The default colormap cannot be used with a window in a non-default visual, even one of the same depth
as the default visual.
Before trying to use the default colormap in a depth-8 window, verify that the window is in the default
visual. If the window is not in the default visual, create a colormap in that visual. This process of
creating a non-default colormap is the same as the one used to create windows in depth-12 or depth-24
If you have an application that assumes that the default colormap can be used with any depth-8 window
(even one in an image-plane visual) specify an image-plane visual as the default.
Unlike the CRX, the HCRX-8[Z]'s default visual the HP [Dual] VISUALIZE-EG's default visual and the
HP VISUALIZE-8's default visual do not have fast hardware double-buffering (but the image planes
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To obtain hardware double-buffering, find a visual in the image planes. The best method is to find all the
depth-8 PseudoColor visuals returned by XGetVisualInfo and then eliminate the visuals that are reported
in the SERVER_OVERLAY_VISUALS property (discussed below).
If you have an application that assumes the default visual has fast double-buffering, specify an image
plane visual as the default.
HCRX Overlay Visuals and Overlay Transparency
As on the CRX-24[Z] and CRX-48Z, a property on the root window, SERVER_OVERLAY_VISUALS,
is used to describe the visuals that are in the overlay planes.
Overlay Transparency on the HCRX-8[Z], HP [Dual] VISUALIZE-EG and HP
The HCRX-8[Z], HP [Dual] VISUALIZE-EG and HP VISUALIZE-8 each have one visual in the
overlay planes (depth-8 PseudoColor). By default, this overlay visual has no transparent index available
to applications for rendering transparency. This means the overlay windows with "floating text" are not
supported in the typical X server operation on the HCRX-8[Z], HP [Dual] VISUALIZE-EG or HP
For applications that require transparent overlay windows on the HCRX-8[Z], HP VISUALIZE-EG(D)
or HP VISUALIZE-8, an optional X server mode is available to allow for overlay transparency, but it is
restrictive. In this optional mode, overlay colormaps provide a single entry that can be used to render
transparency. Only one hardware colormap is available in the overlays (instead of two) and only one
hardware colormap is available in the image planes (instead of two).
To activate this optional X server mode to enable transparency, set the EnableOverlayTransparency
screen option. You will need to restart the X server for the option to take effect.
With this mode enabled, colormaps created in the default visual have 255 entries; entry 256 is reserved
for transparency. As on the CRX-24[Z] and CRX-48Z, the screen option
CountTransparentInOverlayVisual can be used to include the transparent index in the colormap size
(256 entries instead of 255).
Programmers' Note
If transparency is not enabled, there are only 252 colors available. Entries 252-255 are not writable, and
should not be used; there are only 252 colormap entries available, even though the server states that
there are 256.
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Overlay Transparency on the HCRX-24[Z], HP VISUALIZE-24, and HP
The HCRX-24[Z], HP VISUALIZE-24, and HP VISUALIZE-48[XP] have two visuals in the overlay
planes, both depth-8 PseudoColor.
The default overlay visual has 256 entries per colormap and no transparency.
The second overlay visual has 255 entries per colormap and supports transparency in the same way as
the CRX-24[Z]. As on the CRX-24[Z] and CRX-48Z, the screen option EnableOverlayTransparency can
be used to include the transparent index in the colormap size (256 entries instead of 255).
To allow applications to determine which visuals are in the overlay planes, both overlay visuals are
listed in the SERVER_OVERLAY_VISUALS property attached to the root window. The default
overlay visual has a transparent type of 0 (None) while the transparent overlay visual has a transparent
type of 1 (TransparentPixel).
If you need an overlay colormap that supports transparency, create the colormap using the visual that
has transparency in its SERVER_OVERLAY_VISUALS property. To look at the contents of this
property, you would use code similar to the following:
typedef struct {
VisualID overlayVisualID;
Card32 value;
Card32 layer;
transparentType;/* None, TransparentPixel, TransparentMask */
/* Either pixel value or pixel mask */
} OverlayVisualPropertyRec;
OverlayVisualPropertyRec *pOverlayVisuals, *pOVis;
overlayVisualsAtom, actualType;
/* Get the visuals for this screen and allocate. */
getVis.screen = screen;
pVisuals = XGetVisualInfo(display, VisualScreenMask, &getVis, &nVisuals);
pOverlayVisuals = (OverlayVisualPropertyRec *)
malloc ( (size_t)nVisuals * sizeof(OverlayVisualPropertyRec) );
/* Get the overlay visual information for this screen. Obtain
* this information from the SERVER_OVERLAY_VISUALS property. */
overlayVisualsAtom = XInternAtom(display, "SERVER_OVERLAY_VISUALS", True);
if (overlayVisualsAtom != None)
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/* Since the Atom exists, request the property's contents. */
bytesAfter = 0;
numLongs = ( nVisuals * sizeof(OverlayVisualPropertyRec) + 3 ) / 4;
XGetWindowProperty(display, RootWindow(display, screen),
overlayVisualsAtom, 0, numLongs, False,
AnyPropertyType, &actualType, &actualFormat,
&numLongs, &bytesAfter, &pOverlayVisuals);
if ( bytesAfter != 0 ) {/* Serious Failure Here */} ;
/* Loop through the pOverlayVisuals array. */
nOVisuals = numLongs/sizeof(OverlayVisualPropertyRec);
pOVis = pOverlayVisuals;
while (--nOVisuals >= 0)
if ( pOVis->transparentType == TransparentPixel )
{/* Found a transparent overlay visual, set ident. aside. */};
/* There might be some additional checking of the found
transparent overlay visuals wanted; e.g., for depth. */
This program fragment is not complete; its main purpose is to give the idea of how to find an overlay
visual having transparency.
HCRX Colormaps
The following information discusses the number of supported colormaps for the HCRX configurations.
HP VISUALIZE-EG(8): 8 Image planes
The image planes contain the default colormap permanently installed in the hardware plus one other
hardware colormap available to applications. No issues involving transparency exist because of the lack
of Overlay planes.
HCRX-8[Z], HP [Dual] VISUALIZE-EG and HP VISUALIZE-8: Eight Overlay
Planes and Two Depth-8 Banks of Image Planes
When the default visual is in the overlay planes (default location) and the screen option
EnableOverlayTransparency is not set, the overlay planes contain the default colormap permanently
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installed in the hardware, plus one other hardware colormap available to applications. The image planes
contain two hardware colormaps each usable by applications.
When the default visual is in the image planes and the screen option EnableOverlayTransparency is not
set, the overlay planes contain a single hardware colormap available to applications, plus a colormap
reserved by the server (i.e., unavailable to applications) to guarantee the existence of transparency, and
the image planes contain the default colormap permanently installed into the hardware, plus one other
hardware colormap available to applications.
When the screen option EnableOverlayTransparency is set, both the overlay planes and the image planes
have access to one hardware colormap. The default colormap is not permanently installed in the
hardware and is in the overlay planes by default, but the Default Visual can be located in the image
planes as described in a previous section.
HCRX-24[Z] and HP VISUALIZE-24: Eight Overlay Planes and 24 Image Planes
The overlay planes contain the default colormap permanently installed in the hardware, plus one other
hardware colormap available to applications. The image planes contain two hardware colormaps, each
usable by applications.
Although two hardware colormaps are available to applications in the image planes, a hardware
restriction allows only one depth-12 or depth-24 colormap to be installed at any given time. Therefore, if
two applications are run simultaneously and use different depth-12 or depth-24 colormaps, the
application that has the colormap focus looks correct and the other is technicolored.
HP VISUALIZE-48[XP]: Eight Overlay Planes and 48 Image Planes
The overlay planes contain the default colormap permanently installed in the hardware, plus one other
hardware colormap available to applications. The image planes contain four hardware colormaps, each
usable by applications.
The four hardware colormaps in the image planes can be treated as depth-8 or depth-24 colormaps.
There are no restrictions on the types of colormaps that can be installed in the hardware at any given
time. All four colormaps can be used with any visual class.
Accessing HP Color Recovery Technology via Xlib
Color Recovery is a technique to generate a better picture by attempting to eliminate the graininess
caused by dithering. Access to the Color Recovery capability is transparent when using a 3D graphics
API such as Starbase, HP-PHIGS or PEX. If you are producing graphics using Xlib calls, your
application must perform some of the necessary processing. At server startup (if Color Recovery is not
disabled in the X*screens file), the _HP_RGB_SMOOTH_MAP_LIST property is defined and placed on
the root window.
The above property is of type RGB_COLOR_MAP and carries pointers to structures of type
XStandardColormap. It may be interrogated with calls to XGetRGBColormaps. The property
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_HP_RGB_SMOOTH_MAP_LIST is a list of colormaps that are associated with window visual IDs that
support Color Recovery. When the XGetRGBColormaps routine searches this list for a colormap with a
visual ID that matches your window's visual ID and it finds one, your application knows that your visual
supports Color Recovery, and uses that colormap for any Color Recovery window in your window's
Color Recovery uses all 256 entries of one of the available colormaps. The color visual used by Color
Recovery emulates the 24-bit TrueColor visual, thus, the colors red, green, and blue are typically
declared as integers in the range from 0 to 255. Each window that uses Color Recovery will have the
same colormap contents.
For Color Recovery to produce the best results, the emulated 24-bit TrueColor data is dithered as
explained below.
A pixel to be dithered is sent to the routine provided in this example. The values of the variables
RedValue, GreenValue, and BlueValue are generated by an application. In this example, the color
values are assumed to be in the range 0..255.
The given routine receives the color values and the X and Y window address (Xp and Yp) of the pixel.
The X and Y address is used to access the dither tables. The values from the dither tables are added to
the color values. After the dither addition, the resultant color values are quantized to three bits of red and
green and two bits of blue. The quantized results are packed into an 8-bit unsigned char and then stored
in the frame buffer. In the process of sending the contents of the frame buffer to the CRT, a special
section in the hardware then converts the frame buffer's 8-bit data into a 24-bit TrueColor data for
Here is a routine that can be used to dither the 24-bit TrueColor data.
unsigned char dither_pixel_for_CR(RedValue,GreenValue,BlueValue,Xp,Yp)
static short dither_red[2][16] = {
{-16, 4, -1, 11,-14, 6, -3, 9,-15, 5, -2, 10,-13, 7, -4, 8},
{ 15, -5, 0,-12, 13, -7, 2,-10, 14, -6, 1,-11, 12, -8, 3, -9}};
static short
dither_green[2][16] = {
{ 11,-15, 7, -3, 8,-14, 4, -2, 10,-16, 6, -4, 9,-13, 5, -1},
{-12, 14, -8, 2, -9, 13, -5, 1,-11, 15, -7, 3,-10, 12, -6, 0}};
static short
dither_blue[2][16] = {
{ -3, 9,-13, 7, -1, 11,-15, 5, -4, 8,-14, 6, -2, 10,-16, 4},
{ 2,-10, 12, -8, 0,-12, 14, -6, 3, -9, 13, -7, 1,-11, 15, -5}};
unsigned char
red, green, blue;
x_dither_table, y_dither_table;
/* Determine the dither table entries to use based on the pixel address */
x_dither_table = Xp % 16; /* X Pixel Address MOD 16 */
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y_dither_table = Yp % 2; /* Y Pixel Address MOD 2 */
/* Start with the initial values as supplied by the calling routine */
red = RedValue;
green = GreenValue;
blue = BlueValue;
/* Generate the red dither value */
if (red >= 48) /* 48 is a constant required by this routine */
red += dither_red[y_dither_table][x_dither_table];
/* Check for overflow or underflow on red value */
if (red > 0xff) red = 0xff;
if (red < 0x00) red = 0x00;
/* Generate the green dither value */
if (green >= 48) /* 48 is a constant required by this routine */
green += dither_green[y_dither_table][x_dither_table];
/* Check for overflow or underflow on green value */
if (green > 0xff) green = 0xff;
if (green < 0x00) green = 0x00;
/* Generate the blue dither value */
if (blue >= 112) /* 112 is a constant required by this routine */
blue += (dither_blue[y_dither_table][x_dither_table]<<1);
/* Check for overflow or underflow on blue value */
if (blue > 0xff) blue = 0xff;
if (blue < 0x00) blue = 0x00;
pixel = ((red & 0xE0) | ((green & 0xE0) >> 3) | ((blue & 0xC0) >> 6));
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HP VISUALIZE-FX (FX2, FX4 and FX6) Device-Dependent Information
This section includes information on the HP VISUALIZE-FX2, HP VISUALIZE-FX4 and HP
VISUALIZE-FX6 graphics devices:
• The HP VISUALIZE-FX2 has 8 overlay planes, 24 image planes, a 24-bit Z buffer and 8
hardware colormaps.
• The HP VISUALIZE-FX4 has 8 overlay planes, 48 image planes, a 24-bit Z buffer and 8
hardware colormaps.
• The HP VISUALIZE-FX6 has 8 overlay planes, 48 image planes, 16 alpha planes, a 24-bit Z
buffer and 8 hardware colormaps.
HP VISUALIZE-FX2/4/6 graphics devices contain 2D hardware acceleration similar to that in other HP
VISUALIZE devices as well as 3D acceleration for geometry, lighting, and shading. Optional texture
mapping acceleration is also available.
Supported Visuals
HP VISUALIZE-FX2/4/6 graphics devices support all of the following visuals:
• Class PseudoColor Depth 8 Layer Image
• Class PseudoColor Depth 8 Layer Overlay
• Class PseudoColor Depth 8 Layer Overlay Transparent
• Class TrueColor Depth 8 Layer Image
• Class PseudoColor Depth 12 Layer Image
• Class DirectColor Depth 12 Layer Image
• Class TrueColor Depth 12 Layer Image
• Class DirectColor Depth 24 Layer Image
• Class TrueColor Depth 24 Layer Image
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The following visuals are enabled by default on the HP VISUALIZE-FX2:
• Class PseudoColor Depth 8 Layer Image-
supports DBE hardware double-buffering
• Class PseudoColor Depth 8 Layer Overlay-
supports DBE software double-buffering
• Class PseudoColor Depth 8 Layer Overlay Transparent-
supports DBE software double-buffering
• Class TrueColor Depth 8 Layer Image-
supports DBE hardware double-buffering
• Class DirectColor Depth 12 Layer Image-
supports DBE hardware double-buffering
• Class TrueColor Depth 12 Layer Image-
supports DBE hardware double-buffering
• Class DirectColor Depth 24 Layer Image-
does not support DBE hardware or software double-buffering
• Class TrueColor Depth 24 Layer Image-
does not support DBE hardware or software double-buffering
The default set of visuals on the HP VISUALIZE-FX4 and HP VISUALIZE-FX6 depend on the stereo
mode setting.
In non-stereo mode, the following visuals are enabled by default on the HP VISUALIZE-FX4 and HP
• Class PseudoColor Depth 8 Layer Image-
supports DBE hardware double-buffering
• Class PseudoColor Depth 8 Layer Overlay-
supports DBE software double-buffering
• Class PseudoColor Depth 8 Layer Overlay Transparent-
supports DBE software double-buffering
• Class TrueColor Depth 8 Layer Image-
supports DBE hardware double-buffering
• Class DirectColor Depth 24 Layer Image-
supports DBE hardware double-buffering
• Class TrueColor Depth 24 Layer Image-
supports DBE hardware double-buffering
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In stereo mode, the following visuals are enabled by default on the HP VISUALIZE-FX4 and HP
• Class PseudoColor Depth 8 Layer Image -
supports DBE hardware double-buffering
• Class PseudoColor Depth 8 Layer Overlay -
supports DBE software double-buffering
• Class PseudoColor Depth 8 Layer Overlay Transparent –
supports DBE software double-buffering
• Class TrueColor Depth 8 Layer Image -
supports DBE hardware double-buffering
• Class DirectColor Depth 12 Layer Image -
supports DBE hardware double-buffering
• Class TrueColor Depth 12 Layer Image -
supports DBE hardware double-buffering
• Class DirectColor Depth 24 Layer Image -
supports DBE hardware double-buffering
• Class TrueColor Depth 24 Layer Image -
supports DBE hardware double-buffering
Note: When running xdpyinfo or calling the XGetVisualInfo() Xlib function, some extra duplicate
visuals may appear in the visual list. These extra visuals are created on behalf of the OpenGL extension
to X (GLX). If necessary, the extra visuals can be disabled using the DisableGlxVisuals screen option.
See "Disabling the GLX Visuals" below for more information.
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Supported Screen Options
The following Screen Options are supported:
• CountTransparentInOverlayVisual
• ImageTextViaBitMap
• EnableIncludeInferiorsFix
• Enable12BitPseudoColorVisual
• DisableGlxVisuals
The following additional screen options are supported on the HP VISUALIZE-FX2, HP VISUALIZE-
FX4 (stereo mode) and HP VISUALIZE-FX6 (stereo mode):
• Disable12BitDirectColorVisual
• Disable12BitTrueColorVisual
The following additional screen options are supported on the HP VISUALIZE-FX4 (non-stereo mode)
and HP VISUALIZE-FX6 (non-stereo mode):
• Enable12BitDirectColorVisual
• Enable12BitTrueColorVisual
HP VISUALIZE-FX Configuration Hints
Overlay Visuals and Overlay Transparency
HP VISUALIZE-FX2/4/6 devices have two visuals in the overlay planes, both depth-8 PseudoColor.
The first (default) overlay visual has 256 entries per colormap and no transparency. The second overlay
visual has 255 entries per colormap and supports transparency.
To allow applications to determine which visuals are in the overlay planes, both overlay visuals are
listed in the "SERVER_OVERLAY_VISUALS" property attached to the root window. The default overlay
visual has a transparent type of "0" (None) while the transparent overlay visual has a transparent type of
"1" (TransparentPixel).
If you need an overlay colormap that supports transparency, create the colormap using the visual that
has transparency in its SERVER_OVERLAY_VISUALS property. To look at the contents of this property,
you would use code similar to the following:
typedef struct {
VisualID overlayVisualID;
transparentType;/* None, TransparentPixel, TransparentMask */
Card32 value;
/* Either pixel value or pixel mask */
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} OverlayVisualPropertyRec;
OverlayVisualPropertyRec *pOverlayVisuals, *pOVis;
overlayVisualsAtom, actualType;
/* Get the visuals for this screen and allocate. */
getVis.screen = screen;
pVisuals = XGetVisualInfo(display, VisualScreenMask, &getVis, &nVisuals);
pOverlayVisuals = (OverlayVisualPropertyRec *)
malloc ( (size_t)nVisuals * sizeof(OverlayVisualPropertyRec) );
/* Get the overlay visual information for this screen. Obtain
* this information from the SERVER_OVERLAY_VISUALS property. */
overlayVisualsAtom = XInternAtom(display, "SERVER_OVERLAY_VISUALS", True);
if (overlayVisualsAtom != None)
/* Since the Atom exists, request the property's contents. */
bytesAfter = 0;
numLongs = ( nVisuals * sizeof(OverlayVisualPropertyRec) + 3 ) / 4;
XGetWindowProperty(display, RootWindow(display, screen),
overlayVisualsAtom, 0, numLongs, False,
AnyPropertyType, &actualType, &actualFormat,
&numLongs, &bytesAfter, &pOverlayVisuals);
if ( bytesAfter != 0 ) {/* Serious Failure Here */} ;
/* Loop through the pOverlayVisuals array. */
nOVisuals = numLongs/sizeof(OverlayVisualPropertyRec);
pOVis = pOverlayVisuals;
while (--nOVisuals >= 0)
if ( pOVis->transparentType == TransparentPixel )
{/* Found a transparent overlay visual, set ident. aside. */};
/* There might be some additional checking of the found
transparent overlay visuals wanted; e.g., for depth. */
This program segment is not complete; however, its main purpose is to give an idea of how to find an
overlay visual having transparency.
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Disabling the GLX Visuals
The HP VISUALIZE-FX2/4/6 products are the first set of HP graphics devices that supports the
OpenGL extension to X (GLX). If HP OpenGL is installed on an HP VISUALIZE-FX2/4/6 system, then
the GLX extension offers new entry points for obtaining more information about X visuals. As part of
offering extended visual information, some extra X visuals appear in the X visual list. The extra visuals
are simply duplicates of visuals that would normally appear in the X visual list. In case that the extra
visuals cause problems with applications, a screen option can be used to disable them.
To disable the GLX visuals, add the DisableGlxVisuals Screen Option to the X*screens file. For
Screen /dev/crt/
HP VISUALIZE-FX2/4/6 Colormaps
HP VISUALIZE-FX2/4/6 devices have a total of 8 hardware colormaps. Two of the colormaps are
dedicated to the overlay planes, and the remaining six colormaps are dedicated to the image planes.
Of the 2 overlay colormaps, one is permanently reserved for the default colormap. The other overlay
colormap is available to applications.
Of the 6 image colormaps, two are reserved for the 12-bit PseudoColor visual. The other 4 image
colormaps are available for applications using other image plane visuals.
Changing the Monitor Type
A configuration tool is available to change the monitor type on HP VISUALIZE-FX2/4/6 devices.
Monitor resolution, refresh rate and stereo mode settings may be configured using the setmon tool. To
change the monitor type, the setmon command can be executed directly or done through the SAM
system administration tool.
The setmon executable is located at /opt/graphics/common/bin/setmon. Under SAM this component is
located under the top-level "Display" folder, next to the "X Server Configuration" icon.
Note: Changing the monitor type while the X server is running will necessitate killing and restarting the
X server.
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HP VISUALIZE-FXE, FX5 and FX10 Device-Dependent Information
Disable 12 Bit Direct Color Visual
This section includes information on the HP VISUALIZE-FXE, FX5 and FX10 graphics devices.
The HP VISUALIZE-FXE/5/10 has 8 overlay planes, 48 image planes a 24-bit z buffer and 4 hardware
HP VISUALIZE-FXE/5/10 graphics devices contain 2D hardware acceleration similar to that in other
HP VISUALIZE devices, as well as 3D acceleration for lighting, shading and texture mapping.
Supported Visuals
HP VISUALIZE-FXE/5/10 graphics devices support all of the following visuals:
• Class PseudoColor Depth 8 Layer Image
• Class PseudoColor Depth 8 Layer Overlay
• Class PseudoColor Depth8 Layer Overlay Transparent
• Class DirectColor Depth 24 Layer Image
• Class TrueColor Depth 24 Layer Image
The following visuals are enabled by default on the HP VISUALIZE-FXE/5/10:
• Class PseudoColor Depth 8 Layer Image
Supports DBE hardware double-buffering
• Class PseudoColor Depth 8 Layer Overlay
Supports DBE software double-buffering
• Class PseudoColor Depth 8 Layer Overlay Transparent
Supports DBE software double-buffering
• Class DirectColor Depth 24 Layer Image
Does not support DBE hardware or software double-buffering
• Class TrueColor Depth 24 Layer Image
Does not support DBE hardware or software double-bufferin
Note: When running xdpyinfo or calling the XGetVisualInfo() Xlib function, some extra duplicate
visuals may appear in the visual list. These extra visuals are created on behalf of the OpenGL extension
to X (GLX). If necessary, the extra visuals can be disabled using the DisableGLxVisuals screen option.
See the "Disabling the GLX Visuals" section for more information.
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Supported Screen Options
The following screen options are supported:
• CountTransparentInOverlayVisual
• ImageTextViaBitMap
• EnableIncludeInferiorsFix
• DisableGlxVisuals
HP VISUALIZE-FXE/5/10 Configuration Hints
Overlay Visuals and Overlay Transparency
HP VISUALIZE-FXE/5/10 devices have two visuals in the overlay planes, both depth-8 PseudoColor.
The first (default) overlay visual has 256 entries per colormap and no transparency. The second overlay
visual has 255 entries per colormap and supports transparency.
To allow applications to determine which visuals are in the overlay planes, both overlay visuals are
listed in the SERVER_OVERLAY_VISUALS property attached to the root window. The default overlay
visual has a transparent type of "0" (None), while the transparent overlay visual has a transparent type of
"1" (TransparentPixel).
If you need an overlay colormap that supports transparency, create the colormap using the visual that
has transparency in its SERVER_OVERLAY_VISUALS property.
Disabling the GLX Visuals
The HP VISUALIZE-FXE/5/10 products support the OpenGL extension to X (GLX). If HP OpenGL is
installed on anHP VISUALIZE-FXE/5/10 system, then the GLX extension offers new entry points for
obtaining more information about X visuals. As part of offering extended visual information, some extra
X visuals appear in the X visual list. The extra visuals are simply duplicates of visuals that would
normally appear in the X visual list. In case that the extra visuals cause problems with applications, a
screen option can be used to disable them.
To disable the GLX visuals, add the DisableGlxVisualsScreen Option to the X*screens file.For
Screen /dev/crt/
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HP VISUALIZE-FXE/5/10 Colormaps
HP VISUALIZE-FXE/5/10 devices have a total of 4 hardware colormaps. 2 of the colormaps are
dedicated to the overlay planes. The remaining 2 colormaps are dedicated to the image planes.
Of the 2 overlay colormaps, one is permanently reserved for the default colormap. The other overlay
colormap is available to applications.
Changing the Monitor Type
A configuration tool is available to change the monitor type on HP VISUALIZE-FX, HP VISUALIZE-
EG, and HP VISUALIZE-FXE/5/10 devices. This tool permits users to change the monitor's refresh
rate, frame buffer resolution, and frame buffer memory configuration (e.g., Stereo, Double Buffer),
when the device supports multiple options. To change the monitor type, the setmon command can be
executed directly or done through the SAM system administration tool.
The setmon executable is located at /opt/graphics/common/bin/setmon. Under SAM this component is
located under the top-level "Display" folder, next tothe "X Server Configuration" icon.
Note: Changing the monitor type while the X server is running will necessitate killing and restarting the
X server.
Freedom Series Graphics Device-Dependent Information
This sections describes support for the Freedom Series from Evans & Sutherland on Hewlett-Packard
Note: The Freedom Series is no longer supported as of HP-UX 10.20 Workstation ACE (July, 1997);
the information below is presented for those who are running previous versions of the operating system.
Supported Visuals
The following visuals are supported:
• Class PseudoColor Depth 8 Layer Overlay –
Class PseudoColor Depth 8 Layer Image -
supports DBE and MBX hardware double-buffering
• Class DirectColor Depth 24 Layer Image -
supports DBE and MBX hardware double-buffering
• Class TrueColor Depth 24 Layer Image -
supports DBE and MBX hardware double-buffering
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Supported Screen Options
The following Screen Options are supported:
• FreedomVideoFormat
Freedom Video Formats
Freedom Series graphics devices have the ability to support several different video formats. The default
format is 1280X1024 @ 75 Hz VESA timing. Other supported video formats may be selected by using
the FreedomVideoFormat screen option in the appropriate X*screens file. This screen option replaces
the 9.07 environment variable, ES_VIDEO_FORMAT. The appropriate video format must be selected
to support the specific display device connected to the Freedom accelerator. Multisync monitors can
support several different video formats.
Alternative supported formats:
Alternative Supported Freedom Video Formats
Screen Option Resolution Description
U.S. composite TV format with
European composite TV format
with CVO*
* "CVO" is the Composite Video Output card, which must be installed in the Freedom accelerator for
this video format to work.
While the following formats are provided there is no intent to claim "support" for these formats, they are
untested and unsupported configurations.
Alternative unsupported formats:
Alternative Unsupported Freedom Video Formats
Screen Option Resolution
U.S. composite TV format
European composite TV format
1920X1024 60 Hz interlaced
60 Hz frame rate per eye
60 Hz frame rate per eye
Standard VGA
1280X1024 60 Hz
1280X1024 76 Hz
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VRX Device-Dependent Information
This section includes information on the PersonalVRX (PVRX) and TurboVRX (TVRX) graphics
Note: The PersonalVRX and the TurboVRX are no longer supported as of the February, 1999 10.20
Xserver cumulative patch; the information below is presented for those who are running previous
versions of the operating system.
Supported Visuals
The following visuals are supported:
• Depth 3 (overlay and combined mode)
• Depth 4 (overlay and combined mode)
• Depth 8 (image and combined mode)
• Depth 12 (image and combined mode, TVRX only)
• Depth 16 (Creates a double-buffer version of the Depth 8 visual)
• Depth 24 (image and combined mode, TVRX only)
None of these visuals support DBE or MBX double-buffering.
In image mode the default visual is the Depth 8 PseudoColor visual. In overlay mode it is the depth 3 or
depth 4 PseudoColor visual as specified by the device file. In combined mode the first device file
specifies the default visual. Examples are shown in the section below.
VRX Device Files
Different device files exist for the image planes and overlay planes on VRX devices. The X server
supports three different modes of operation on VRX devices: image, overlay or combined.
In image mode, the X server runs only in the image planes. This is the default on VRX devices. To
operate in image mode, the image device file should be specified as the primary screen device. For
# Image mode
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In overlay mode, the X server runs only in the overlay planes. Since only 3 or 4 planes are available in
the overlay planes on VRX devices, the number of colors is very limited. To operate in overlay mode,
the overlay device file should be specified as the primary screen device. For example:
# Overlay mode using 3 overlay planes
# Overlay mode using 4 overlay planes
In combined mode, the X server runs in both image and overlay planes. To configure the X server to
operate in combined mode, a primary and a secondary device must be specified. The
VRXSecondaryDevice is used for this purpose. For example:
/dev/ocrt /dev/crt
/dev/crt /dev/ocrt
# default visual lives in overlay planes
# default visual lives in image planes
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Chapter 4: X Windows Configuration Details
This chapter discusses several details concerning the configuration of X hosts, colormaps, mouse, and
Making an X*.hosts File
The /etc/X0.hosts file is an ASCII text file containing the hostnames of each remote host permitted to
access your local server.
• If you are running as a stand-alone system, you must have your system's name in this file.
• If you are part of a network, the other system names must be included.
The syntax is as follows:
For example, if you are hpaaaaa, and regularly ran clients on hpccccc, and hpddddd, you would want the
following lines.
Note: Aliases work as well as hostnames, provided they are valid, that is, commonly known across the
X0.hosts and X0screens Relation
The default screen configuration file X0screens uses the default X11 remote host file X0.hosts.
Each custom X*screens file is associated with a special X*.hosts file. The number represented by the
"*" causes the correct screen and host files to be used together. For example, X3screens takes an
X3.hosts file. Both are referenced by the server when it is started with a /usr/bin/X11/X :3 command.
If you use a special X*screens file, you need to set your DISPLAY variable appropriately. For the
previous example, it would be set to hostname:3.0.
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Note: The number in an Xnscreens file does not necessarily refer to a physical screen number; any
meaning implied by the number is for the user to define. There are no semantics applied to the number
except that the Xnscreens files are used when X is started on display <name>:n.0. For example, an
X3screens file does not necessarily imply device file /dev/crt3; an X3screens file can use whatever
device file the user specifies. The same applies to the X*devices, X*.hosts, X*.pointerkeys, etc., files as
Using an /etc/hosts File
This file need not be present if your system is configured to query a nameserver.
The /etc/hosts file is an ASCII text file containing a list of all the host names and internet addresses
known to your system, including your own system.
If your system is not connected to a network, use the loopback address ( and the hostname
unknown: Unknown
For a local system to access a remote host:
• The address and hostname of the remote host must be listed in the local system's /etc/hosts file.
• The user must have a valid login (username and password) and home directory on the remote
Using Special Input Devices
Input devices are connected to Hewlett-Packard computers through several different hardware
interfaces. Among the interfaces supported are the Hewlett-Packard Human Interface Link (hp-HIL) and
the industry standard RS-232C (serial) and DIN interfaces. Some Hewlett-Packard computers do not
support all of these interfaces.
How the X Server Chooses the Default Keyboard and Pointer
The X server can access input devices through any of the above interfaces. Devices that use the hp-HIL
interface and devices that use the DIN interface and are compatible with the hp DIN keyboard and
mouse can be used by simply plugging them into the computer. Devices that use the RS-232C interface
require the installation of input device driver software before they can be used.
If no explicit input device configuration is done, the X server chooses the X keyboard device and X
pointer device from the input devices that are connected to the computer (in most cases, the keyboard
and a mouse). On computers that support both hp-HIL and DIN interfaces, the DIN input devices are
used if both types of devices are connected.
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hp-HIL input devices can plug into other hp-HIL devices, with up to seven input devices connected
together. If there are no DIN input devices connected, and there are multile hp-HIL input devices, the
following algorithm is used to choose an X keyboard and pointer device.
If no explicit specification is made through the X*devices file, the last mouse (the one
farthest from the computer on the hp-HIL line) is used as the X pointer and the last keyboard
is used as the X keyboard.
If no mouse is available, the last pointing device (such as a dial box, graphics tablet, or
trackball) is used as the X pointer. If no keyboard is available, the last key device (such as a
buttonbox or barcode reader) is used as the X keyboard.
If either the pointer or keyboard are unavailable, the X server won't run unless explicitly
configured to run with no input devices.
X*devices File
The X server reads an input device file, X0devices in /etc/X11, to find out what input devices it should
open and attach to the display.
Note: A sample X0devices file is loaded into /etc/X11 unless one already exists. In that case, it is loaded
into /usr/newconfig/etc/X11.
The default X0devices file contains lines of text, but does not specify any input configuration. Rather, it
assumes the default input configuration of one keyboard and one pointer.
If this is your configuration, you may not want to change the contents of the file for three reasons:
• Clients can request and receive the services of an input device regardless of whether the device is
specified in a device configuration file. Thus, you need not change the X0devices file, or create a
custom file, even though you have a custom input configuration.
• Even if you have other screen configurations, you can rely on the default input device
configuration without having to create an X*devices file to match every X*screens file. For
example, if you had a custom X*screens file, you would not necessarily need an X*devices file.
A custom X*devices file is required only when you want to tell the X server about a custom input device
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Explicitly Specifying Input Device Use
The X server can be explicitly configured to use a specific input device as the X pointer or X keyboard,
or merge the data from an input device with that from the X pointer or keyboard. This configuration is
done by adding information to the X*devices file. There is one syntax to use for hp-HIL devices, and
another syntax for devices that require a device driver to be loaded by the X server (such as RS-232
devices). hp-HIL devices can be specified in either of two ways:
• Device type and position.
• Device file name.
Explicitly Specifying RS-232 Input Device Use
Some RS-232C input devices can be used with the X server. A device driver must exist for the desired
serial input device, and it must reside in the /usr/lib/X11/extensions directory. Input device drivers are
usually supplied by the input device vendor along with the input device. Sample input device drivers and
documentation describing how to write an input device driver may be found in the
/usr/contrib/X11drivers/input directory.
To use an RS-232 input device, you must modify the X*devices file to inform the X server which input
device driver is to be loaded, the serial port to which it is connected, and how it is to be used. This is
done by adding an entry to the X*devices file of the following form:
Name <device_driver_name>
Path <device_file_path>
Use <device_use>
Specifies the name of the input device driver shared library.
Specifies the name of the device file for the serial port being used.
Specifies the desired use of the input device, such as "keyboard", "pointer", "other", or
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The following example specifies a Spatial System Spaceball® connected to the serial port associated
with device file /dev/tty0p0 as the X pointer:
More examples of input device specifications for RS-232 input devices are in the
/usr/newconfig/etc/X11/X0devices file.
Specifying hp-HIL Input Device Use by Device Type and Position
The device can be specified using its device type and position by adding an entry to the X*devices file
with the following form:
<relative_position> <device_type> <use> #<comments>
Specifies the position of the device on the hp-HIL relative to the other devices on the hp-HIL, for
example, "first", "second", and so on.
Specifies the type of input device, such as "keyboard", "mouse", or "tablet".
Is "keyboard", "mouse", or "other".
Describes device. Comments are optional, but if present, must start with a "#".
Separate the parts of your entry with tabs or spaces.
The position of an input device on the hp-HIL is relative to other devices of the same type. For example
if you have two keyboards, a graphics tablet, and a mouse connected, they are referred to as "first
keyboard", "second keyboard", "first tablet", and "first mouse".
This syntax is useful for computers on which a single X server is running, and on which no other
programs directly access input devices. With this syntax, if you add a new input device to the hp-HIL,
you don't have to edit the X*devices file unless the device is of the same type as one already named in
the file and you add the device ahead of the existing device.
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This syntax should not be used if more than one X server will be run on the same computer, or if non-X
programs will be directly accessing input devices. The X server interprets "first" to mean "first
accessible", so you may not always get the first on the hp-HIL, just the first one not already in use.
Selecting Values for X*devices Files
X*devices files use the following special names for positions, devices, and uses:
Values for X*devices Files
Positions Device Type (Device Class) Uses
keyboard (keyboard)
mouse (pointer)
tablet (pointer)
buttonbox (keyboard)
barcode (keyboard)1
one_knob (pointer)
nine_knob (pointer)2
quadrature (pointer)
touchscreen (pointer)
trackball (pointer)3
1The HP barcode reader has two modes: keyboard and ASCII. The modes are set via switches on the
reader. If you set the barcode reader to ASCII transmission mode, it appears to the server as a barcode
reader and the device name is therefore barcode. However, if you set the barcode reader to emulate a
keyboard, the barcode reader appears as a keyboard and the device name should therefore be keyboard.
What distinguishes a barcode reader set to keyboard mode from a real keyboard is the relative position
or the device file name, depending on which syntax you use.
2The nine-knob box appears to the X server as three separate input devices. Each row of knobs is a
separate device, and the first device is the bottom row.
3Similar to the barcode reader, the trackball appears to the server, not as a trackball, but as a mouse.
Therefore, to specify a trackball, use the mouse device name. Again, what specifies the trackball instead
of the real mouse is the relative position or the device filename, depending on which syntax you use.
You can create a system on which the X server runs, but which does not have any input devices. In this
case, clients could be run from a remote terminal, or from a remote host, and their output directed to the
X server. To create a system with no input, include the following lines in the X0devices file:
first null keyboard
first null pointer
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If you had a more complicated configuration, such as two graphics tablets, two keyboards, and a barcode
reader, your X*devices file could look like this:
• first tablet pointer The pointer
• second tablet other Merged with the pointer
• first keyboard other Merged with the keyboard
• second keyboard keyboard The keyboard
• first barcode other Merged with the keyboard
In this example, the first tablet acts as the pointer, the second keyboard acts as the keyboard, input from
the second tablet is treated as if it came from the X pointer, and input from the first keyboard and the
barcode reader is treated as if it came from the X keyboard.
Note: The barcode reader is in ASCII mode in this example. If the barcode reader were in keyboard
mode, the last line of the example would read as follows:
third keyboard other
More examples can be found in the X0devices file in /usr/newconfig/etc/X11.
Specifying hp-HIL Input Device Use by Device File Name
The device can be specified using the name of the device to which it is attached. This can be done by
adding an entry to the X*devices file with the form: /<path>/<device_file> <use> #<comments>
Specifies the name of the device file associated with the input device.
is "keyboard", "pointer", or "other".
Describes the device. Comments are optional, but if present, must be preceded by a "#".
This syntax should be used if more than one X server will be running on the computer, or if non-X
programs will be accessing the input devices. It refers to a specific position on the hp-HIL.
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Redefining the hp-HIL Search Path
The X*devices file can be used to redefine the path searched for hp-HIL devices. By default, the path
searched is /dev/hil. The device files are named by appending the numbers "1" through "7" to the path.
The path is redefined by adding an entry to the X*devices file with the following form: <path>
<hil_path> #<comment>
Specifies the path to be searched for the hp-HIL input devices.
Describes the path. Comments are optional, but if present, must be preceded by a "#".
The X server appends the numbers "1" through "7" to the specified path. For example, specifying:
/tmp/fred hil_path
results in the device names /tmp/fred1, /tmp/fred2, and so on.
Stopping the X Window System
After stopping all application programs, stop the window system by holding down the
keys, and then pressing the
system. (If you have a PC-style keyboard, press
key. This stops the display server, and with it the window
The sequence of keys that stops the display server can be customized in the X*pointerkeys file. Refer to
the X0pointerkeys file in /etc/X11.
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Initializing the Colormap with xinitcolormap
The xinitcolormap client initializes the X colormap. Specific X colormap entries (pixel values) are made
to correspond to specified colors. An initialized colormap is required by applications that assume a
predefined colormap (for example, many applications that use Starbase graphics).
xinitcolormap has the following syntax: xinitcolormap [<options>]
where the <options> are:
-f <colormapfile>
Specifies a file containing a colormap.
-display <display>
Specifies the server to connect to.
-c <count>
Only the first count colors from the colormap file will be used if this parameter is specified.
-k or -kill
Deallocate any colormap entries that were allocated by a previous run of xinitcolormap.
xinitcolormap choses a colormap file in the order shown below. Once one is found, then the other
sources aren't searched.
The command line option [-f <colormapfile>].
.Colormap default value.
The xcolormap file in /usr/lib/X11.
If no colormap file is found, this default colormap specification is assumed - black (colormap
entry 0), white, red yellow, green, cyan, blue, magenta (colormap entry 7).
xinitcolormap should be the first client program run at the start of a session in order to assure that
colormap entries have the color associations specified in the colormap file. Sometimes you may
encounter this X toolkit warning:
X Toolkit Warning: cannot allocate colormap entry for 94c4d0
where "94c4d0" is a color specified in the application running. If this occurs, it means that you have
probably reached the limit of colors for your graphics card/display combination. Executing
xinitcolormap may solve the problem.
For more information about xinitcolormap, refer to its reference page.
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Customizing the Mouse and Keyboard
This section describes the following customizations:
• Changing mouse button actions.
• The xmodmap client.
• Going mouseless.
• Customizing keyboard input.
Changing Mouse Button Actions
Normally, the mouse pointer buttons are mapped as follows:
Default Mouse Button Mapping
Button on a 2-button mouse
Button on a 3-button Mouse
Button 1
Button 2
Button 3
Button 4
Left button
Both buttons simultaneously
Right button
Left button
Middle button
Right button
Left and middle buttons
Button 5
Middle and right buttons
However, you can change these mappings. To generate buttons 4 and 5 on a three-button mouse, you
must enable button chording as described later in this chapter.
Alternative Mouse Button Mappings
Left-Handed Mapping
2-button mouse 3-button mouse
OSF/Motif Mapping
To press:
2-button mouse
3-button mouse
Left button
Button 1
Button 2
Right button
Both buttons
Left button
Right button
Middle button
Left button
Right button
Middle button
Button 3
Button 4
Left button
Both buttons
Right button
Middle and right
Left and middle
Middle and left
Right and middle
Button 5
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The xmodmap utility can be used to change mouse button mappings. The syntax for changing mouse
button mappings with xmodmap is:
xmodmap {-e "pointer = {default | number [number...] }" | -pp}
Specifies a remapping expression. Valid expressions are covered in "Customizing Keyboard
Set mouse keys back to default bindings.
Specifies a list of button numbers to map the mouse keys to. The order of the numbers refers to
the original button mapping.
Print the current pointer mapping.
For example, to reverse the positions of buttons 1 and 3 for left-handed mapping:
xmodmap e "pointer = 3 2 1"
(2 button mouse)
xmodmap e "pointer = 3 2 1 5 4" (3 button mouse)
To establish OSF/Motif-standard button mapping:
xmodmap e "pointer = 1 3 2"
2 button mouse
xmodmap e "pointer = 1 3 2 4 5" 3 button mouse
Going Mouseless with the X*pointerkeys File
Your work situation may lack sufficient desk space to adequately use a mouse pointer. You may,
therefore, want to "go mouseless" by naming the keyboard (or some other input device) as the pointer.
To go mouseless, you need to have the proper configuration specified in the X*devices file and to have a
special configuration file named X*pointerkeys. The default X*pointerkeys file is X0pointerkeys in
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The X*pointerkeys file lets you specify:
• The keys that move the pointer.
• The keys that act as pointer buttons.
• The increments for movement of the pointer.
• The key sequence that resets X11.
• The pixel threshold that must be exceeded before the server switches screens.
• That button chording is enabled or disabled.
• That button latching is enabled or disabled.
• Tablet subsetting.
• Screen switching behavior for multi-screen configurations.
If you modify a X*pointerkeys file, it does not take effect until you restart the X server.
Configuring X*devices for Mouseless Operation
If you have only one keyboard and no pointer device, and you want the keyboard to serve as both
keyboard and pointer, you don't have to change the default configuration of X0devices. The default
input device configuration automatically assigns the pointer to the keyboard if a pointer can't be opened
by the server.
If you have two or more input devices, you may need to explicitly specify which device should be the
keyboard and which the pointer.
The Default Values for the X*pointerkeys File
By default, when you configure your keyboard as the pointer, the X server chooses certain number pad
keys and assigns them mouse operations. Some number pad keys are assigned to pointer movement;
other number pad keys are assigned to button operations.
If you don't need to change the pointer keys from their default specifications, you don't need to do
anything else to use your keyboard as both keyboard and pointer. However, if you need to change the
default pointer keys, you must edit the X0pointerkeys file or create a new X*pointerkeys file. The
X*pointerkeys file is the file that specifies which keys are used to move the pointer when you use the
keyboard as the pointer.
The default key assignments are listed in the tables in the following section on customizing the
X*pointerkeys file.
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Creating a Custom X*pointerkeys File
You need to modify the existing X0pointerkeys file only if one or more of the following statements are
• You want to use the keyboard for a pointer.
• You want to change the pointer keys from their default configuration.
• You use the X0screens file to configure your display.
You need to create a custom X*pointerkeys file only if the following statements are true:
• You want to use the keyboard for a pointer.
• You want to change the pointer keys from their default configuration.
• You use a configuration file other than the X0screens file to configure your display.
You assign a keyboard key to a mouse function (pointer movement or button operation) by inserting a
line in the X*pointerkeys file. Lines in the X*pointerkeys file have the syntax:
<function> <keyname> [# <comment>]
Assigning Mouse Functions to Keyboard Keys
You can assign any mouse function, either a pointer movement or a button operation, to any keyboard
key. However, make sure that the key you are assigning doesn't already serve a vital function.
You can assign keyboard keys to pointer directions by specifying options in an X*pointerkeys file. The
following table lists the pointer movement options, the X*pointerkeys functions that control them, and
their default values:
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ointer Movement Functions
Movement Option
Default Key
Move the pointer to the left.
Move the pointer to the right.
Move the pointer up.
Move the pointer down.
pointer_down_key keypad_2
Add a modifier key to the pointer pointer_key_mod1 (no default)
direction keys.
Add a second modifier key to the pointer_key_mod2 (no default)
pointer direction keys.
Add a third modifier key to the
pointer direction keys.
pointer_key_mod3 (no default)
Note: The pointer direction keys are the keypad number keys on the right side of the keyboard, not the
keyboard number keys above the text character keys.
You can assign keyboard keys to pointer distances by specifying options in a X0pointerkeys file. The
following table lists the options that determine the distance of pointer movements, the X*pointerkeys
functions that control them, and their default value:
Pointer Distance Functions
Move the pointer a number of
10 pixels
Move the pointer using a modifier
Move the pointer using a modifier
Move the pointer using a modifier
pointer_mod1_amt 40 pixels
pointer_mod2_amt 1 pixel
pointer_mod3_amt 5 pixels
Add a modifier to the distance keys pointer_amt_mod1 no default
Add a modifier to the distance keys pointer_amt_mod2 no default
Add a modifier to the distance keys pointer_amt_mod3 no default
You can assign keyboard keys to mouse button operations by specifying options in a X*pointerkeys file.
The following table lists the button operations, the X*pointerkeys functions that control them, and their
default values:
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Button Operation Functions
Button Operation
Default Key
Perform button 1 operations
Perform button 2 operations
Perform button 3 operations
Perform button 4 operations
Perform button 5 operations
pointer_button1_key keypad_*
pointer_button2_key keypad_/
pointer_button3_key keypad_+
pointer_button4_key keypad_-
pointer_button5_key keypad_7
You can change the mapping of buttons on the pointer by using options in the X*pointerkeys file. The
following table lists the X*pointerkeys functions that control button mapping and their default values.
Like xmodmap and xset, these functions affect only the X pointer, not any extension input devices.
Button Mapping Functions
Button Mapping
Default Key
Set button 1 value button_1_value
Set button 2 value button_2_value
Set button 3 value button_3_value
Set button 4 value button_4_value
Set button 5 value button_5_value
You can change the key sequence that exits the X Window System. Also, if you use both image and
overlay planes, you can change the distance you must move the pointer before you switch planes. The
following table lists these options, the X*pointerkeys functions that control them, and their default
Reset and Threshold Functions
Default Key
no default
Exit the X Window System
Add a modifier to the exit key
Add a modifier to the exit key
Add a modifier to the exit key
Set the threshold for changing
between screens
screen_change_amt 30 pixels (0 if a graphics tablet is
screen_change_amt is used only if your system is configured for more than one screen.
screen_change_amt enables you to avoid switching from one screen to another if you accidentally run
the pointer off the edge of the screen. screen_change_amt establishes a "distance threshold" that the
pointer must exceed before the server switches screens. As the previous table shows, the default width of
the threshold is 30 pixels, but acceptable values range from 0 to 255.
When a graphics tablet is used as the X pointer, the screen_change_amt defines an area at the left and
right edges of the tablet surface that will be used to control screen changes. Moving the puck or stylus
into the left or right area will cause the X server to switch to the previous or next screen.
Graphics Administration Guide for HP-UX 10.20
Page 93
Button Chording
Default Action
Turn button chording off or on
button_chording On for devices with two buttons,
off for devices with more than
two buttons
Button chording refers to the generation of a button-press by pressing two other buttons. If you have a
two-button mouse, you can generate Button 3 by pressing both buttons together. With a three-button
mouse, you can generate button 4 by pressing the left and middle buttons together and button 5 by
pressing the middle and right buttons together. See the button chording examples in the X*pointerkeys
You can also use the X*pointerkeys file to configure pointer buttons so they are latched. When this
feature is enabled, a button you press stays logically down until you press it again. See the example
X*pointerkeys file in /usr/lib/X11 for information on configuring this functionality.
Note: The sample X*pointerkeys file is placed in /usr/lib/X11 at install time. If you subsequently update
your system, the X*pointerkeys file in /usr/lib/X11 is not overwritten, and the sample file is placed in
Specifying a Portion of a Tablet
Use a subset of the tablet surface tablet_subset_width
as the X pointer device
If a tablet is used as the X pointer device, it may be desirable to use only a portion of the tablet surface.
A rectangular subset of the surface may be specified with these functions. The units are in millimeters
from the upper left corner of the tablet surface. For example, if you want to use only an "A" size portion
of a larger "B" size tablet, the following lines could be added to the X*pointerkeys file:
tablet_subset_xorigin 68
tablet_subset_yorigin 40
tablet_subset_width 296
tablet_subset_height 216
Graphics Administration Guide for HP-UX 10.20
Page 94
You can also use the X*pointerkeys file to control screen switching behavior in multi-screen
configurations. See the example X*pointerkeys file in /usr/lib/X11 for an example of this functionality.
Note: The sample X*pointerkeys file is placed in /usr/lib/X11 at install time. If you subsequently update
your system, the X*pointerkeys file in /usr/lib/X11 is not overwritten, and the sample file is placed in
Modifier Keys
You can select up to three keys from among the two
keys, the two
keys, and the
key and use them each as modifier keys. A modifier key is a key that, when you hold it down and
press another key, changes the meaning of that other key.
Modifier keys in the X*pointerkeys file have three functions:
• They specify that a certain operation can't take place until they are pressed.
• They enable you to adjust the distance covered by the pointer during a movement operation.
• They enable you to change the key sequence that exits you from X11.
For example, you can overcome the problem in the last example by assigning the
modifier to the pointer direction keys. Now, to move the hpterm cursor to the right, you press
key as a
usual. To move the x server pointer to the right, you press
Specifying Pointer Keys
To find out what key names are valid for the keyboard you are using, enter
xmodmap –pk
You may also use the default X Keysymbol names assigned to these keys by the X Server.
If you only have one keyboard and no mouse, and you can live with the default pointer key assignations,
you don't have to do anything else to configure your system for mouseless operation. To move the
pointer to the left 10 pixels, you would press the
key on the keypad. To press mouse button 1 you
would press the
key on the keypad.
Graphics Administration Guide for HP-UX 10.20
Page 95
However, suppose you wanted to move only one pixel to the left. Although the default value of
pointer_mod2_amt is one pixel, no key is assigned to the modifier for that amount. Thus, you would
need to edit the X0pointerkeys file (or create an X*pointerkeys) to include a line assigning one of the
modifier keys to pointer_amt_mod2. The following line in X0pointerkeys assigns the
key to
###pointerfunction key
pointer_amt_mod2 left_shift
Or suppose you wanted to set up your X0pointerkeys file so that you could move 1, 10, 25, and 100
pixels. The following lines show one way to specify this:
###pointer function key
With these lines in effect, one press of the
Pressing the left and moves the pointer 10 pixels to the left. Pressing
moves the pointer 25 pixels to the left. And pressing moves the pointer 100 pixels to the left.
key on the keypad moves the pointer 1 pixel to the left.
Or, take the case, previously mentioned, where you want to use the arrow keys for both text cursor and
mouse pointer. You could insert the following lines in your X0pointerkeys file:
###pointer function key
pointer_right_key cursor_right
The above lines enable you to use the arrow keys for cursor movement, while using the shifted arrow
keys for pointer movement.
Note: Only the
key (and not the
) modifies the press of an arrow key from
cursor to pointer movement.
Now, suppose you want to use the arrow keys to operate the pointer, and you also need the arrow keys to
control the cursor in an hpterm window. Furthermore, another application uses the shift-arrow key
sequence to control its cursor.
Graphics Administration Guide for HP-UX 10.20
Page 96
The easiest way to solve this dilemma is to call in another modifier. The following lines illustrate this.
Compare them to the previous example.
###pointer function
pointer_right_key cursor_right
In this example,
• Pressing the
• Pressing
key moves the hpterm text cursor up.
moves the cursor up in the program you frequently operate.
moves the pointer up.
• Pressing
Using a similar technique, you can also reassign the
sequence that aborts a
session. You can specify the press of a single key or a combination of two, three, or four key presses.
Just make sure that the key sequence you select isn't something you're going to type by accident.
Customizing Keyboard Input
Besides remapping the mouse's pointer and buttons to your keyboard, you can remap any key on the
keyboard to any other key.
Modifying Modifier Key Bindings with xmodmap
To change the meaning of a particular key for a particular X11 session, or to initialize the X server with
a completely different set of key mappings, use the xmodmap client.
Note: There are now two keyboards available for Hewlett-Packard workstations, the 46021 keyboard,
the differences between them.
The syntax for xmodmap is as follows: xmodmap <options> [<filename>] where <options> are:
-display <host>:<display>
Specifies the host, display number, and screen to use.
Displays a brief description of xmodmap options.
Displays a brief description of the syntax for modification expressions.
Prints log information as xmodmap executes.
Graphics Administration Guide for HP-UX 10.20
Page 97
Turns off verbose logging. This is the default.
Lists changes to key mappings without actually making those changes.
-e <expression>
Specifies a remapping expression to be executed.
-pm, -p
Prints the current modifier map to the standard output. This is the default.
Prints the current keymap table to the standard output.
Print the current pointer map to the standard output.
Specifies that the standard input should be used for the input file.
Specifies a particular key mapping file to be used.
Specifying Key Remapping Expressions
Whether you remap a single key "on the fly" with a command-line entry or install an entire new
keyboard map file, you must use valid expressions in your specification, one expression for each
A valid expression is any one of the following:
Valid xmodmap Expressions
To do this...
Use this expression...
Assign a key symbol to a keycode
Replace a key symbol expression with another.
Clear all keys associated with a modifier key.
Add a key symbol to a modifier.
Remove a key symbol from a modifier.
keycode <keycode> = <keysym>
keysym <keysym> = <keysym>
clear <modifier>
add <modifier> = <keysym>
remove <modifier> = <keysym>
Refers to the numerical value that uniquely identifies each key on a keyboard. Values may be in
decimal, octal, or hexadecimal.
Refers to the character symbol name associated with a keycode; for example, KP_Add.
Specifies one of the eight modifier names: Shift, Control, Lock, Mod1, Mod2, Mod3, Mod4, and
On Hewlett-Packard keyboards, the lock modifier is set to the
key. However, any of the modifiers
can be associated with any valid key symbol. Additionally, you can associate more than one key symbol
with a modifier (such as Lock = Shift_R and Lock = Shift_L), and you can associate more than one
modifier with a key symbol (for example, Control = Caps_Lock and Lock = Caps_Lock).
Graphics Administration Guide for HP-UX 10.20
Page 98
For example, on a PC-style keyboard, you can press
capital "D", to print something else, and
to print a lower case "d",
to print still something else.
to print a
The xmodmap client gives you the power to change the meaning of any key at any time or to install a
whole new key map for your keyboard.
Suppose you frequently press the key at the most inopportune moments. You could remove the lock
key from the lock modifier, swap it for the key, then map the key to the lock modifier. Do this by
creating a little swapper file that contains the following lines:
!This file swaps the [Caps] key with the [F1] key.
remove Lock = Caps_Lock
keysym Caps_Lock = F1
keysym F1 = Caps_Lock
add Lock = Caps_Lock
Note: The use of the ! in the file to start a comment line. To put your "swapper" file into effect, enter
the following on the command line:
xmodmap swapper
If you use such a swapper file, you should probably have an unswapper file. The following file enables
you to swap back to the original keyboard mapping without having to exit X11:
!This file unswaps the [F1] key with the [Caps] key.
remove Lock = Caps_Lock
keycode 88 = F1
keycode 55 = Caps_Lock
add Lock = Caps_Lock
Note: The use of the hexadecimal values to reinitialize the keycodes to the proper key symbols. You
put your "unswapper" file into effect by entering the following command line:
xmodmap unswapper
On a larger scale, you can change your current keyboard to a Dvorak keyboard by creating a file with
the appropriate keyboard mappings.
xmodmap .keymap
Graphics Administration Guide for HP-UX 10.20
Page 99
Printing a Key Map
The -pk option prints a list of the key mappings for the current keyboard.
xmodmap –pk
The list contains the keycode and up to four 2-part columns. The first column contains unmodified key
values, the second column contains shifted key values, the third column contains meta (
key values, and the fourth column contains shifted meta key values. Each column is in two parts:
hexadecimal key symbol value, and key symbol name.
Using the Keyboards
There are now two keyboards available for Hewlett-Packard workstations. In addition to the 46021
keyboard, a personal computer-style keyboard, C1429 is also available. This new keyboard is also
known as the "Enhanced Vectra" keyboard.
Understanding the Keyboards
If an application is reading input directly from the keyboard, it receives a keycode when a key is
pressed. Equivalent keys on the two keyboards are those that generate the same keycode. If an
equivalent key does not exist, there is no way to generate the corresponding keycode.
In an X Window System environment, keycodes are mapped into key symbols by the X library. The key
symbols are stored in a keysym table. Application programs then reference these key symbols when
accessing keys.
Figure 12: Keycap, Keycode, and Keysym Relationships
Equivalent keys are those keys that are mapped to the same key symbol. One advantage of this mapping
is that if a key does not physically exist on a keyboard, its equivalent key symbol can be mapped to
some other key through the corresponding keycode.
Graphics Administration Guide for HP-UX 10.20
Page 100
Default Keyboard Mapping
The default keyboard mapping supplied with the X Window environment maps the C1429 keyboard to
the same key symbols that are used for the 46021 keyboard. This allows existing X client programs that
expect to receive input from a 46021 keyboard to be used with either keyboard. However, the result is
that some keys on the C1429 keyboard are mapped to key symbols that do not match the engravings on
their keycaps.
Equivalent Keys
Some applications may expect to use keys that exist on one of the keyboards but not the other. In most
cases, if a key does not exist on the keyboard in use, it is still possible to use some other key that is
equivalent. To do this, it is necessary to know which keys are equivalent on the two keyboards.
There are 14 keys on the C1429 keyboard that generate keycodes equivalent to keys on the 46021
keyboard, but have different engravings on the keycaps. Some have the same key symbol on both
keyboards, while others do not. These C1429 keys, their 46021 equivalents, and the corresponding
symbol names are shown in the following table.
C1429 Keycap
46021 Keycap
Default Key Symbol
XPCmodmap Symbol
Changing Key Mapping
X provides the means to change the key mapping, if you so desire. One way to accomplish this is by
running the xmodmap client program. Hewlett-Packard provides two files in the directory /usr/lib/X11 to
use with xmodmap. One, XPCmodmap, causes xmodmap to change the key mapping to match the
keycap engravings on the C1429 keyboard. The other, Xhpmodmap, causes xmodmap to change the key
mapping to match the keycap engravings on the 46021 keyboard, which are the defaults. This allows
either keyboard to be used with applications that expect the other keyboard, although only one mapping
can be used at any given time. When the mapping is changed, the X Server notifies all clients that are
executing at that time. Some clients may load the new mapping from the server right away, but others
Graphics Administration Guide for HP-UX 10.20
Page 101
may have to be restarted in order to recognize the new mapping. For more information about using the
xmodmap client, see the xmodmap man page.
C1429 Keyboard
Execute the following command to change the mapping of the keys shown above to match the
engravings on the C1429 keycaps.
/usr/bin/X11/xmodmap /usr/lib/X11/XPCmodmap
46021 Keyboard
Execute the following command to change the mapping to match the 46021 keyboard.
/usr/bin/X11/xmodmap /usr/lib/X11/Xhpmodmap
Comparing the Keyboards
The 46021 keyboard has 107 keys, while the C1429 keyboard has 101 keys. There are 7 keys on the
46021 keyboard whose keycodes cannot be generated by any key on the C1429 keyboard, and whose
key symbols cannot be generated when using the default keymap for the C1429 keyboard. The missing
keys are:
(on number pad)
(on number pad)
exist elsewhere on the C1429 keyboard, and the others are not needed by most
applications. Applications that do need one or more of them must assign their key symbols to the
keycodes of existing keys. The xmodmap client can be used to determine the keycode-to-key symbol
mapping of existing keys, and it can also be used to assign the key symbol to the desired keycode. These
keys use hp specific key symbol names whose correct spelling can be found in the file
The right
key on the C1429 keyboard generates a keycode that has no equivalent on the 46021
key by default.
keyboard. This key has the same effect as the left
Keys not mentioned above exist on both keyboards, and have the same key symbols.
Graphics Administration Guide for HP-UX 10.20
Page 102
Chapter 5 PowerShade: Enhanced 3D Rendering in Software
PowerShade is software that allows lighting, shading, and hidden-surface removal. It offers the
capability for both surface rendering and volumetric rendering. (Volumetric rendering is available on
supported devices only.)
PowerShade is not supported on the GRX or on any grayscale version of the Models 705, 710, 715 or
725. (See your Owner's Guide for more details on hp 9000 workstations.)
Because PowerShade functionality is API-independent, it is fully supported by Starbase, hp-PHIGS, and
hp PEX. For more information, refer to the appropriate API manual set.
Compatibility Considerations
You should consider the following information before you run an hp-UX 9.x application on an hp-UX
10.x system. This applies to applications that use hp PEXlib, Starbase, or hp-PHIGS graphics libraries.
• If your hp-UX 9.x application uses PowerShade functionality, you need to make sure you have
PowerShade installed on your hp-UX 10.x system for it to run. To do this, use swlist to confirm
that the PowerShade fileset has been installed on your system.
• If your hp-UX 9.x application uses hp VMX and it is designed to send output to an X terminal,
you need to have PowerShade installed on your hp-UX 10.x system.
Note: Even though some graphics devices automatically have PowerShade capabilities, you still need to
have PowerShade installed in order to output graphics to a remote X terminal.
As part of the transition to only supporting 3D computer graphics within the X Windows environment,
the Release 10.x versions of Starbase no longer support input directly from interactive devices such as a
keyboard, mouse, trackball, digitizing tablet, button box, knob box, or similar devices. Applications
should request input of this type through the X server.
The result of directly accessing an interactive input device from Starbase in Release 10.x is undefined. If
your application reads input directly from a mouse, keyboard, etc., using Starbase input calls, you should
modify that application to use Xlib calls to read data from these devices. (This statement does not apply
to hp-PEXlib since that API does not include input mechanisms. The PEXlib programmer should
already be using Xlib for input.)
Starbase applications that are linked with hp-UX 9.x shared or archived libraries may see different input
handling behavior when run on an hp-UX 10.x system.
Versions of hp-UX prior to Release 10.x will continue to support direct input as before. Hewlett-Packard
documentation will continue to describe input calls for Starbase because these manuals are also used
with versions of these APIs that support direct input.
Graphics Administration Guide for HP-UX 10.20
Page 103
Re-Installing PowerShade
PowerShade comes bundled with the hp-UX operating system, but in case you ever need to re-install it,
do the following:
Follow the instructions in the hp-UX manual Managing hp-UX Software with SD-UX to
install software (using the /usr/sbin/swinstall process).
Select the PowerShade product for installation.
3D Graphics Performance
The following information is intended to help application developers understand graphics performance
on hp's Series 700 and 800 graphics devices, using three APIs: hp PEX, hp-PHIGS, and Starbase.
The information presented here does not apply to the VRX family of graphics devices (for example,
PersonalVRX and TurboVRX). See the hp-UX Starbase Device Drivers Manual for more information
on the VRX family. HP PEXlib is not supported on the VRX family of graphics devices.
Note: If you are not certain what graphics devices are installed on your workstation, you can obtain
specific information about your graphics device (product name, device driver and capabilities supported)
by executing
which is a utility installed with hp-UX. For a detailed description of this utility, see the manpage on
graphinfo(1G) in the Starbase Reference Manual.
hp has optimized graphics performance for many typical cases. The data in the following tables
describes how to increase application performance using the hp PEX, hp-PHIGS, and Starbase graphics
APIs. These tables most accurately describe the performance factors relevant to geometry accelerator
devices. Older graphics hardware (those devices without geometry accelerators) may not perform quite
as well as the devices with geometry accelerators, but should show acceptable performance due to
optimized paths in the software that are shared by all devices.
Maximum performance can be achieved using features listed under "Performance Optimized For:" in the
following tables. Any combination of these features can be used for optimal performance. In general,
performance will slowly degrade as more of these features are used. For example, rendering with seven
directional light sources is slower than only specifying a single light.
Graphics Administration Guide for HP-UX 10.20
Page 104
Other features are available (listed as "Factors Affecting Performance:") but should be used with
discretion as performance is significantly slower if even one of these features is used.
Note: The following tables were complete and accurate as of the date of publication of this document.
Updates to the table, if any are necessary, will be included in the on-line release notes for the current
release. See the 10.x_Rel_Notes file in the following directories:
Texture Mapping
When the texture-mapping hardware is present, it is used completely, except for the following cases,
which bypass the geometry accelerator hardware but continue to use other texture-mapping hardware
• Using more than 8 lights
• Backface distinguishing
• Facet alpha
Texture-mapping hardware acceleration is completely bypassed when the following texture conditions
• Multiple textures per primitive (PEX)
• Texture maps with more than 32K texels per side (Starbase, PEX)
• No texture-mapping hardware installed (Starbase, PEX)
• Prelight texturing with DECAL mode on (PEX)
• Prelight texturing with replace mode on and boundary condition absolute (external to the texture
boundary is the original primitive color) (PEX)
• Starbase DECAL and the texture does not have ALPHA in it. (Starbase)
You can also resort to software texturing when you run into texture-memory space limitations or run out
of texture IDs.
Graphics Administration Guide for HP-UX 10.20
Page 105
hp PEX Graphics Performance
Optimized vs. Normal 3D Performance
Rendering Conditions
Factors Affecting Performance:
Performance Optimized For:
• Light sources:
• A total of more than 8 directional and
positional light sources cause a noticeable
performance degradation
o Best: up to 8 directional light
sources, plus ambient
o Good: a mixture of up to 8
directional and positional light
sources, plus ambient
• Picking
• Any of the following ways of heavily
interleaving changes:
• Directional eyepoint (this is the default in
hp PEX unless compliance mode is
• Back-face culling off, or back-face culling
on with supplied geometric normals
(culling usually results in a performance
o Frequent attribute changes (e.g.,
frequent changes of line color)
relative to the number of primitives
being drawn
o Frequent changes of the type of
primitive (e.g., switching between
Fill Areas and Polylines at a high
• View clipping on
o Frequent changes of vertex
attributes (i.e., the data being
supplied with each vertex)
o Frequent changes of modal state,
such as:
• Isotropic modeling matrix (angle-
• Color approximation type PEXColorSpace
• OCC primitives
• Packed or stride data format
ƒ Double-buffering
(especially MBX or DBE)
ƒ HLHSR mode or ID
ƒ Light sources enabled
ƒ Depth cueing state
ƒ Texture mapping state
o Frequent switching between two or
more active Renderers
o Frequent mixing of Xlib and hp
PEXlib calls
• Redundant or unnecessary setup (e.g.
setting attributes that are not relevant to the
primitives being drawn)
• Deformation on
• Model clipping on
• HLHSR in software via PowerShade (on
unaccelerated graphics devices)
Graphics Administration Guide for HP-UX 10.20
Page 106
Window Conditions
Performance Optimized For:
Factors Affecting Performance:
• Window obscured by many other image
plane windows
• Window unobscured or obscured only by
overlay windows
• Backing store enabled (on supported
FillArea Primitives
Performance Optimized For:
• Best: shared vertex primitives with many
Factors Affecting Performance:
• More than 64 vertices in a single facet
• Multiple Fill Areas in a set
• Color approximation type PEXColorRange
• Polygon offset ON (except when supported
by hardware)
o PEXTriangleStrip,
o PEXSetOfFillAreaSets,
o PEXOCCTriangles
• 2D polygons:
o PEXFillAreaSet2D,
• These vertex data:
o PEXQuadrilateralMesh,
• Good: single-polygon primitives:
o PEXFillAreaSetWithData,
o PEXColorTypeIndexed color
o No vertex normals (when lighting is
PEXOCCFillAreaSet, PEXFillArea,
• Color approximation type PEXColorSpace
• Best: edging off
Fair: edging on
Polyline Primitives
Performance Optimized For:
• Best: polylines with or without move/draw
flags, many vertices per call:
o PEXPolylineSetWithData (single
set), PEXOCCPolylines
Factors Affecting Performance:
• These vertex data:
o Color per vertex
(PEXColorTypeIndexed or
• Polyline sets with multiple short disjoint
• Color approximation type
o PEXPolylineSetWithData (multiple
• Single short polylines:
o PEXPolyline, PEXOCCPolyline
Graphics Administration Guide for HP-UX 10.20
Page 107
Polymarker Primitives
Factors Affecting Performance:
Performance Optimized For:
• Many markers per call:
• Color per vertex
o PEXMarkers, PEXOCCMarkers,
• Color approximation type
Text Primitives
Performance Optimized For:
Factors Affecting Performance:
• Longer strings
• Polygonal text fonts
• Best: simple text:
o PEXText, PEXText2D,
• Fair: annotation text:
o PEXAnnotationText,
Graphics Administration Guide for HP-UX 10.20
Page 108
hp-PHIGS Graphics Performance
Optimized vs. Normal 3D Performance
Factors Affecting Performance:
Rendering Conditions
Performance Optimized For:
Light Sources:
• A total of more than 8 directional and
positional light sources cause a noticeable
performance degradation
Best: up to 8 directional light
sources, plus ambient
Good: a mixture of up to 8
directional and positional light
sources, plus ambient
• Picking (including direct pick and logical
device picking)
• Any of the following ways of heavily
interleaving changes:
Directional eyepoint, set via:
pescape_u230/pgse_u3 (C),
pue230/pus003 (FORTRAN)
o Frequent attribute changes (e.g.,
frequent changes of line colour)
relative to the number of primitives
being drawn
o Frequent changes of the type of
primitive (e.g., switching between
Fill Areas and Polylines at a high
Back face culling off, or back face culling
on with supplied geometric normals
View clipping on, set via:
pset_view_rep (C), psvwr
True colour mapping in a direct colour
Isotropic modeling matrix (angle-
o Frequent changes of vertex format
(i.e., the data being supplied with
each vertex)
o Frequent changes of modal state,
such as:
HLHSR mode or ID
Colour mapping method
Light sources enabled
Depth cueing state
o Frequent switching between two or
more active workstations
o Frequent mixing of Xlib and hp-
PHIGS calls
• Redundant or unnecessary setup (e.g.
setting attributes that are not relevant to the
primitives being drawn)
• Model clipping on
• HLHSR in software via PowerShade (on
unaccelerated graphics devices)
Graphics Administration Guide for HP-UX 10.20
Page 109
Window Conditions
Performance Optimized For:
Factors Affecting Performance:
• Window obscured by other image plane
• Window unobscured or obscured only by
overlay windows
• Backing store enabled (on supported
Fill Area Set Primitives
Performance Optimized For:
• Best: shared vertex primitives with many
Factors Affecting Performance:
• More than 64 vertices in a single facet
• Multiple Fill Areas in a set
• 2D polygons
o ptri_strip3_data (C), ptst3d
o pset_of_fill_sets3_data (C), psfas3
o pquad_mesh3_data (C), pqm3d
• Pseudo colour mapping method
• Indexed colour environment
• These vertex data:
o Indirect colour
o No vertex normals (when lighting is
• Good: single-polygon primitives:
o pfill_area_set3 (C), pfas3
o pfill_area3 (C), pfa3 (FORTRAN)
o pfill_area_set3_data (C), pfas3d
• True colour mapping in a direct colour
• Best: edging off
• Fair: edging on
Polyline Primitives
Performance Optimized For:
• Best: single polylines with many vertices
per call:
Factors Affecting Performance:
• These vertex data:
o Indirect colour
o ppolyline_set3_colr (C), ppls3c
o RGB colour
• Pseudo colour mapping method
o ppolyline3 (C), ppl3 (FORTRAN)
o ppolyline (C), ppl (FORTRAN)
• Polyline sets with multiple disjoint sets:
o pgdp_u14 (C), pu014 (FORTRAN)
o Plus those noted above with
multiple sets
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Polymarker Primitives
Factors Affecting Performance:
Performance Optimized For:
• Many markers per call:
• These vertex data:
o Indirect colour
o ppolymarker3 (C), ppm3
o RGB colour
o ppolymarker (C), ppm (FORTRAN)
• Pseudo colour mapping method
Text Primitives
Performance Optimized For:
Factors Affecting Performance:
• Longer strings
• Polygonal text fonts
• Best: simple strings:
• ptext3 (C), ptx3 (FORTRAN)
• ptext (C), ptx (FORTRAN)
• Fair: annotation text:
• panno_text_rel3 (C), patr3 (FORTRAN)
panno_text_rel (C), patr (FORTRAN)
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Starbase Graphics Performance
Optimized vs. Normal 3D Performance
Factors Affecting Performance:
Rendering Conditions
Performance Optimized For:
• Best: up to 8 directional light sources, plus
• A total of more than 8 directional and
positional light sources cause a noticeable
performance degradation
• Picking
• Good: a mixture of up to 8 directional and
positional light sources, plus ambient
• Directional eyepoint set with view_point
• Back face culling off, or back face culling
on with supplied geometric normals
• View clipping on
• Any of the following ways of heavily
interleaving changes:
o Frequent attribute changes (e.g.,
frequent changes of line color)
relative to the number of primitives
being drawn
• Isotropic modeling matrix (angle-
o Frequent changes of the type of
primitive (e.g., switching between
polygons with polylines at a high
• shade_mode set to CMAP_FULL
o Frequent changes of vertex format
(i.e., the data being supplied with
each vertex)
o Frequent changes of modal state,
such as:
Shade mode
Light sources enabled
Depth cueing state
Texture mapping state
o Frequent switching between two or
more file descriptors
o Frequent mixing of Xlib and
Starbase calls
• Redundant or unnecessary setup (e.g.
setting attributes that are not relevant to the
primitives being drawn)
• Deformation on
• Model clipping on
• HLHSR in software via PowerShade (on
unaccelerated graphics devices)
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Window Conditions
Performance Optimized For:
Factors Affecting Performance:
• Window obscured by many other image
plane windows
• Window unobscured or obscured only by
overlay windows
• Backing store enabled (on supported
Polygon Primitives
Performance Optimized For:
• Best: shared vertex primitives with many
Factors Affecting Performance:
• More than 64 vertices in a single facet
• 2D polygons
o triangular_strip,
• Device coordinate polygons
• shade_mode set to
• Partial polygons
o polyhedron_with_data
o quadrilateral_mesh,
o polytriangle_with_data,
• These vertex formats:
o Indirect color
• Good: polygon3d
o Intensity
o No vertex normals (when lighting is
• shade_mode set to CMAP_FULL
• Edging:
o Best: edging off
o Non-unit normals
enabled, with hardware support
enabled, with software support
o Fair: edging on
Polyline Primitives
Performance Optimized For:
• Best: polyline3d and polyline_with_data3d
with or without move/draw flags, many
vertices per call
Factors Affecting Performance:
• These vertex formats:
o RGB/vertex
o Indirect color
o Intensity
• Individual moves and draws with move3d
and draw3d
• shade_mode set to CMAP_MONOTONIC
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Polymarker Primitives
Performance Optimized For:
Factors Affecting Performance:
• These vertex formats:
o RGB/vertex
• Many markers per polymarker3d or
o Indirect color
o Intensity
• shade_mode set to CMAP_MONOTONIC
Text Primitives
Performance Optimized For:
Factors Affecting Performance:
• Longer strings
• Polygonal text
• Spline fonts
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Chapter 6: Miscellaneous Topics
3D Thread-Safing
General Information
For hp-UX release 10.30 and later, Hewlett-Packard's 3D graphics APIs are supported in multi-threaded
applications (using POSIX threads). However, these libraries are thread-restricted and can be accessed
only from a single dedicated thread of a multi-threaded program. This documentation is not a tutorial on
threads programming or multiprocessing application issues. For more, and general, information about
the use of POSIX threads, consult the hp-UX documentation set. Further restrictions on use of these
APIs in multi-threaded programs are:
• The 3D graphics libraries support kernel threads only (libpthread); they do not support the DCE
user threads package (libcma).
• If your multi-threaded application uses both 3D graphics and X11, or 3D graphics and Motif
routines, then the 3D graphics routine calls are restricted to the same single thread as the X11 or
Motif routine calls. This restriction applies to X11 or Motif routines in any of the libraries:
libX11, libXext, libXhp11, libXi, libXt, and libXm.
• Miscellaneous signal handling restrictions.
A multi-threaded application should not change the SIGCHLD action during the short periods
when the graphics libraries are starting the Graphics Resource Manager daemon ("grmd") or
A graphics application that uses an hp VISUALIZE-48/48XP device with hardware texture
mapping, or an hp-PHIGS application that does graphics input should not change the SIGPIPE
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Other Threads-Related Information
All of the 3D graphics functions are cancellation points.
None of the 3D graphics functions are async-cancel safe.
None of the 3D graphics functions are async-signal safe.
None of the 3D graphics functions are fork-safe, i.e., they cannot be called by a child process
after a fork(2), but before an exec(2).
Note: Calls to 3D graphics functions between a fork and an exec have never been supported.
There is one situation in which graphics behavior may be different for multi-threaded versus
single-threaded programs. In a multi-threaded Starbase application, a call to gopen(3g) a
serial plotter might not return if the plotter does not respond (e.g., if the plotter is turned off).
In this multi-threaded case, the graphics thread could wait forever for the device. Single-
threaded behavior in this case is for the gopen(3g) to timeout and return an error.
The Starbase library temporarily sets a SIGALRM signal handler and uses setitimer(2) to start a timer in
two situations:
To set a timeout for device access in calls to gopen(3g) for a serial plotter.
To set a maximum time to wait for an event in calls to await_event(3g),
read_choice_event(3g), read_locator_event(3g), and intread_locator_event(3g).
Calls to the above Starbase functions should not be made in one thread while at the same
time another thread performs any of the following:
• Changes the SIGALRM signal action;
• Calls sigwait(2), selecting the SIGALRM signal;
• Uses setitimer(2);
• Uses timer_settime(2) to set a timer which will generate a SIGALRM signal.
Possible consequences of violating these non-concurrency restrictions are:
• The Starbase function call never returns;
• The wait for a plotter response or for an event is shorter than it should be;
• Alarm signals from timers set in other threads do not have the desired effect (because
the graphics signal handler is in place);
• Unpredictable results due to concurrent use of the process-wide timer provided by
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SIGCHLD and the GRM Daemon
The Graphics Resource Manager Daemon (grmd) is started when the X11 Server is started. In normal
operation, a Starbase, hp PEX, or hp-PHIGS application will not start the daemon, and so will not be
affected by the SIGCHLD manipulation that occurs as part of that startup (see below). However, if the
grmd dies for some reason, the graphics libraries will restart the daemon whenever they need shared
memory. This can occur in the following instances:
• During calls to the following Starbase functions: gopen(3g), gclose(3g), enable_events(3g),
disable_events(3g), set_signals(3g), and track(3g).
• When hp-PHIGS and hp PEX initialize their output devices.
• When hp-PHIGS input is initialized.
• During calls to glXCreateContext or glXMakeCurrent.
When the grmd is started, the sequence of events is:
1. Set the SIGCHLD action to SIG_DFL, saving the old action.
2. fork(2) and exec(2) an intermediate process, which is the grmd's parent.
3. Call waitpid(2) to wait for the intermediate process to die (after starting the grm daemon).
4. Restore the saved SIGCHLD action.
Between the time that the graphics thread sets the SIGCHLD action to SIG_DFL and restores the
saved action, other threads should not change the SIGCHLD action by calls to sigaction(2),
sigvector(2), signal(2), sigset(2), or sigwait(2).
The following are possible consequences of such concurrency:
• If the concurrent operation sets the SIGCHLD action to SIG_IGN, the graphics thread
could hang.
• If the concurrent operation installs a signal handler for SIGCHLD, that handler may be
invoked when the graphics child process dies.
• A call to sigwait might return in response to the death of the graphics child process.
• Any SIGCHLD action concurrently set by the application could be overwritten when the
graphics thread restores the saved SIGCHLD action.
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SIGCHLD and the Starbase Input Daemon
The Starbase input daemon is started whenever tracking or event monitoring is enabled. When tracking
and event monitoring are turned off or when the output device is closed, Starbase terminates the
daemon, using this process:
1. Set the SIGCHLD action to SIG_DFL, saving the old action.
2. Send a message to the input daemon asking it to terminate.
3. Call waitpid(2) to wait for the daemon's death.
4. Restore the saved SIGCHLD action.
In a Starbase application using tracking or events, a non-graphics thread should not set the
SIGCHLD action by calls to sigaction(2), sigvector(2), signal(2), sigset(2), or sigwait(2)
concurrently with calls in the graphics thread to track(3g), track_off(3g), disable_events(3g), or
Possible consequences of violating this restriction are the same as those listed above for the grmd
The graphics libraries start a daemon process and communicate with that process via sockets in two
• For hardware texture mapping on an hp VISUALIZE-48/-48XP display using the Texture
Interrupt Manager Daemon (timd).
• For hp-PHIGS input using the PHIGS daemon (phg_daemon).
When starting either of these daemons, the graphics library permanently sets the SIGPIPE action to
SIG_IGN. This prevents the terminating SIGPIPE signal from being delivered to the process should the
daemon die abnormally.
If your application changes the SIGPIPE action to SIG_DFL or to a specific handler, an abnormal death
of either timd or phg_daemon will result in a SIGPIPE signal being delivered to the process when the
graphics library next attempts to communicate with the daemon. If the action is SIG_DFL, the process
will terminate.
Gamma Correction
Gamma correction is used to alter hardware colormaps to compensate for the non-linearities of CRT
monitors. Gamma correction can be used to improve the "ropy" or modulated appearance of antialiased
lines. Gamma correction is also used to improve the appearance of shaded graphics images as well as
scanned photographic images that have not already been gamma corrected.
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Why Is Gamma Correction Needed?
The intensity of light generated by a conventional monitor is non-linear with respect to the signal
applied. The intensity output is approximately equal to the applied voltage raised to a power. This power
is referred to as the gamma of the monitor. Stated mathematically,
intensity = voltagegamma
For example, the gamma value of a properly adjusted monitor is usually between 2.35 and 2.55. Ideally,
to produce an image that is 50% intensity, you would specify color values that are 50% of the maximum
value. However, a monitor with a gamma of 2.4 would generate an intensity that is only 19% of the
maximum intensity (0.5 2.4 = 0.19).
The intensity principle is illustrated in the following test patterns. The pattern on the left has an area
with exactly 50% brightness directly next to an area of horizontal stripes that alternate 100% brightness
with 0% brightness. From a distance, the intensity of each area should be about the same. The middle
pattern is basically the same, but just a little dimmer.
Figure 13: Brightness
Once the brightness and contrast of your monitor are adjusted properly (see below), you can run the
gamma correction tool (also described below) to see its effect on the test patterns above.
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Monitor Brightness and Contrast
Often, the brightness control on a monitor is boosted to compensate for images that look dim due to a
lack of gamma correction. Before applying gamma correction, the monitor brightness should be adjusted
so a blank screen looks black in typical viewing conditions. Next, display a picture that is predominantly
black, and adjust the brightness so that the monitor reproduces true black on the screen. The brightness
should be adjusted to the threshold where it is not so far down as to "swallow" codes greater than the
black code, but not so high that the picture sits on a "pedestal" of dark grey. When the critical point is
reached, leave the brightness control in that position. Then set contrast to suit your preference for
display intensity. How to run the Gamma Correction Tool
Note: You do not need to have superuser privileges to use the gamma correction tool.
To use the gamma correction tool, execute the following command:
If you get the error "Can't open display", set the DISPLAY environment variable by executing this
export DISPLAY=:0.0
How to Install the Gamma Icon Into your CDE Front Panel
In a terminal window, go to your home directory and follow these steps:
1. Execute this command:
cp /opt/graphics/common/icons/Gamma.* $HOME/.dt/icons/
2. Select the
Applications Icon on the CDE Front Panel.
"Desktop_Apps" button.
3. Double click the
4. Double click the
"Create Action" button.
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Use the following steps to fill in the "Create Action" form.
Enter Gamma in the "Action Name" window.
Enter /opt/graphics/common/bin/gamma in the "Command When Action is Opened"
Click "Find Set..." and double click on the .dt/icons directory under your home directory.
Select the "Gamma Icon" so your form appears as shown below:
Figure 14: Create Action Form
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Once you have filled in the "Create Actions" form, select "Save" from the File menu and follow these
1. Click the Home Folder Icon on the CDE Front Panel, and click the up-arrow above the
"Home Folder Icon" to display the sub-menu.
Figure 15: Home folder icon
1. Home Folder Icon
2. Arrow for displaying the “Home Folder” sub-menu
2. Drag the Gamma Icon from File Manager onto "Install Icon".
Figure 16: Install Icon
Your "Home Folder" will should look similar to Figure 17.
Figure 17: Home Folder after dragging the Gamma Icon to the Install Icon
If you would prefer to have the "Gamma Icon" in the Main Panel, double-click the right mouse button.
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Using the Gamma Correction Tool
Figure 18: Gamma Correction Tool
Gamma Value Slider
The gamma value represents a power, so a value of 1.0 is the same as no gamma correction. Although
the actual measured gamma value of most monitors is over 2.0, a gamma value of 1.7 is recommended
since most applications have historically compensated for a lack of gamma correction by simply making
the entire image brighter.
Scope of Gamma Correction
This area of the "Gamma correction" window allows you to select all windows to receive gamma
correction or only a selected group of windows. Once you have made your selection, you can then save
it as the default setting.
Selecting All Windows
To select all windows for gamma correction, single click on the "All Windows" button. Selecting this
button applies gamma correction to the colormaps for all windows and will cause images, graphics, and
user interfaces to all use the same specified gamma value.
Selecting Individual Windows
When you press "Select A Window," the cursor changes to a crosshair. Next, move the crosshair into the
window you wish to modify and click the left mouse button. You will be able to control the gamma
value for the colormap associated with the selected window.
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If the colormap used by the selected window is also used by other windows, their appearance will
change along with the actual window you selected.
If the only colormap used by the selected window is the default colormap, then you will need to check
the "Modify Default Colormap" box as well. Modifying the default colormap will change the appearance
of many windows and user-interface elements.
Save as Screen Default
When you select the "Save as Screen Default" button, the current gamma value will be saved in the
appropriate X screens file (X0screens for screen 0, X1screens for screen 1, etc.). When you quit CDE
and X windows, the value you save in the X screens file will be used the next time X is started.
Since the X screens file is a system resource, your system administrator determines who has permission
to modify that file.
Remove Screen Default
If you select the "Remove Screen Default" button, the default gamma value saved in the X screens file
will be removed and the gamma value for all windows will be reset to 1.0.
This option also requires appropriate permissions to modify the X screens file.
hp CDE and hp VUE
Hewlett-Packard is in the process of a transition to a standard user environment. Two user environments
were shipped with hp-UX 10.20: hp VUE and hp CDE (Common Desktop Environment). As of hp-UX
10.20, hp CDE is the default user environment, and although hp VUE is still available with hp-UX
10.20, it is not the default. See the Common Desktop Environment User's Guide for more information
on hp CDE.
From a 3D graphics point of view, the change in user environments should have no effect.
Shared Memory Usage
Graphics processes use shared memory to access data pertaining to the display device and the X11
resources created by the server (for example, color maps, cursors, etc.). The X11 server initiates an
independent process called the Graphics Resource Manager (GRM) to manage these resources among
graphics processes. One problem encountered with GRM shared memory is that it may not be large
enough to run some applications.
hp PEX, Starbase, and hp-PHIGS use GRM shared memory for VM double-buffering. If your
application is running on a low-end graphics system (for example, an hp 710 or 712), you set the
environment variable hp_VM_DOUBLE_BUFFER (or SB_710_VM_DB), and you have several large
double-buffered windows open simultaneously, then your application could use up available GRM
shared memory. If you encounter a dbuffer_switch error message while using VM double-buffering, you
may have encountered this problem.
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You can prevent this problem by changing with Shared Memory size through hp-UX's SAM (System
Administration Manager) program.
Reference Documentation
You may find the following documentation helpful when using hp graphics products:
• For Starbase programming
• Starbase Reference
• Starbase Graphics Techniques
• hp-UX Starbase Device Drivers Manual
• Starbase Technical Addendum for hp-UX 10.20
• Starbase Display List Programmer's Manual
• Fast Alpha/Font Manager Programmer's Manual
• For PEXlib programming
• PEXlib Programming Manual
• PEXlib Reference Manual
• hp PEX Implementation and Programming Supplement
• For hp-PHIGS programming
• hp-PHIGS C and Fortran Binding Reference
• hp-PHIGS Graphics Techniques
• hp-PHIGS Workstation Characteristics and Implementation
• hp-PHIGS Technical Addendum for hp-UX 10.20
• For installing products
• hp-UX Reference
• System Administration Tasks
• Installing and Updating hp-UX
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Appendix A: X Reference Page
The X Window System is a network-transparent window system developed at MIT which runs on a
wide range of computing and graphics machines. It should be relatively straightforward to build the MIT
software distribution on most ANSI C-compliant and POSIX-compliant systems. Commercial
implementations are also available for a wide range of platforms.
The X Consortium requests that the following names be used when referring to this software:
• X
• X Window System
• X Version 11
• X Window System, Version 11
• X11
X Window System is a trademark of the Massachusetts Institute of Technology.
X Window System servers run on computers with bit-mapped displays. The server distributes user input
to and accepts output requests from various client programs through a variety of different interprocess
communication channels. Although the most common case is for the client programs to be running on
the same machine as the server, clients can be run transparently from other machines (including
machines with different architectures and operating systems) as well.
X supports overlapping hierarchical subwindows and text and graphics operations, on both monochrome
and color displays. For a full explanation of the functions that are available, refer to:
• Xlib - C Language X Interface,
• The X Window System Protocol specification,
• X Toolkit Intrinsics - C Language Interface, and
• The various Toolkit documents.
The number of programs that use X is quite large. Programs provided in the core MIT distribution
include: a terminal emulator (xterm), a window manager (twm), a display manager (xdm), a console
redirect program (xconsole), mail managing utilities (xmh and xbiff), a manual page browser (xman), a
bitmap editor (bitmap), a resource editor (editres), a ditroff previewer (xditview), access control
programs (xauth and xhost), user preference setting programs (xrdb, xcmsdb, xset, xsetroot, xstdcmap,
and xmodmap), a load monitor (xload), clocks (xclock and oclock), a font displayer (xfd), utilities for
listing information about fonts, windows, and displays (xlsfonts, xfontsel, xwininfo, xlsclients, xdpyinfo,
Graphics Administration Guide for HP-UX 10.20
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and xprop), a diagnostic for seeing what events are generated and when (xev), screen image
manipulation utilities (xwd, xwud, xpr, and xmag), and various demos (xeyes, ico, xgc, x11perf, etc.).
Hewlett-Packard provides a graphical user environment called The Common Desktop Environment
(CDE). hp CDE is the user interface, enabling the user to control a workstation by directly manipulating
graphic objects instead of typing commands on a command-line prompt. See the CDE User's Guide for
complete information on hp CDE.
Hewlett-Packard does not provide or support the entire core MIT distribution. Many of these programs
or clients are sample implementations, or perform tasks that are accomplished by other clients in
Hewlett-Packard's Common Desktop Environment. The primary differences between the core MIT
distribution and the Hewlett-Packard X11 release are listed below:
Terminal Emulation
Although hpterm is the primary terminal emulator, xterm is also provided and supported.
Window Management
twm is replaced by mwm and dtwm.
Display Manager
xdm is replaced by an enhanced version called dtlogin.
Bitmap Editing
bitmap is replaced by dticon.
Font Display
This is handled by the terminal emulation option "-fn override". xfd is supplied but not
Obtained from the InterWorks users group.
A number of unsupported core MIT clients and miscellaneous utilities are provided in /usr/contrib/bin.
In addition, the entire core MIT distribution, compiled for Hewlett-Packard platforms, can be obtained
from hp's users group InterWorks for a nominal fee.
Many other utilities, window managers, games, toolkits, etc. are included as user-contributed software in
the MIT distribution, or are available using anonymous ftp on the Internet. See your site administrator
for details.
Starting Up
Normally, the X Window System is started on Hewlett-Packard systems by dtlogin, which is an
enhanced version of the MIT client xdm. dtlogin can be used to bring up a full CDE session, a light CDE
session, or a fail-safe session that uses no other part of CDE. If dtlogin is not used, xinit may be used
with x11start. See the reference pages for these functions for more information.
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Display Names
From the user's perspective, every X server has a display name of the form:
This information is used by the application to determine how it should connect to the server and which
screen it should use by default (on displays with multiple monitors):
The hostname specifies the name of the machine to which the display is physically connected. If
the hostname is not given, the most efficient way of communicating to a server on the same
machine will be used.
The phrase "display" is usually used to refer to the collection of monitors that share a common
keyboard and pointer (mouse, tablet, etc.). Most workstations tend to only have one keyboard,
and therefore, only one display. Larger, multi-user systems, however, will frequently have
several displays so that more than one person can be doing graphics work at once. To avoid
confusion, each display on a machine is assigned a display number (beginning at 0) when the X
server for that display is started. The display number must always be given in a display name.
Some displays share a single keyboard and pointer among two or more monitors. Since each
monitor has its own set of windows, each screen is assigned a screen number (beginning at 0)
when the X server for that display is started. If the screen number is not given, then screen 0 will
be used.
On POSIX systems, the default display name is stored in your DISPLAY environment variable. This
variable is set automatically by the xterm terminal emulator. However, when you log into another
machine on a network, you'll need to set DISPLAY by hand to point to your display. For example,
% setenv DISPLAY myws:0 (C Shell)
$ DISPLAY=myws:0; export DISPLAY (Korn Shell)
The xon script can be used to start an X program on a remote machine; it automatically sets the
DISPLAY variable correctly.
Finally, most X programs accept a command line option of "-display displayname" to temporarily
override the contents of DISPLAY. This is most commonly used to pop windows on another person's
screen or as part of a "remote shell" command to start an xterm pointing back to your display. For
$ xload -display joesws:0 -geometry 100x100+0+0
$ rsh big xterm -display myws:0 -ls </dev/null &
X servers listen for connections on a variety of different communications channels (network byte
streams, shared memory, etc.). Since there can be more than one way of contacting a given server, the
Graphics Administration Guide for HP-UX 10.20
Page 128
hostname part of the display name is used to determine the type of channel (also called a transport layer)
to be used. X servers generally support the following types of connections:
The hostname part of the display name should be the empty string. For example: ":0", ":1", or
":0.1". The most efficient local transport is chosen.
The hostname part of the display name should be the server machine's IP address name. Full
Internet names, abbreviated names, and IP addresses are all allowed. For example:, expo:0,, bigmachine:1, and hydra:0.1.
Access Control
An X server can use several types of access control. Mechanisms provided in Release 5 are:
• Host Access (simple host-based access control);
• MIT-MAGIC-COOKIE-1 (shared plain-text "cookies");
• XDM-AUTHORIZATION-1 (secure DES based private-keys); and
• SUN-DES-1 (based on Sun's secure rpc system).
dtlogin/xdm initializes access control for the server, and also places authorization information in a file
accessible to the user. Normally, the list of hosts from which connections are always accepted should be
empty, so that only clients with are explicitly authorized can connect to the display. When you add
entries to the host list (with xhost), the server no longer performs any authorization on connections from
those machines. Be careful with this.
The file from which Xlib extracts authorization data can be specified with the environment variable
XAUTHORITY, and defaults to the file .Xauthority in the home directory. dtlogin/xdm uses
$HOME/.Xauthority and will create it or merge in authorization records if it already exists when a user
logs in.
If you use several machines, and share a common home directory across all of the machines by means of
a network file system, then you never really have to worry about authorization files; the system should
work correctly by default. Otherwise, as the authorization files are machine-independent, you can simply
copy the files to share them. To manage authorization files, use xauth. This program allows you to
extract records and insert them into other files. Using this, you can send authorization to remote
machines when you log in, if the remote machine does not share a common home directory with your
local machine.
Note: Authorization information transmitted "in the clear" through a network file system or using ftp or
rcp can be "stolen" by a network eavesdropper, and as such may enable unauthorized access. In many
environments this level of security is not a concern, but if it is, you should know the exact semantics of
the particular authorization data to know if this is actually a problem.
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Geometry Specifications
One of the advantages of using window systems instead of hardwired terminals is that applications don't
have to be restricted to a particular size or location on the screen. Although the layout of windows on a
display is controlled by the window manager that the user is running (described below), most X
programs accept a command line argument of the form:
-geometry widthxheight+xoff+yoff
(where width, height, xoff, and yoff are numbers) for specifying a preferred size and location for this
application's main window.
The width and height parts of the geometry specification are usually measured in either pixels or
characters, depending on the application. The xoff and yoff parts are measured in pixels and are used to
specify the distance of the window from the left (or right) and top (or bottom) edges of the screen,
respectively. Both types of offsets are measured from the indicated edge of the screen to the
corresponding edge of the window. The X offset may be specified in the following ways:
The left edge of the window is to be placed xoff pixels in from the left edge of the screen (i.e., the X
coordinate of the window's origin will be xoff). xoff may be negative, in which case the window's left
edge will be off the screen.
The right edge of the window is to be placed xoff pixels in from the right edge of the screen. xoff may
be negative, in which case the window's right edge will be off the screen.
The Y offset has similar meanings:
The top edge of the window is to be yoff pixels below the top edge of the screen (i.e. the Y coordinate of
the window's origin will be yoff). yoff may be negative, in which case the window's top edge will be off
the screen.
The bottom edge of the window is to be yoff pixels above the bottom edge of the screen. yoff may be
negative, in which case the window's bottom edge will be off the screen.
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Offsets must be given as pairs; in other words, in order to specify either xoff or yoff both must be
present. Windows can be placed in the four corners of the screen using the following specifications:
• +0+0 (the upper left-hand corner)
• -0+0 (the upper right-hand corner)
• -0-0 (the lower right-hand corner)
• +0-0 (the lower left-hand corner)
In the following examples, a terminal emulator will be placed in roughly the center of the screen and a
load average monitor, mailbox, and clock will be placed in the upper right hand corner:
xterm -fn 6x10 -geometry 80x24+30+200 &
xclock -geometry 48x48-0+0 &
xload -geometry 48x48-96+0 &
xbiff -geometry 48x48-48+0 &
Window Managers
The layout of windows on the screen is controlled by special programs called window managers.
Although many window managers will honor geometry specifications as given, others may choose to
ignore them (requiring the user to explicitly draw the window's region on the screen with the pointer, for
Since window managers are regular (albeit complex) client programs, a variety of different user
interfaces can be built. The Hewlett-Packard distribution comes with window managers named mwm
and dtwm, which support overlapping windows, popup menus, point-and-click or click-to-type input
models, title bars, nice icons (and an icon manager for those who don't like separate icon windows).
See the user-contributed software in the MIT distribution for other popular window managers.
Font Names
Collections of characters for displaying text and symbols in X are known as fonts. A font typically
contains images that share a common appearance and look nice together (for example, a single size,
boldness, slantedness, and character set). Similarly, collections of fonts that are based on a common type
face the variations are usually called roman, bold, italic (or oblique), and bold italic (or bold oblique) are
called families.
Fonts come in various sizes. The X server supports scalable fonts, meaning it is possible to create a font
of arbitrary size from a single source for the font. The server supports scaling from outline fonts and
bitmap fonts. Scaling from outline fonts usually produces significantly better results on large point sizes
than scaling from bitmap fonts.
An X server can obtain fonts from individual files stored in directories in the file system, or from one or
more font servers, or from a mixtures of directories and font servers. The list of places the server looks
when trying to find a font is controlled by its font path. Although most installations will choose to have
Graphics Administration Guide for HP-UX 10.20
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the server start up with all of the commonly used font directories in the font path, the font path can be
changed at any time with the xset program. However, it is important to remember that the directory
names are on the server's machine, not on the application's. Usually, fonts used by X servers and font
servers can be found in subdirectories under /usr/lib/X11/fonts:
This directory contains bitmap fonts contributed by Adobe Systems, Inc., Digital Equipment
Corporation, Bitstream, Inc., Bigelow and Holmes, and Sun Microsystems, Inc. for 75 dot-per-
inch displays. An integrated selection of sizes, styles, and weights are provided for each family.
This directory contains 100 dot-per-inch versions of some of the fonts in the 75dpi directory.
Bitmap font files are usually created by compiling a textual font description into binary form, using
bdftopcf. Font databases are created by running the mkfontdir program in the directory containing the
source or compiled versions of the fonts. Whenever fonts are added to a directory, mkfontdir should be
rerun so that the server can find the new fonts. To make the server reread the font database, reset the font
path with the xset program. For example, to add a font to a private directory, the following commands
could be used:
$ cp newfont.pcf ~/myfonts
$ mkfontdir ~/myfonts
$ xset fp rehash
The xlsfonts program can be used to list the fonts available on a server. Font names tend to be fairly
long, as they contain all of the information needed to uniquely identify individual fonts. However, the X
server supports wildcarding of font names, so the full specification
might be abbreviated as
Because the shell also has special meanings for "*" and "?", wildcarded font names should be quoted, as
$ xlsfonts -fn '-*-courier-medium-r-normal--*-100-*-*-*-*-*-*'
The xlsfonts program can be used to list all of the fonts that match a given pattern. With no arguments, it
lists all available fonts. This will usually list the same font at many different sizes. To see just the base
scalable font names, try using one of the following patterns:
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To convert one of the resulting names into a font at a specific size, replace one of the first two zeros with
a nonzero value. The field containing the first zero is for the pixel size; replace it with a specific height
in pixels to name a font at that size. Alternatively, the field containing the second zero is for the point
size; replace it with a specific size in decipoints (there are 722.7 decipoints to the inch) to name a font at
that size. The last zero is an average width field, measured in tenths of pixels; some servers will
anamorphically scale if this value is specified.
Font Server Names
One of the following forms can be used to name a font server that accepts TCP connections:
The hostname specifies the name (or decimal numeric address) of the machine on which the font server
is running. The port is the decimal TCP port on which the font server is listening for connections. The
cataloguelist specifies a list of catalogue names, with "+" as a separator. For example:
Color Names
Most applications provide ways of tailoring (usually through resources or command-line arguments) the
colors of various elements in the text and graphics they display. A color can be specified either by an
abstract color name, or by a numerical color specification. The numerical specification can identify a
color in either device-dependent (RGB) or device-independent terms. Color strings are case-insensitive.
X supports the use of abstract color names, for example, "red", "blue". A value for this abstract name is
obtained by searching one or more color-name databases. Xlib first searches zero or more client-side
databases; the number, location, and content of these databases is implementation-dependent. If the
name is not found, the color is looked up in the X server's database. The text form of this database is
commonly stored in the file /usr/lib/X11/rgb.txt.
A numerical color specification consists of a color space name and a set of values in the following
Graphics Administration Guide for HP-UX 10.20
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An RGB Device specification is identified by the prefix "rgb:" and has the following syntax:
where red, green, and blue are encoded as h, hh, hhh, or hhhh, and h represents a single hexadecimal
Note: “h” indicates the value scaled in 4 bits; hh, the value scaled in 8 bits; hhh, the value scaled in 12
bits; and hhhh the value scaled in 16 bits, respectively. These values are passed directly to the X server,
and are assumed to be gamma corrected.
The eight primary colors can be represented as:
• Black: rgb:0/0/0
• Red: rgb:ffff/0/0
• Green: rgb:0/ffff/0
• Blue: rgb:0/0/ffff
• Yellow: rgb:ffff/ffff/0
• Magenta: rgb:ffff/0/ffff
• Cyan: rgb:0/ffff/ffff
• White: rgb:ffff/ffff/ffff
For backward compatibility, an older syntax for RGB device is supported, but its continued use is not
encouraged. The syntax is an initial "pound-sign" character, followed by a numeric specification, in one
of the following formats:
#rgb (4 bits each)
#rrggbb (8 bits each)
#rrrgggbbb (12 bits each)
#rrrrggggbbbb (16 bits each)
The r, g, and b represent single hexadecimal digits. When fewer than 16 bits each are specified, they
represent the most-significant bits of the value (unlike the "rgb:" syntax, in which values are scaled). For
example, #3a7 is the same as #3000a0007000.
An RGB intensity specification is identified by the prefix "rgbi:" and has the following syntax:
The red, green, and blue are floating-point values between 0.0 and 1.0, inclusive. They represent linear
intensity values, with 1.0 indicating full intensity, 0.5 indicating half intensity, and so on. These values
will be gamma-corrected by Xlib before being sent to the X server. The input format for these values is
an optional sign, a string of numbers possibly containing a decimal point, and an optional exponent field
containing an "E" or "e" followed by a possibly signed integer string.
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The standard device-independent string specifications have the following syntax: CIEXYZ:X/Y/Z
(none, 1, none)
CIEuvY:u/v/Y ( .6, .6, 1)
CIExyY:x/y/Y ( .75, .85, 1)
CIELab:L/a/b (100, none, none)
CIELuv:L/u/v (100, none, none)
TekHVC:H/V/C (360, 100, 100)
All of the values (C, H, V, X, Y, Z, a, b, u, v, y, x) are floating-point values. Some of the values are
constrained to be between zero and some upper bound; the upper bounds are given in parentheses above.
The syntax for these values is an optional "+" or "-" sign, a string of digits possibly containing a decimal
point, and an optional exponent field consisting of an "E" or "e" followed by an optional "+" or "-"sign,
followed by a string of digits.
For more information on device independent color, see the Xlib reference manual.
The X keyboard model is broken into two layers: server-specific codes (called keycodes) which
represent the physical keys, and server-independent symbols (called keysyms) which represent the
letters or words that appear on the keys. Two tables are kept in the server for converting keycodes to
Modifier List
Some keys (such as Shift, Control, and Caps Lock) are known as modifiers and are used to select
different symbols that are attached to a single key (such as Shift-a, which generates a capital "A", and
Control-l, which generates a control character "^L"). The server keeps a list of keycodes corresponding
to the various modifier keys. Whenever a key is pressed or released, the server generates an event that
contains the keycode of the indicated key as well as a mask that specifies which of the modifier keys are
currently pressed. Most servers set up this list to initially contain the various shift, control, and shift-lock
keys on the keyboard.
Keymap Table
Applications translate event keycodes and modifier masks into keysyms using a keysym table which
contains one row for each keycode and one column for various modifier states. This table is initialized
by the server to correspond to normal typewriter conventions. The exact semantics of how the table is
interpreted to produce keysyms depends on the particular program, libraries, and language input method
used, but the following conventions for the first four keysyms in each row are generally adhered to. The
first four elements of the list are split into two groups of keysyms. Group 1 contains the first and second
keysyms; Group 2 contains the third and fourth keysyms. Within each group, if the first element is
alphabetic and the the second element is the special keysym NoSymbol, then the group is treated as
equivalent to a group in which the first element is the lowercase letter and the second element is the
uppercase letter.
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Switching between groups is controlled by the keysym named "Mode Switch", by attaching that keysym
to some key and attaching that key to any one of the modifiers Mod1 through Mod5. This modifier is
called the group modifier. Group 1 is used when the group modifier is off, and Group 2 is used when
the group modifier is on.
Within a group, the modifier state determines which keysym to use. The first keysym is used when the
Shift and Lock modifiers are off. The second keysym is used when the Shift modifier is on, when the
Lock modifier is on and the second keysym is uppercase alphabetic, or when the Lock modifier is on
and is interpreted as ShiftLock. Otherwise, when the Lock modifier is on and is interpreted as
CapsLock, the state of the Shift modifier is applied first to select a keysym; but if that keysym is
lowercase alphabetic, then the corresponding uppercase keysym is used instead.
Most X programs attempt to use the same names for command line options and arguments. All
applications written with the X Toolkit Intrinsics automatically accept the following options:
-display display
This option specifies the name of the X server to use.
-geometry geometry
This option specifies the initial size and location of the window.
-bg color, -background color
Either option specifies the color to use for the window background.
-bd color, -bordercolor color
Either option specifies the color to use for the window border.
-bw number, -borderwidth number
Either option specifies the width in pixels of the window border.
-fg color, -foreground color
Either option specifies the color to use for text or graphics.
-fn font, -font font
Either option specifies the font to use for displaying text.
This option indicates that the user would prefer that the application's windows initially not be
visible as if the windows had be immediately iconified by the user. Window managers may
choose not to honor the application's request.
This option specifies the name under which resources for the application should be found. This
option is useful in shell aliases to distinguish between invocations of an application, without
resorting to creating links to alter the executable file name.
-rv, -reverse
Either option indicates that the program should simulate reverse video if possible, often by
swapping the foreground and background colors. Not all programs honor this or implement it
correctly. It is usually only used on monochrome displays.
This option indicates that the program should not simulate reverse video. This is used to override
any defaults since reverse video doesn't always work properly.
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This option specifies the timeout in milliseconds within which two communicating applications
must respond to one another for a selection request.
This option indicates that requests to the X server should be sent synchronously, instead of
asynchronously. Since Xlib normally buffers requests to the server, errors do not necessarily get
reported immediately after they occur. This option turns off the buffering so that the application
can be debugged. It should never be used with a working program. -title string
This option specifies the title to be used for this window. This information is sometimes used by
a window manager to provide some sort of header identifying the window.
This option specifies the language, territory, and codeset for use in resolving resource and other
-xrm resourcestring
This option specifies a resource name and value to override any defaults. It is also very useful for
setting resources that don't have explicit command line arguments.
To make the tailoring of applications to personal preferences easier, X provides a mechanism for storing
default values for program resources (e.g., background color, window title, etc.). Resources are specified
as strings that are read in from various places when an application is run. Program components are
named in a hierarchical fashion, with each node in the hierarchy identified by a class and an instance
name. At the top level is the class and instance name of the application itself. By convention, the class
name of the application is the same as the program name, but with the first letter capitalized, although
some programs that begin with the letter "x" also capitalize the second letter for historical reasons.
The precise syntax for resources is:
ResourceLine = Comment | IncludeFile | ResourceSpec | empty_line
Comment = "!" {any_character_except_null_or_newline}
IncludeFile = "#" WhiteSpace "include" WhiteSpace FileName WhiteSpace
FileName = valid filename for operating system
ResourceSpec = WhiteSpace ResourceName WhiteSpace ":" WhiteSpace Value
ResourceName = [Binding] {Component Binding} ComponentName
Binding = "." | "*"
WhiteSpace = {space | horizontal tab}
Component = "?" | ComponentName
ComponentName = NameChar {NameChar}
NameChar = "a"-"z" | "A"-"Z" | "0"-"9" | "_" | "-"
Value = {any character except null or unescaped newline}
Elements separated by vertical bar ("|") are alternatives. Braces ("{"..."}") indicate zero or more
repetitions of the enclosed elements. Brackets ("["..."]") indicate that the enclosed element is optional.
Quotes ("...") are used around literal characters.
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IncludeFile lines are interpreted by replacing the line with the contents of the specified file. The word
"include" must be in lowercase. The filename is interpreted relative to the directory of the file in which
the line occurs (for example, if the filename contains no directory or contains a relative directory
If a ResourceName contains a contiguous sequence of two or more Binding characters, the sequence will
be replaced with single "." character if the sequence contains only "." characters, otherwise the sequence
will be replaced with a single "*" character.
A resource database never contains more than one entry for a given ResourceName. If a resource file
contains multiple lines with the same ResourceName, the last line in the file is used.
Any whitespace character before or after the name or colon in a ResourceSpec are ignored. To allow a
Value to begin with whitespace, the two-character sequence "space" (backslash followed by space) is
recognized and replaced by a space character, and the two-character sequence "tab" (backslash followed
by horizontal tab) is recognized and replaced by a horizontal tab character. To allow a Value to contain
embedded newline characters, the two-character sequence "n" is recognized and replaced by a newline
character. To allow a Value to be broken across multiple lines in a text file, the two-character sequence
"newline" (backslash followed by newline) is recognized and removed from the value. To allow a Value
to contain arbitrary character codes, the four-character sequence "nnn", where each n is a digit character
in the range of 0-7, is recognized and replaced with a single byte that contains the octal value specified
by the sequence. Finally, the two-character sequence "\" is recognized and replaced with a single
When an application looks for the value of a resource, it specifies a complete path in the hierarchy, with
both class and instance names. However, resource values are usually given with only partially specified
names and classes, using pattern matching constructs. An asterisk ("*") is a loose binding and is used to
represent any number of intervening components, including none. A period (".") is a tight binding and is
used to separate immediately adjacent components. A question mark ("?") is used to match any single
component name or class. A database entry cannot end in a loose binding; the final component (which
cannot be "?") must be specified. The lookup algorithm searches the resource database for the entry that
most closely matches (is most specific for) the full name and class being queried. When more than one
database entry matches the full name and class, precedence rules are used to select just one. The full
name and class are scanned from left to right (from highest level in the hierarchy to lowest), one
component at a time. At each level, the corresponding component and/or binding of each matching entry
is determined, and these matching components and bindings are compared according to precedence
rules. Each of the rules is applied at each level, before moving to the next level, until a rule selects a
single entry over all others. The rules (in order of precedence) are:
An entry that contains a matching component (whether name, class, or "?") takes precedence
over entries that elide the level (that is, entries that match the level in a loose binding).
An entry with a matching name takes precedence over both entries with a matching class and
entries that match using "?". An entry with a matching class takes precedence over entries
that match using "?".
An entry preceded by a tight binding takes precedence over entries preceded by a loose
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Programs based on the X Tookit Intrinsics obtain resources from the following sources (other programs
usually support some subset of these sources):
RESOURCE_MANAGER root window property
Any global resources that should be available to clients on all machines should be stored in the
RESOURCE_MANAGER property on the root window of the first screen using the xrdb program.
This is frequently taken care of when the user starts X through the display manager.
SCREEN_RESOURCES root window property
Any resources specific to a given screen (e.g. colors) that should be available to clients on all
machines should be stored in the SCREEN_RESOURCES property on the root window of that
screen. The xrdb program will sort resources automatically and place them in
application-specific files
Directories named by the environment variable XUSERFILESEARChpATH or the environment
variable XAPPLRESDIR, plus directories in a standard place (usually under /usr/lib/X11, but this
can be overridden with the XFILESEARChpATH environment variable) are searched for for
application-specific resources. For example, application default resources are usually kept in
/usr/lib/X11/app-defaults. See the X Toolkit Intrinsics - C Language Interface manual for details.
Any user, and machine specific resources may be specified by setting the XENVIRONMENT
environment variable to the name of a resource file to be loaded by all applications. If this
variable is not defined, a file named “$HOME/.Xdefaults-hostname” is looked for instead, where
hostname is the name of the host where the application is executing.
-xrm resourcestring
Resources can also be specified from the command line. The resourcestring is a single resource
name and value as shown above. If the string contains characters interpreted by the shell (e.g.,
asterisk), they must be quoted. Any number of -xrm arguments may be given on the command
Program resources are organized into groups called classes, so that collections of individual resources
(each of which are called instances) can be set all at once. By convention, the instance name of a
resource begins with a lowercase letter and class name with an uppercase letter. Multiple word resources
are concatenated with the first letter of the succeeding words capitalized. Applications written with the
X Toolkit Intrinsics will have at least the following resources:
background (class Background)
This resource specifies the color to use for the window background.
borderWidth (class BorderWidth)
This resource specifies the width in pixels of the window border.
borderColor (class BorderColor)
This resource specifies the color to use for the window border.
Most applications using the X Toolkit Intrinsics also have the resource foreground (class Foreground),
specifying the color to use for text and graphics within the window.
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By combining class and instance specifications, application preferences can be set quickly and easily.
Users of color displays will frequently want to set Background and Foreground classes to particular
defaults. Specific color instances such as text cursors can then be overridden without having to define all
of the related resources. For example,
XTerm*cutToBeginningOfLine: off
intr ^c erase ^? kill
If these resources were stored in a file called .Xdefaults in your home directory, they could be added to
any existing resources in the server with the following command:
$ xrdb -merge $HOME/.Xdefaults
This is frequently how user-friendly startup scripts merge user-specific defaults into any site-wide
defaults. All sites are encouraged to set up convenient ways of automatically loading resources. See the
Xlib manual section "Resource Manager Functions" for more information.
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The following is a collection of sample command lines for some of the more frequently used commands.
For more information on a particular command, please refer to that command's manual page.
$ xrdb $HOME/.Xdefaults
$ xmodmap -e "keysym BackSpace = Delete"
$ mkfontdir /usr/local/lib/X11/otherfonts
$ xset fp+ /usr/local/lib/X11/otherfonts
$ xmodmap $HOME/
$ xsetroot -solid 'rgbi:.8/.8/.8'
$ xset b 100 400 c 50 s 1800 r on
$ xset q
$ mwm
$ xclock -geometry 48x48-0+0 -bg blue -fg white
$ xlsfonts '*helvetica*'
$ xwininfo -root
$ xhost -joesworkstation
$ xwd | xwud
$ xterm -geometry 80x66-0-0 -name myxterm $*
A wide variety of error messages are generated from various programs. The default error handler in Xlib
(also used by many toolkits) uses standard resources to construct diagnostic messages when errors
occur. The defaults for these messages are usually stored in /usr/lib/X11/XErrorDB. If this file is not
present, error messages will be rather terse and cryptic.
When the X Toolkit Intrinsics encounter errors converting resource strings to the appropriate internal
format, no error messages are usually printed. This is convenient when it is desirable to have one set of
resources across a variety of displays (e.g. color vs. monochrome, lots of fonts vs. very few, etc.),
although it can pose problems for trying to determine why an application might be failing. This behavior
can be overridden by the setting the StringConversionsWarning resource.
To force the X Toolkit Intrinsics to always print string conversion error messages, the following
resource should be placed in the .Xdefaults file in the user's home directory. This file is then loaded into
the RESOURCE_MANAGER property using the xrdb program:
*StringConversionWarnings: on
To have conversion messages printed for just a particular application, the appropriate instance name can
be placed before the asterisk:
xterm*StringConversionWarnings: on
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Page 141
See Also
bdftopcf(1), bitmap(1), fs(1), hpterm(1) mkfontdir(1), mwm(1), xauth(1), xclock(1), xcmsdb(1), xfd(1),
xhost(1), xinitcolor(1), xload(1), xlsfonts(1), xmodmap(1), xpr(1), xprop(1), xrdb(1), xrefresh(1), xset(1),
xsetroot(1), xterm(1), xwd(1), xwininfo(1), xwud(1), Xserver(1), Xlib - C Language X Interface, and X
Toolkit Intrinsics - C Language Interface.
The following copyright and permission notice outlines the rights and restrictions covering most parts of
the core distribution of the X Window System from MIT. Other parts have additional or different
copyrights and permissions; see the individual source files.
Copyright 1984, 1985, 1986, 1987, 1988, 1989, 1990, 1991 by the Massachusetts Institute of
Permission to use, copy, modify, distribute, and sell this software and its documentation for any purpose
is hereby granted without fee, provided that the above copyright notice appear in all copies and that both
that copyright notice and this permission notice appear in supporting documentation, and that the name
of MIT not be used in advertising or publicity pertaining to distribution of the software without specific,
written prior permission. MIT makes no representations about the suitability of this software for any
purpose. It is provided "as is" without express or implied warranty.
X Window System is a trademark of MIT.
A cast of thousands, literally. The MIT Release 5 distribution is brought to you by the MIT X
Consortium. The names of all people who made it a reality will be found in the individual documents
and source files. The staff members at MIT responsible for this release are: Donna Converse (MIT X
Consortium), Stephen Gildea (MIT X Consortium), Susan Hardy (MIT X Consortium), Jay Hersh (MIT
X Consortium), Keith Packard (MIT X Consortium), David Sternlicht (MIT X Consortium), Bob
Scheifler (MIT X Consortium), and Ralph Swick (Digital/MIT Project Athena).
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Appendix B: X Server Reference Page
X: X Window System server
:displaynumber [-option] <ttyname>
"X" is the generic name for the window system server. It is started by the dtlogin program which is
typically run by init(1M). Alternatively, it may be started from the xinit(1) program, which is called by
x11start. The <displaynumber> argument is used by clients in their DISPLAY environment variables to
indicate which server to contact (machines may have several displays attached). This number can be any
number. If no number is specified 0 is used. This number is also used in determining the names of
various startup files. The ttyname argument is passed in by init and isn't used.
The Hewlett-Packard server has support for the following protocols:
The server listens on port 6000+n, where n is the display number.
Local Socket IPC Mechanism
The file name for the socket is /var/spool/sockets/X11/* where "*" is the display number.
Shared Memory IPC
If the Shared Memory Transport (SMT) option is enabled in the Xserver, this will be the default
connection that the X Library will use to connect to an X server on the same machine if the
DISPLAY environment variable is set to "local:*" or ":*" where "*" is the number of the display.
Currently, SMT is not enabled by default. Please see /etc/X11/X0screens and/or
/usr/lib/X11/Xserver/info/screens/hp for more information about SMT.
When the server starts up, it takes over the display. If you are running on a workstation whose console is
the display, you cannot log into the console while the server is running.
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The following options can be given on the command line to the X server.
-a <number>
Sets pointer acceleration (i.e., the ratio of how much is reported to how much the user actually
moved the pointer).
-audit <level>
Sets the audit trail level. The default level is 1, meaning only connection rejections are reported.
Level 2 additionally reports all successful connections and disconnects. Level 4 enables
messages from the SECURITY extension, including generation and revocation of authorizations
and violations of the security policy. Level 0 turns off the audit trail. Audit lines are sent as
standard-error output.
-auth <authorization-file>
Specifies a file which contains a collection of authorization records used to authenticate access.
Disables certain kinds of error checking, for bug compatibility with previous releases (e.g., to
work around bugs in R2 and R3 xterms and toolkits). Deprecated.
Disables backing-store support on all screens.
Turns off key-click.
c <volume>
Sets key-click volume (allowable range: 0-100).
-co <filename>
Sets name of RGB color database.
Causes the server to generate a core dump on fatal errors.
-dpi <resolution>
Sets the resolution of the screen, in dots per inch. To be used when the server cannot determine
the screen size from the hardware.
-f <volume>
Sets beep (bell) volume (allowable range: 0-100).
-fc <cursorFont>
Sets default cursor font.
-fn <font>
Sets the default font.
-fp <fontPath>
Sets the search path for fonts. This path is a comma-separated list of directories which the server
searches for font databases.
Prints a usage message.
Causes all remaining command-line arguments to be ignored.
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Turns on the X Window System logo display in the screen-saver. There is currently no way to
change this from a client. You also need to specify -v to enable the logo to appear.
Turns off the X Window System logo display in the screen-saver. There is currently no way to
change this from a client.
-p <minutes>
Sets screen-saver pattern cycle time in minutes.
Allows X server to run even if one or more communications mechanisms fails to initialize.
Permits the server to continue running if it fails to establish all of its well-known sockets, but
establishes at least one.
Turns off keyboard auto-repeat.
Turns on keyboard auto-repeat.
-s <minutes>
Sets screen-saver timeout time in minutes.
-sp <filename>
Causes the server to attempt to read and interpret filename as a security policy file with the
format described in the Security File Format section below. The file is read at server startup and
reread at each server reset. The default file is /etc/X11/SecurityPolicy.
Disables save-under support on all screens.
-t <number>
Sets pointer acceleration threshold in pixels (i.e., after how many pixels pointer acceleration
should take effect).
Causes the server to terminate at server reset, instead of continuing to run.
-to <seconds>
Sets default connection timeout in seconds.
Disables all testing extensions (e.g., XTEST, XTestExtension1).
Ignored; for servers started the ancient way (from init).
Causes server to terminate when all clients disconnect.
Sets video-on screen-saver preference. A window that changes regularly will be used to save the
Sets video-off screen-saver preference. The screen will be blanked to save the screen.
Forces the default backing-store of all windows to be WhenMapped; a less expensive way of
getting backing-store to apply to all windows.
Graphics Administration Guide for HP-UX 10.20
Page 145
You can also have the X server connect to xdm(1) or dtlogin(1X) using XDMCP. Although this is not
typically useful as it doesn't allow xdm to manage the server process, it can be used to debug XDMCP
implementations, and serves as a sample implementation of the server side of XDMCP. The following
options control the behavior of XDMCP.
-query host-name
Enable XDMCP and send Query packets to the specified host.
Enable XDMCP and broadcast BroadcastQuery packets to the network. The first responding
display manager will be chosen for the session.
-indirect <host-name>
Enable XDMCP and send IndirectQuery packets to the specified host.
-port <port-num>
Use an alternate port number for XDMCP packets. Must be specified before any -query, -
broadcast or -indirect options. Default port number is 177.
-class <display-class>
Xdmcp has an additional display qualifier used in resource lookup for display-specific options.
This option sets that value; by default it is "MIT-Unspecified" (not a very useful value).
-cookie <xdm-auth-bits>
When testing XDM-AUTHENTICATION-1, a private key is shared between the server and the
manager. This option sets the value of that private data (not that it's very private, being on the
command line and all. . .).
-displayID <display-id>
Yet another XDMCP specific value, this one allows the display manager to identify each display
so that it can locate the shared key.
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Page 146
Security File Format
The syntax of the security policy file is as follows. Notation: "*" means zero or more occurrences of the
preceding element, and "+" means one or more occurrences. To interpret xxx/yyy, ignore the text after
the /; it is used to distinguish between instances of xxx in the next section.
<policy file>
<version line>
<other line>
::= <version line> <other line> *
::= <string/v> 'n'
::= <comment> | <access rule> | <site policy> |
<blank line>
<comment >
<blank line>
<site policy >
<access rule>
::= # <not newline>* 'n'
::= <space> 'n'
::= <sitepolicy string/sp> 'n'
::= property <property/ar> <window perms> 'n'
::= <string>
::= any | <root> | <required property>
::= <property/rp> | <property with value>
::= <property/rpv> = <string/rv>
::= [ <operation> | <action> | <space> ]*
::= r | w | d
<required property>
<property with value>
::= a | i | e
::= <dbl quoted string> | <single quoted string> |
<unquoted string>
<dbl quoted string>
<single quoted string>
<unquoted string>
::= <space> " <not dqoute>* " <space>
::= <space> ' <not squote>* ' <space>
::= <space> <not space>+ <space>
::= [ ' ' | 't' ]*
Character sets:
<not newline>
<not dqoute>
<not squote>
<not space>
::= any character except 'n'
::= any character except "
::= any character except '
::= any character except those in <space>
The semantics associated with the above syntax are as follows.
<version line>, the first line in the file, specifies the file format version. If the server does not recognize
the version <string/v>, it ignores the rest of the file. The version string for the file format described here
is "version-1".
Once past the <version line>, lines that do not match the above syntax are ignored.
<comment lines> are ignored.
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Page 147
<sitepolicy> lines are currently ignored. They are intended to specify the site policies used by the XC-
QUERY-SECURITY-1 authorization method.
<access rule> lines specify how the server should react to untrusted client requests that affect the X
Window property named <property/ar>. The rest of this section describes the interpretation of an access
For an <access rule> to apply to a given instance of <property/ar>, <property/ar> must be on a
window that is in the set of windows specified by <window>. If <window> is any, the rule applies to
<property/ar> on any window. If <window> is root, the rule applies to <property/ar> only on root
If <window> is required property, the following apply. If required property is a <property/rp>, the rule
applies when the <window> also has that <property/rp>, regardless of its value. If required property is
a <property with value>, <property/rpv > must also have the value specified by <string/rv>. In this
case, the property must have type STRING and format 8, and should contain one or more null-terminated
strings. If any of the strings match <string/rv>, the rule applies.
The definition of string matching is simple case-sensitive string comparison with one elaboration: the
occurence of the character '*' in <string/rv> is a wildcard meaning "any string." A <string/rv> can
contain multiple wildcards anywhere in the string. For example, "x*" matches strings that begin with x,
"*x" matches strings that end with x, "*x*" matches strings containing x, and "x*y*" matches strings
that start with x and subsequently contain y.
There may be multiple <access rule> lines for a given <property/ar>. The rules are tested in the order
that they appear in the file. The first rule that applies is used.
<perms> specify operations that untrusted clients may attempt, and the actions that the server should
take in response to those operations.
<operation> can be r (read), w (write), or d (delete). The following table shows how X Protocol
property requests map to these operations in The Open Group server implementation.
r, or r and d if delete=True
r and w
none, untrusted clients can always list all properties
<action> can be "a" (allow), "i" (ignore), or "e" (error). "Allow" means execute the request as if it had
been issued by a trusted client. "Ignore" means treat the request as a no-op. In the case of GetProperty,
ignore means return an empty property value if the property exists, regardless of its actual value. "Error"
means do not execute the request and return a BadAtom error with the atom set to the property name.
Error is the default action for all properties, including those not listed in the security policy file.
Graphics Administration Guide for HP-UX 10.20
Page 148
An <action> applies to all <operations> that follow it, until the next <action> is encountered. Thus,
"irwad" means "ignore read and write, allow delete."
GetProperty and RotateProperties may do multiple operations (r and d, or r and w). If different actions
apply to the operations, the most severe action is applied to the whole request; there is no partial request
execution. The severity ordering is:
allow < ignore < error
Thus, if the <perms> for a property are ired (ignore read, error delete), and an untrusted client attempts
GetProperty on that property with delete=True, an error is returned, but the property value is not.
Similarly, if any of the properties in a RotateProperties do not allow both read and write, an error is
returned without changing any property values.
Here is an example security policy file.
# Allow reading of application resources, but not writing.
root ar iw
root ar iw
# Ignore attempts to use cut buffers. Giving errors causes apps to crash,
# and allowing access may give away too much information.
property CUT_BUFFER0 root irw
property CUT_BUFFER1 root irw
property CUT_BUFFER2 root irw
property CUT_BUFFER3 root irw
property CUT_BUFFER4 root irw
property CUT_BUFFER5 root irw
property CUT_BUFFER6 root irw
property CUT_BUFFER7 root irw
# If you are using Motif, you may want these.
root ar iw
property _MOTIF_DRAG_WINDOW root ar iw
property _MOTIF_DRAG_TARGETS any ar iw
property _MOTIF_DRAG_ATOMS any ar iw
property _MOTIF_DRAG_ATOM_PAIRS any ar iw
# The next two rules let xwininfo -tree work when untrusted.
property WM_NAME
any ar
# Allow read of WM_CLASS, but only for windows with WM_NAME.
# This might be more restrictive than necessary, but demonstrates
# the <required property> facility, and is also an attempt to
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Page 149
# say "top level windows only."
property WM_CLASS
# These next three let xlsclients work untrusted. Think carefully
# before including these; giving away the client machine name and command
# may be exposing too much.
property WM_STATE
property WM_COMMAND WM_NAME ar
# To let untrusted clients use the standard colormaps created by
# xstdcmap, include these lines.
root ar
property RGB_BEST_MAP root ar
property RGB_RED_MAP root ar
property RGB_GREEN_MAP root ar
property RGB_BLUE_MAP root ar
property RGB_GRAY_MAP root ar
# To let untrusted clients use the color management database created
# by xcmsdb, include these lines.
property XDCCC_GRAY_CORRECTION root ar
# To let untrusted clients use the overlay visuals that many vendors
# support, include this line.
# property names and explicit specification of error conditions
property "property with spaces" 'property with "'
aw er ed
# Allow deletion of Woo-Hoo if window also has property OhBoy with value
# ending in "son". Reads and writes will cause an error.
property Woo-Hoo
OhBoy = "*son" ad
Graphics Administration Guide for HP-UX 10.20
Page 150
Running From INIT
Though X will usually be run by dtlogin from init, it is possible to run X directly from init. For
information about running X from dtlogin, see the dtlogin man page.
To run X directly from init, it is necessary to modify /etc/inittab and /etc/gettydefs. Detailed information
on these files may be obtained from the inittab(4) and gettydefs(4) man pages.
To run X from init on display 0, with a login xterm running on /dev/ttypf, in init state 3, the following
line must be added to /etc/inittab:
X0:3:respawn:env PATH=/bin:/usr/bin/X11:/usr/bin xinit -L ttyqf -- :0
To run X with a login hpterm, the following should be used instead:
X0:3:respawn:env PATH=/bin:/usr/bin/X11:/usr/bin xinit hpterm =+1+1
-n login -L ttyqf -- :0
In addition, the following line must be added to /etc/gettydefs (this should be a single line):
00#X login: #Xwindow
There should not be a getty running against the display whenever X is run from xinit.
Granting Access
The sample server implements a simplistic authorization protocol, MIT-MAGIC-COOKIE-1 which uses
data private to authorized clients and the server. This is a rather trivial scheme; if the client passes
authorization data which is the same as the server has, it is allowed access. This scheme is inferior to
host-based access control mechanisms in environments with unsecure networks as it allows any host to
connect, given that it has discovered the private key. But in many environments, this level of security is
better than the host-based scheme as it allows access control per-user instead of per-host.
In addition, the server provides support for a DES-based authorization scheme, XDM-
AUTHORIZATION-1, which is more secure (given a secure key distribution mechanism), but as DES is
not generally distributable, the implementation is missing routines to encrypt and decrypt the
authorization data. This authorization scheme can be used in conjunction with XDMCP's authentication
scheme, XDM-AUTHENTICATION-1 or in isolation.
The authorization data is passed to the server in a private file named with the -auth command line
option. Each time the server is about to accept the first connection after a reset (or when the server is
starting), it reads this file. If this file contains any authorization records, the local host is not
automatically allowed access to the server, and only clients which send one of the authorization records
contained in the file in the connection setup information will be allowed access. See the Xau manual
Graphics Administration Guide for HP-UX 10.20
Page 151
page for a description of the binary format of this file. Maintenance of this file, and distribution of its
contents to remote sites for use there is left as an exercise for the reader.
The sample server also uses a host-based access control list for deciding whether or not to accept
connections from clients on a particular machine. This list initially consists of the host on which the
server is running as well as any machines listed in the file /etc/Xn.hosts, where n is the display number
of the server. Each line of the file should contain an Internet hostname (e.g., There
should be no leading or trailing spaces on any lines. For example:
Users can add or remove hosts from this list and enable or disable access control using the xhost
command from the same machine as the server. For example:
% xhost +janesworkstation janesworkstation being added to access control list
% xhost +
% xhost -
% xhost
All hosts being allowed (access control disabled)
All hosts being restricted (access control enabled)
Access control enabled; only the following hosts are allowed:
The X server attaches special meaning to the following signals:
This signal causes the server to close all existing connections, free all resources, and restore all
defaults. It is sent by the display manager (xdm or dtlogin) whenever the main user's main
application exits to force the server to clean up and prepare for the next user.
This signal causes the server to exit cleanly.
This signal is used quite differently from either of the above. When the server starts, it checks to
see if it has inherited SIGUSR1 as SIG_IGN instead of the usual SIG_DFL. In this case, the
server sends a SIGUSR1 to its parent process after it has set up the various connection schemes.
Xdm uses this feature to recognize when connecting to the server is possible.
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Fonts are usually stored as individual files in directories. The list of directories in which the server looks
when trying to open a font is controlled by the font path. Although most sites will choose to have the
server start up with the appropriate font path (using the -fp option mentioned above), it can be
overridden using the xset program.
Font databases are created by running the mkfontdir or stmkdirs program in the directory containing the
compiled versions of the fonts (mkfontdir) or font outlines (stmkdirs.) Whenever fonts are added to a
directory, mkfontdir or stmkdirs should be rerun so that the server can find the new fonts. If mkfontdir or
stmkdirs is not run, the server will not be able to find any of the new fonts in the directory.
In addition, the X server supports font servers. A font server is a networked program that supplies fonts
to X servers and other capable programs. In order to communicate with a font server, the font servers
address must be supplied as part of the X server's font path. A font server's address is specified as:
where <transport> is always tcp, <hostname> is the hostname of the machine being connected to (no
hostname means a local connection) and <port-number> is the tcp address that the font server is
listening at (typically 7000).
Too numerous to list them all. If run from CDE, errors are logged in the file /var/dt/Xerrors.
Graphics Administration Guide for HP-UX 10.20
Page 153
Script for the init process
Speed and terminal settings used by getty
Initial access control list
Top level font directory
Color database
Color database
Color database
IPC mechanism socket
Error log file
Input devices used by the server. This file contains
many example configurations.
Screens used by the server. This file contains many
example configurations.
Keyboard pointer device file. This file contains
many example configurations.
Key device database used by the X server.
Default Security Policy file used by the X server.
The option syntax is inconsistent between itself and xset(1).
The acceleration option should take a numerator and a denominator like the protocol.
The color database is missing a large number of colors. However, there doesn't seem to be a better one
available that can generate RGB values.
Copyright 1996, 1998 The Open Group
Copyright 1984-1992 Massachusetts Institute of Technology
Copyright 1992 Hewlett Packard Company
See X(1) for a full statement of rights and permissions.
MIT Distribution
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See Also
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Page 155
Appendix C: Low BandWidth X Proxy
lbxproxy: Low BandWidth X proxy
lbxproxy [:<display>] [<option>]
Applications that would like to take advantage of the Low Bandwidth extension to X (LBX) must make
their connections to an lbxproxy. These applications don't need to know anything about LBX, they
simply connect to the lbxproxy as if were a regular server. The lbxproxy accepts client connections,
multiplexes them over a single connection to the X server, and performs various optimizations on the X
protocol to make it faster over low bandwidth and/or high latency connections.
With regard to authentication/authorization, lbxproxy simply passes along to the server the credentials
presented by the client. Since X clients will connect to lbxproxy, it is important that the user's
.Xauthority file contain entries with valid keys associated with the network ID of the proxy. lbxproxy
does not get involved with how these entries are added to the .Xauthority file. The user is responsible for
setting it up.
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Page 156
The lbxproxy program has various options, all of which are optional.
If :<display> is specified, the proxy will use the given display port when listening for connections. The
display port is an offset from port 6000, identical to the way in which regular X display connections are
specified. If no port is specified on the command line option, lbxproxy will default to port 63. If the port
number that the proxy tries to listen on is in use, the proxy will attempt to use another port number. If
the proxy is not using the Proxy Manager and the default port number cannot be used, the port number
that is used will be written to stderr.
The other command line options that can be specified are:
Prints a brief help message about the command line options.
-display <dpy>
Specifies the address of the X server supporting the LBX extension. If this option is not
specified, the display is obtained by the DISPLAY environment variable.
-motion <count>
A limited number of pointer motion events are allowed to be in flight between the server and the
proxy at any given time. The maximimum number of motion events that can be in flight is set
with this option; the default is 8.
-maxservers <number >
The default behavior of lbxproxy is to manage a single server. However, lbxproxy can manage
more than one server. The default maximum number of servers is 20. The number of servers can
be overridden by setting the environment variable LBXPROXY_MAXSERVERS to the desired
number. The order of precedence from highest to lowest: command line, environment variable,
default number.
The default behavior of lbxproxy is to continue running as usual when its last client exits. The
-terminate option will cause lbxproxy to exit when the last client exits. The -reset option will
cause lbxproxy to reset itself when the last client exits. Resetting causes lbxproxy to clean up its
state and reconnect to the server.
The default behavior of lbxproxy is to exit when its connection to the server is broken. The
-reconnect option will cause lbxproxy to just reset instead (see -reset above) and attempt to
reconnect to the server.
Causes all remaining arguments to be ignored.
Disables all LBX optimizations.
Disables stream compression.
Disables delta request substitutions.
Disables usage of tags.
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Page 157
Disables reencoding of graphics requests (not including image-related requests).
Disables image compression.
Disables squishing of X events.
Disables short circuiting of InternAtom requests.
Disables reading of the atoms control file. See the section on "Atom Control" for more details.
-atomsfile <file>
Overrides the default AtomControl file. See the section on "Atom Control" for more details.
Disables GetWindowAttributes/GetGeometry grouping into one round trip.
Disables colormap grabbing.
Disables color name to RGB resolution in proxy.
-rgbfile <path>
Specifies an alternate RGB database for color name to RGB resolution.
-tagcachesize <size>
Set the size of the proxy's tag cache (in bytes).
-zlevel <leve>l
Set the Zlib compression level (used for stream compression):
6: default
1: worst compression, fastest
9: best compression, slowest
Report stream compression statistics every time the proxy resets or receives a SIGHUP signal.
Don't zero out unused pad bytes in X requests, replies, and events.
Allows cheating on X protocol for the sake of improved performance. The X protocol guarantees
that any replies, events or errors generated by a previous request will be sent before those of a
later request. This puts substantial restrictions on when lbxproxy can short circuit a request. The
-cheaterrors option allows lbxproxy to violate X protocol rules with respect to errors. Use at
your own risk.
The -cheatevents option allows lbxproxy to violate X protocol rules with respect to events as well
as errors. Use at your own risk.
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Page 158
Atom Control
At startup, lbxproxy "pre-interns" a configurable list of atoms. This allows lbxproxy to intern a group of
atoms in a single round trip and immediately store the results in its cache.
While running, lbxproxy uses heuristics to decide when to delay sending window property data to the
server. The heuristics depend on the size of the data, the name of the property, and whether a window
manager is running through the same lbxproxy.
Atom control is specified in the /etc/X11/lbxproxy/AtomControl file, set up during installation of
lbxproxy, with command-line overrides.
The file is a simple text file. There are three forms of lines: comments, length control, and name control.
Lines starting with a "!" are treated as comments. A line of the form
z <length>
specifies the minimum length in bytes before property data will be delayed. A line of the form
<options> <atomname>
controls the given atom, where <options> is any combination of the following characters: "i" means the
atom should be pre-interned; "n" means data for properties with this name should never be delayed; and
"w" means data for properties with this name should be delayed only if a window manager is also
running through the same lbxproxy.
When the authorization protocol XDM-AUTHORIZATION-1 is used:
A client must be on the same host as lbxproxy for the client to be authorized to connect to the server.
If a client is not on the same host as lbxproxy, the client will not be authorized to connect to the server.
The Open Group
See Also
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Page 159
Appendix D: RX Netscape Navigator Plug-in
libxrx: RX Netscape Navigator Plugin
The RX Plugin may be used with Netscape Navigator (3.0 or later) to interpret documents in the RX
MIME type format and start remote applications.
The RX Plugin reads an RX document, from which it gets the list of services the application wants to
use. Based on this information, the RX Plugin sets the various requested services, including creating
authorization keys. It then passes the relevant data, such as the X display name, to the application
through an HTTP GET request of the associated CGI script. The Web server then executes the CGI
script to start the application. The client runs on the web server host connected to your X server. In
addition when the RX document is used within the <embed> tag (a Netscape extension to HTML), the
RX Plugin uses the XC-APPGROUP extension, to cause the remote application to be embedded within
the browser page from which it was launched.
To install the RX Plugin so that Netscape Navigator can use it, copy the file named
/usr/lib/X11R6/libxrx.6.3 to either /usr/local/lib/netscape/plugins or $HOME/.netscape/plugins.
If you have configured Netscape Navigator to use the RX helper program (xrx), you must reconfigure it.
Generally you simply need to remove or comment out the line you may have previously added in your
mailcap file to use the RX helper program. Otherwise the plugin will not be enabled. (The usual
comment character for mailcap is #.)
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Page 160
If you are already running Netscape Navigator, you need to exit and restart it after copying the plugin
library so the new plugin will be found. Once this is done you can check that Navigator has successfully
loaded the plugin by checking the About Plugins page from the Help menu. This should show something
RX Plugin
File name: /usr/local/lib/netscape/plugins/libxrx.6.3
X Remote Activation Plugin
Mime Type
X Remote Activation Plugin xrx
Once correctly configured, Netscape Navigator will activate the RX Plugin whenever you retrieve any
document of the MIME type application/x-rx.
The RX Plugin looks for resources associated with the widget netscape.Navigator (class
Netscape.TopLevelShell) and understands the following resource names and classes:
xrxFastWebServers (class XrxFastWebServers)
The web servers for which LBX should not be used. Its value is a comma-separated list of
mask/value pairs to be used to filter web servers, based on their address. The mask part specifies
which segments of the address are to be considered and the value part specifies what the result
should match. For instance, the following list:,
matches the address sets: 198.112.45.* and 198.112.46.*. More precisely, the test is:
(address & mask) == value.
xrxTrustedWebServers (class XrxTrustedWebServers)
The web servers from which remote applications should be run as trusted clients. The default is
to run remote applications as untrusted clients. The resource value is a list of address mask/value
pairs, as previously described.
Graphics Administration Guide for HP-UX 10.20
Page 161
If the RX document requests X-UI-LBX service and the default X server does not advertise the LBX
extension, the RX Plugin will look for the environment variable XREALDISPLAY to get a second
address for your X server and look for the LBX extension there. When running your browser through
lbxproxy you will need to set XREALDISPLAY to the actual address of your server if you wish remote
applications to be able to use LBX across the Internet.
If the RX document requests XPRINT service, RX Plugin looks for the variable XPRINTER to get the
printer name and X Print server address to use. If the server address is not specified as part of
XPRINTER, RX Plugin uses the first one specified through the variable XPSERVERLIST when it is
set. When it is not RX Plugin then tries to use the video server as the print server. If the printer name is
not specified via XPRINTER, RX Plugin looks for it in the variables PDPRINTER, then LPDEST, and
finally PRINTER.
When an authorization key is created for a remote application to use the X Print service, the RX Plugin
has to create the key with an infinite timeout since nobody knows when the application will actually
connect to the X Print server. It then revokes the key when its instance is destroyed (that is when you go
to another page). However, if the plugin does not get destroyed properly, which happens when Netscape
Navigator dies unexpectedly, the print authorization key will never get revoked.
The Open Group
See Also
Graphics Administration Guide for HP-UX 10.20
Page 162
Appendix E: Proxy Manager Service
proxymngr: Proxy Manager Service
proxymngr [-config <filename>] [-timeout <seconds>] [-retries <#>-verbose]
The proxy manager (proxymngr) is responsible for resolving requests from xfindproxy (and other similar
clients), starting new proxies when appropriate, and keeping track of all of the available proxy services.
The proxy manager strives to reuse existing proxies whenever possible.
There are two types of proxies that the proxy manager deals with: managed and unmanaged proxies. A
managed proxy is a proxy that is started "on demand" by the proxy manager. An unmanaged proxy, on
the other hand, is started either at system boot time, or manually by a system administrator. The proxy
manager is made aware of its existence, but no attempt is made by the proxy manager to start
unmanaged proxies.
The command line options that can be specified to proxymngr are:
Used to override the default proxymngr config file. See below for more details about the config
Sets the number of seconds between attempts made by the proxy manager to find an unmanaged
proxy. The default is 10.
Sets the maximum number of retries made by the proxy manager to find an unmanaged proxy.
The default is 3.
Causes various debugging and tracing records to be displayed as requests are received and
proxies are started.
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Page 163
Proxy Manager Config File
The proxy manager maintains a local configuration file describing the proxy services available. This
configuration file is installed in /etc/X11/proxymngr/pmconfig during the installation of proxymngr. The
location of the configuration file can be overwritten using the -config command line option.
Aside from lines starting with an exclamation point for comments, each line of the configuration file
describes either an unmanaged or managed proxy service.
For unmanaged proxies, the format is:
<service-name> unmanaged <proxy-address>
<service-name> is the name of the unmanaged proxy service, and must not contain any spaces; for
example, LBX. service-name is case insenstive.
<proxy-address> is the network address of the unmanaged proxy. The format of the address is specific
to the <service-name>. For example, for the LBX service, the <proxy-address> might be
If there is more than one entry in the config file with the same unmanaged <service-name>, the proxy
manager will try to use the proxies in the order presented in the config file.
For managed proxies, the format is:
<service-name> managed <command-to-start-proxy>
<service-name> is the name of the managed proxy service, and must not contain any spaces, for
example LBX. service-name is case insensitive.
<command-to-start-proxy> is the command executed by the proxy manager to start a new instance of
the proxy. If <command-to-start-proxy> contains spaces, the complete command should be surrounded
by single quotes. If desired, <command-to-start-proxy> can be used to start a proxy on a remote
machine. The specifics of the remote execution method used to do this is not specified here.
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Here is a sample configuration file:
! proxy manager config file
! Each line has the format:
lbx managed /usr/bin/X11/lbxproxy -display dispName:0.0 :1
Proxy Manager Details
When the proxy manager gets a request from xfindproxy (or another similar client), its course of action
will depend on the <service-name> in question.
For a managed proxy service, the proxy manager will find out if any of the already running proxies for
this service can handle a new request. If not, the proxy manager will attempt to start up a new instance
of the proxy (using the <command-to-start-proxy> found in the config file). If that fails, an error will be
returned to the caller.
For an unmanaged proxy service, the proxy manager will look in the config file to find all unmanaged
proxies for this service. If there is more than one entry in the config file with the same unmanaged
<service-name>, the proxy manager will try to use the proxies in the order presented in the config file.
If none of the unmanged proxies can satisfy the request, the proxy manager will timeout for a
configurable amount of time (specified by -timeout or default of 10) and reattempt to find an unmanaged
proxy willing to satisfy the request. The number of retries can be specified by the -retries argument, or a
default of 3 will be used. If the retries fail, the proxy manager has no choice but to return an error to the
caller (since the proxy manager cannot start unmanaged proxy services).
The proxy manager listen port should be configurable.
-timeout and -retries are not implemented in proxymngr.
proxymngr does not utilize the "options" and "host" fields in the proxy management protocol
GetProxyAddr request.
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Appendix F: Locate Proxy Services
xfindproxy: Locate Proxy Services
xfindproxy -manager <managerAddr > -name <serviceName> -server <serverAddr> [-auth] [-host
<hostAddr>] [-options <opts>]
xfindproxy is a program used to locate available proxy services. It utilizes the Proxy Management
Protocol to communicate with a proxy manager. The proxy manager keeps track of all available proxy
services, starts new proxies when necessary, and makes sure that proxies are shared whenever possible.
The -manager argument is required, and it specifies the network address of the proxy manager. The
format of the address is a standard ICE network ID (for example, "tcp/").
The -name argument is required, and it specifies the name of the desired proxy service (for example,
"LBX"). The name is case-insensitive.
The -server argument is also required, and it specifies the address of the target server. The format of the
address is specific to the proxy service specified with the -name argument. For example, for a proxy
service of "LBX", the address would be an X display address (e.g, "").
The -auth argument is optional. If specified, xfindproxy will read two lines from standard input. The
first line is an authorization/authentication name, and the second line is the authorization/authentication
data in hex format (the same format used by xauth). xfindproxy will pass this auth data to the proxy, and
in most cases, will be used by the proxy to authorize/authenticate itself to the target server.
The -host argument is optional. If xfindproxy starts a new proxy service, it will pass the host specified.
The proxy may choose to restrict all connections to this host. In the event that xfindproxy locates an
already existing proxy, the host will be passed, but the semantics of how the proxy uses this host are
The -options argument is optional. If xfindproxy starts a new proxy service, it will pass any options
specified. The semantics of the options are specific to each proxy server and are not defined here. In the
event that xfindproxy locates an already existing proxy, the options will be passed, but the semantics of
how the proxy uses these options are undefined.
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If xfindproxy is successful in obtaining a proxy address, it will print it to stdout. The format of the proxy
address is specific to the proxy service being used. For example, for a proxy service of "LBX", the proxy
address would be the X display address of the proxy (e.g, "").
If xfindproxy is unsuccessful in obtaining a proxy address, it will print an error to stderr.
The Open Group
See Also
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Page 168
Appendix G: RX Helper Program
xrx: RX Helper Program
xrx [-<toolkitoption> . . .]<filename>
The helper program may be used with any Web browser to interpret documents in the RX MIME type
format and start remote applications.
xrx reads in the RX document specified by its <filename>, from which it gets the list of services the
application wants to use. Based on this information, xrx sets the various requested services, including
creating authorization keys if your X server supports the SECURITY extension. It then passes the
relevant data, such as the X display name, to the application through an HTTP GET request of the
associated CGI script. The Web server then executes the CGI script to start the application. The client
runs on the web server host connected to your X server.
You need to configure your web browser to use xrx for RX documents. Generally the following line in
your $HOME/.mailcap is enough:
application/x-rx; xrx %s
However, you may need to refer to your web browser's documentation for exact instructions on
configuring helper applications.
Once correctly configured, your browser will activate the helper program whenever you retrieve any
document of the MIME type application/x-rx.
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The xrx helper program accepts all of the standard X Toolkit command line options such as:
-xrm <resourcestring>
This option specifies a resource string to be used. There may be several instances of this option on the
command line.
The application class name of the <xrx> program is Xrx and it understands the following application
resource names and classes:
xrxFastWebServers (class XrxFastWebServers)
The web servers for which LBX should not be used. Its value is a comma-separated list of
mask/value pairs to be used to filter web servers, based on their address. The mask part specifies
which segments of the address are to be considered and the value part specifies what the result
should match. For instance, the following list:,
matches the address sets: 198.112.45.* and 198.112.46.*. More precisely, the test is:
(address & mask) == value.
xrxTrustedWebServers (class XrxTrustedWebServers)
The web servers from which remote applications should be run as trusted clients. The default is
to run remote applications as untrusted clients. The resource value is a list of address mask/value
pairs, as previously described.
The <xrx> helper program uses the standard X environment variables such as DISPLAY to get the
default X server host and display number. If the RX document requests X-UI-LBX service and the
default X server does not advertise the LBX extension, <xrx> will look for the environment variable
XREALDISPLAY to get a second address for your X server and look for the LBX extension there. When
running your browser through lbxproxy you will need to set XREALDISPLAY to the actual address of
your server if you wish remote applications to be able to use LBX across the Internet.
If the RX document requests XPRINT service, <xrx> looks for the variable XPRINTER to get the printer
name and X Print server address to use. If the server address is not specified as part of XPRINTER,
<xrx> uses the first one specified through the variable XPSERVERLIST when it is set. When it is not xrx
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then tries to use the video server as the print server. If the printer name is not specified via XPRINTER,
<xrx> looks for it in the variables PDPRINTER, then LPDEST, and finally PRINTER,
When an authorization key is created for a remote application to use the X Print service, the helper
program has to create the key with an infinite timeout since nobody knows when the application will
actually connect to the X Print server. Therefore, in this case, the helper program stays around to revoke
the key when the application goes away (that is when its video key expires). However, if the helper
program dies unexpectedly the print authorization key will never get revoked.
The Open Group
See Also
Graphics Administration Guide for HP-UX 10.20
Page 171
Graco Baby Furniture ISPP062AA User Manual
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